Tuesday, July 30, 2013

rick and dave and tony

David Diachisin who works for the city,,, and his controller is Rick Nelson,,,Torigian now dead' son in law,,he married one of the fice daughters who all went to private schools on the taxpayer dime I might add.  Rick is a deputy fire chief, was his reward for marrying the boss's daughter. David's father was a Lt. and both extremely loyal to the boss, carrying out anything of his wishes.
Now I wonder what those would be.?? huh?  Anyone,,,? Anyone?

Sitting on the couch getting really hit on the side of the leg nearest to David's house and as I looked up saw the sparkle come across my lawn and felt it burn..He has his camera on me at all times the through the wall camera and as soon as he saw me look up stopped. Now back to Rick the dick.

Rick thinks his father in law created the elderly bus in Peabody, but the idea came from Gov. Dukakais he started THE RIDE.. Oh yeah the Ride bus driver last time picked me up at Market Basket,name of Tony,, big guy,,very Italian. Now my concern with this is,,,, Tony works for The Ride,,Tony is and knows all about Peabody. and now all about me.. , Rick does not want me to have access to any transport... Rick would like to have The Ride kick me off as well. We shall see.

We discussed  Torigian and got into it,,he told me never to start a fight I cannot finish,,,well for one thing I didn't know I was in a fight. I though I had a right to speak out ,,,that I thought 2 golf courses in our town for a rich man's game with a stick and a ball tied up just to much land..I was thinking of starting a fund to buy the land all of it and keep it for    ALL  the citizens of Peabody to use, what about a municipal swimming pool with hefty fees like the Y, that could be converted to skating in winter, sleigh rides.. hayrides,, lots of things for families to do..

 This is my thinking. Or a private wood preserve,promote animals to live there,,I mean a wild animal park with hefty fees.. Why not..It could of been so many things beside a golf course..For Everyone.  Ok,, or just woods...woods within a town is so unusual.. Usually they are all built up. the only reason this was fallow is because ,,because,, i have no idea.

 Oh well, I felt it my duty to speak out and make a good effort as to what I wanted to do..I knew it was a done deal. I didn't realize I was risking my life and limb, or that I was disloyal to Napolean.. his nickname.

Leslie bowed out at the city hall meeting..I never do this again,,I;m quitting.. he terrified her on walking in the room.. Crying, she's a nervous nelly anyway.  
Maybe she got lucky for Torigian never went after her,,just me. Don't know why,,i think he felt threatened by me..

So now I called the Peabody Elderly center and put my name on the list for the market tomorrow,,I wonder if they will break in and break stuff as they have done in the past. Or beat the shit out of me tonight like they did this morning..I will still try to get some pics of what they are doing..

I will never give up to these fucking death squad Nazis.

Modells and costco

There have been several explosions,, last night in Florida a propane tank company ,,Blue Rhino went up in flames.. 53,000 tanks.

There was another explosion in Texas a month ago, wiped out a business. Can't remember what,, but it was huge.

One wonders and now Costco is selling survivalist food,, I have shopped there since San Diego. 1982? ish. They are now selling survivalist food. I was thinking of buying some just in case. It lasts for years also a compressor and generator.  Nothing wrong with a little preparation. I was so startled to see Costco selling survival food,, is this a business move or do they know something I do not.. I believe Costco is run by Christian Fundamentalists.. It has been successful and it has changed with the years.. It used to be a good bargain, but now,,well things are much higher and sometimes much higher than other stores..

 I found out how the store works,,they charge a large fee for membership and then use it to buy goods at cost?  Or surplus, many of their prices are higher and some are lower and sometime the quality is very questionable sometimes the quality is very good, and they do have a good refund system.

 I bought my Apple performa computer from them back in 95 ish and the damn thing kept crashing,,I , a new computer person thought it was my fault. This is the computer that EG hacked later and later Apple requested I send my hard drive in to be fixed... Only then did I realize it was not my fault,boy was I pissed. It is funny about blogging, I was blogging back then but had no idea what it was called,,as seems usual in my life, the term had not been invented yet. Like harassment, or no fault divorce. Yeah  and like other issues.

These are only a few of the issues that I ran into in my life that has occurred that make me believe I am, like others a Modell. a person whose life is on the first 100 of the bell curve swing on the x-y chart. I think people readily exist like this, because someone has to start trends,,political, social, food, clothing all are trends that move through our society. 

I first noticed this when I was much younger the first time within my memory I noticed was bell bottom jeans.. I wore them when I was ten years old, much before the hippy regime. They were light blue and I had two pair,, treasured. 

I could  not find bell bottoms anywhere,except at this Army and Navy store,  everyone was wearing flats and capris pants..short and skinny. I proudly wore my bell bottoms,,I wonder if this was to foretell my joining the Navy so many years later which by the way was an accident of age. The Navy and Army have the oldest enlistment age,,I barely got under the wire with the Navy by 2 months otherwise it would have been the Army.

 I first read of modells in a book about revolutions, I was doing some reading for Clinton, yes that Clinton,, about the structure of revolutions and it was in one of them. 

 Luck or fate you figure.
I just read that there is a promotion freeze on within the military..Are we broke yet?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Threat Assessment


Getting Threat Analysis and Assessment Right after Sept.11th: Eleven Years Later…

It is human nature to be a hypocrite, but not every human succumbs to this irreverent tendency. However, in the National Security world hypocrisy is a fact. Never more so than in its effort to define or more specifically characterize threats to our national interest.
National Security experts will often find a threat where there is none and deny a threat exists where there is one. This tendency can and does have a drastic effect on the decisions made by policy makers and doctrine writers, national vulnerability assessment and risk management efforts, and those who implement, manage, operate and test security measures related to the effective protection of national assets.
In what should be a linear approach to threat determination (i.e. intelligence collection, then information analysis, then threat definition) the National Security establishment is subject to considerable outside influences, such as political and non-political agendas, budgetary excesses and constraints, or organizational rice bowls (not an official term). Understanding and properly characterizing threats are how we effectively defend ourselves and protect our interests. When a threat is not clearly defined and properly understood, we afford our adversaries an opportunity to not only attack us, but to complete their intended objectives.
Admittedly there is no easy solution to this multifaceted problem because it is part of our National Security culture. Consequently, 11 years after the attacks of 9/11 we are still struggling to properly identify and communicate threats. This has never been better illustrated than in the aftermath of theattacks on the consulate in Libya on September 11, 2012, as we continue to discover an appalling trail of indicators that an attack was eminent.
In the weeks and months following the 9/11 (2001) attacks, the National Security establishment took steps to correct what had been perceived as a mistake in threat assessment and analysis. Most agree now that the National Security establishment did not give Osama Bin-Laden and his network of terrorists enough credit.
The 9/11 Commission pointed out many deficiencies that existed in the federal government, and some specific to the operations within the US Intelligence Community (IC). These same deficiencies are believed to have contributed to Al Qaeda’s mission not being successfully detected prior to execution.
But two of the most poignant improvements suggested by the Commission were first, to create methods to better share intelligence-related information among the IC and within the broader federal government. The second improvement was directed at Threat Analysis and Assessment, or what the Commission sited as a lack of imagination among National Security leaders of the time.
The first suggestion, to improve intelligence related information flow among federal agencies, was followed up by a law being enacted (the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004) as well as dozens of other executive orders, congressional mandates and national directives. Many federal agencies and their contractor counter parts adopted a wide variety Information Sharing policies and process, some more successful than others (the success and failures of Information Sharing is a topic for an entirely different discussion).
On the other hand, the policies and processes needed to unify our efforts to define threats effectively have lagged significantly. Besides the inhibitors mentioned earlier (politics, budgets, and rice bowls), threat definition and characterization continues to be an inherently subjective undertaking.
Some agencies have taken to a mathematical approach to determine what a threat may consist of. However good intentioned the use of a quantitative method may be, there are significant shortcomings with this approach. For example, a numerical system of threat definition cannot account for the asymmetric adversary or even the “black swan” theory. Although the numerical system is less subjective in a few areas, it leaves many threat concerns either unanswered or wide open to uneducated guessing.
By contrast to the quantitative method, many agencies use what I like to call the “three blind mice” concept, which consists of intra-agency Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) developing threat hypothesis based on a limited input of information (usually gathered from within their own agency).
Granted, these two examples may be limited in use (or not) and extreme in their perspective, but it is a reality as to how the organizations within our National Security framework operate. The need for a set of objective, imaginative, unified, and full spectrum threat analysis and assessment policies and processes is long overdue, eleven years overdue at least.
Coming Soon…Part II: Eleven Years Later: Starting Threat Analysis from the Middle Out

Read more: http://sofrep.com/12491/threat-analysis-assessment-post-9-11/#ixzz2aRmfWutk

The genisis of HELL

I was talking to another TI, who mentioned Hell and wishing all perps were to go there, I too wish that if we had a hell, but being an atheist if one does not believe in heaven then that negates hell as well, for without god one cannot have the devil..

I believe much of what we consider sins,,, are our most basic instincts that OPPOSE a structured society. In other words to murder you neighbor , or steal from your neighbor is not something that would promote peace or a structured peaceful society. Those actions promote chaos and the opposite of a structured peaceful society.

I was reading The New Testament at one time A revision of the Challoner-Rheims version.. it states on page 14,

"Raca' shall be liable to sanhendrin and whoever says thou Fool!'  shall be liable to the fire of Gehenna."

The footnote explains,,, Raca' means empty headed. Fool' seems to denote a rebel against god.  Gehenna; originally the "Valley of Hinnom, where the bodies of criminals were burnt after execution of sentence.

In the New Testement the name is usually applied to hell.

just a sketch and some pics

I do not know why the   background is orange,,,a sugar bowl.

These two pictures are of a relative,, fishing,,, that I took,  kind of artie art,, she can cast further than any male I know,,,and another Ti, explained to me how to make them interesting with movement. I do enjoy them I hope you do too.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

I was a member of the NRA

but It was before all this hoopla..I am not a member now,no guns.  Always owned them since I got married.
 I'm gonna put this article here , it makes sense.   I see his reasoning, for some reason,I do not know why,,I feel uncomfortable about it and that is good.

The 4th of July following 9/11, I went to Boston and passed out a paper I wrote to the military to get off our soil,they had no right being here domestically.  I saw quite a few reading it ,within their command post trailer. They got the point,maybe we should pass something like that to the military and the police.

Dear Friends in America…

I want to introduce a new writer for SOFREP. Bart and I first met on my trip to Poland, where he found himself translating for me at a book signing event. We stayed in touch, and I asked him if he was interested in covering some European units for us. He’s a great guy, and I’m sure you’ll find his perspective interesting, and perturbing. Welcome to the family, “Sergei.”  -Brandon, Editor
Bart ”Sergei” Norman is a Poland-based firearms instructor and security consultant. A proud member of the Tactical Beard Owners Club, Sergei graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University with a BA in Information Science (Social Media and Open-Source Intelligence), and from The Higher Banking School with an MA in Management Psychology (War on Terror as part of Political Marketing in the US after 9/11). Currently leading a quiet life as Polish Army reservist, Sergei’s main fields of study include: Psychology in Propaganda, Information Security, Open-Source Intelligence, Information Analysis, Conflicts in the Caucasus.

Dear Friends in America…

…I think I should bring your attention to a few recent facts that naturally escape the limelight of glory in the mainstream media. Facts of obviously lesser importance than The New Royal Baby, Zimmerman’s trial and Justin Bieber’s new hairdo, or are they really…
The events that we have all seen in the past months have drawn my inquisitive nose over the great pond and into your part of the globe. And I must say, what I see happening is giving me the creeps.
I do see a significant discrepancy between what you people take for granted yet allow to be step by step taken away from you, and what life is really like here in Europe and the rest of the world. It amazes me how easily people in your country let go of the strings of liberty still in your grasp for a promise of the illusive security and prosperity. Well, sorry ladies and gentlemen, security is only as impenetrable as you make it for yourself, and prosperity only as lucrative as you make it grow with hard work. And it is the same everywhere in the world. The only difference is the amount of difficulties imposed by third parties that make achieving security and prosperity tougher.
As for now, you are all pretty much well off compared to some other parts of this planet. Most of you probably never experienced the strife of living under an oppressive dictatorship or an extremist regime, and the rest probably do not even give a damn about this topic whatsoever. Ignorance is the key to any man’s demise and, sorry to say this, most of you have reached master level in ignorance and I-do-not-give-a-damnism. If it concerns other nations, sure, why should anyone be bothered by problems halfway across the globe! However, if those same problems start to arise in your back garden and you still remain ignorant as if nothing was happening, well in that case, you might as well dig your own grave and just lay down inside the hole because you are on a direct route to ending up there in the near future anyway.
Since it is a hot topic in the recent past, and will probably still be on the agenda for the next few months as well, we might start with firearms. I am a gun-owner, a licensed firearms instructor and an active sport shooter. I advocate for promoting safe use of firearms by responsible citizens I support pro-gun movements focused on familiarising the public with firearms to bust any media-made-up gun myths and so on. Sounds familiar? Good, but unfortunately this is where similarities between you and I end.
I did not get my guns with filling in a background check form, nor did I get any ammo from my local Walmart. Each and every gun that I own and piece of ammunition I have is sanctioned by a full licensing and registration process. The gun law says who can and who can not possess a firearm. By default, no one is allowed to have one unless they provide a legitimate reason to have a gun, pass a police exam, undergo full screening and a psychological health examination.In the end, if the guns are to be used for self-defence the Police Chief has the final say with every license given for self-defence, and the usual answer is a dismissal of the application.
You better not even try using a gun that you have on a sporting permit for self-defence, since that is an outright charge for attempted murder, regardless of the situation and the motives of the person you used the gun against. Did I mention that the Police have the right to revoke my firearms license at any time without prior notice (if, for example, they decide that the reason for giving me a license is no longer valid) and confiscate all guns if they see it necessary? Naturally, as a law-abiding citizen I have the right to appeal in court, but that is only after all my guns and ammo are taken away from me.
Unfortunately, I see that most of you are not active enough when your ruling class is trying to force upon you the same chains as there are already in place on me and countless millions of good people in Europe and the rest of the world. Some countries have it even tougher. UK: outright ban on pistols and most kinds of rifles, guns owned by you have to be stored at your shooting club or the police station, and you can only take them out to the range, full auto air-soft BB guns with muzzle velocity over 350 fps are considered firearms and can land you in jail for a minimum of 5 years. Germany: guns mostly allowed for hunting and to some extent sporting, no human silhouette targets allowed, mounting a flashlight or a laser on a gun is considered a serious felony, airsoft BB guns can only be semi auto and have to be carried around in hard cases WITH PADLOCKS. Russia (where everyone supposedly drives around with an AK in the back seat): outright ban on possession of pistols by individuals, only guns available for self-defence are pistols refitted to only accept rubber bullet cartridges, rifles are only available for hunting with an exception that after obtaining your hunters license you can only own smooth bore shotguns for the first 5 years. China: no firearms for individual civilians, period.
You think it is not that bad over there where you live? Well what are you doing to make it stay that way? You people have a unique gift that was bestowed upon you by your founding fathers. Once you broke the chains of his majesty’s divine right to rule you, the guys that came after did not serve you the very same cake under a different name. They recognised YOUR divine right of freedom. Recently it is becoming more and more obvious that you have to be reminded that what you still have as a commonly accessible RIGHT, somewhere else it is a PRIVILEGE available to but a select few.
Moving on to “Crossing the Rubicon.” In ancient Rome there was a law that no standing Army will ever reside permanently within the borders of Rome heartland, and with the river Rubicon being a natural barrier on the road to inner-Italia, the crossing by any army, both foreign or domestic, meant a serious danger to the security of the republic. Julius Caesar crossed it to become a dictator and so on. If you want the whole story you should have paid better attention in history class, oh wait… they do not teach you about such inferior things in schools these days. Still, there is Discovery Channel. Look it up.
Any standing army has leaders, whether or not they are military themselves. An army has to oblige to the orders given by its superiors following the normal chain of command, regardless if the orders can be contrary to actual soldier’s morality or beliefs. An army has the most significant ability to enforce an agenda with the use of physical force at its disposal. Therefore, the presence of an army can lead to dissolution of individual and common freedoms should the army commanders (military or government) decide on that to happen. That is why in order to prevent a coup d’état (forcible seizure of power, government overthrow) and secure civilian liberties and a government “by the people and for the people,” it is paramount to keep a significant armed force out of the reach of a select few for use in domestic affairs. Policing is the job of law enforcement and not the army.
As one of the repercussions of 9/11, the US Department of Homeland Security was formed on the grounds of providing a higher level of law enforcement security, focused against possible terrorist threats. Since its forming in 2002 and especially in the past months, I observe that the DHS has grown into something far more than just another shadowy law enforcement agency. Armoured Personnel Carriers are not tools for combating crime, unless you are fighting drug cartels in Mexico, but that struggle is in essence an outright war. This agency is becoming more and more like an Interior Army and thus a force that could be easily used for power seizure should there happen to be people willing to give the order.
Russia has a separate armed forces branch subject not to the MOD (Ministry of Defence), but to the Interior Ministry, alongside law enforcement like police, and it is literally called the Internal Army. The tasks are as follows: combating internal threats to the state, quelling civil disorder, counter-terrorism operations, aiding the Ministry of Emergency Situations during natural disasters. Despite the fact that these guys are doing a mighty good job at limiting the spread of Islamic extremism from the Caucasus, they are in fact the backbone of every Russian government, and it’s the ultimate way to ensure everyone succumbs to the government’s bidding. It is kind of hard to have a successful opposition to a government backed by troops with tanks and helicopter gunships if they say NO to your demands for civil rights and liberties, unless you want to start a civil war, that is.
Another example comes from good old Poland. A few weeks ago I learned that a new law has been passed and is now in effect: to allow the armed forces to be used to tackle civil disorder without the need of declaring a state of emergency or martial law. This is a gigantic change in Rules of Engagement for the armed forces, yet no one here seems to have noticed this milestone.
What is more shocking, the government that erected this law is a direct descendant of the Solidarity movement of 1980’s that lost countless lives while the armed forces were used to tackle strikes by the anticommunist opposition, and was the number one organization on this side of the Iron Curtain that begun the struggle for liberty which ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact.
The army is to be used in a support role for the police but will be granted same enforcement powers. Rules of using “means of direct enforcement” state clearly that firearms cannot be used against pregnant women, kids obviously under the age of 13 and disabled people, with a cunning exception in which such a person, woman or child would pose a severe threat to the life of someone else or the soldier (subject to the soldier’s or his commander’s own interpretation of severity).
Ever since the collapse of the communist system, the army was prohibited from engaging in internal security affairs, other than tackling the effects of natural disasters, to make it impossible to use it and its fighting potential against out-gunned civilians. For example, that is why elite Special Forces Units like JW GROM could not have been used to handle  a hostage situation within the borders of the Republic of Poland. This is now history and with some obvious benefits, this poses a gigantic threat to the balance between the true civilian government and fulfilling dictatorial pursuits by extremists of whichever political wing or creed.
I can see that currently the U.S. Government steadily but surely develops the DHS into an Internal Army time and again probing the population’s reactions to the implementation of what is martial law in effect – as we saw in New Orleans during Katrina and recently in Boston. Sadly, not many people have stood up to the challenge to confront these unlawful activities, and some say America has failed a test as a free nation with what happened in Boston after the bombings. I believe this test was failed even earlier, because at this point it is quite hard to blame unarmed civilians for succumbing to scores of armed to the teeth, in reality soldiers, forcing their way into homes without the proper legal authority or just cause.
In closing, I would like to recapture on these issues and only emphasize the need for you people to get active. You might read this short letter (that eventually got out of hand and grew into a full article) and think: “Well, I know this and these issues are nothing new to me, I’m an active member of the NRA and attend all pro-gun events.” This is great, but how many of your friends and their friends also share your wisdom?
You would be surprised just how small the group of people that are really actively involved in fighting for liberty is. Not only for your country, but for the sake of us all. Because what happens in America soon translates accordingly to the rest of the world, and we’re already pretty much under the boot as things stand now. Are the recently sprouting scandals and instances of ill-application of law enforcement indicators that your country has gone past the point of no return, like it happened in the UK after the Dunblane Massacre when the government said “Turn in your guns for the sake of security,” and all the sheep blindly cheered the idea because it was “for the children”? I leave this for you to decide.
I tell you this however. Stay safe and stand fast!
Your mate from Poland,

Read more: http://sofrep.com/23714/dear-friends-in-america/#ixzz2aGGn3KZB

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Hole

I was thinking of Lewis Black one of my favorite comics he was talking about the new and old testement.  How Moses was developing rules ,,like marriage between one woman and man,,, because the jews were out of control and he likened them to marrying camels,,,, well how about each other, they were denied women. Maybe this is why gay is an abomination, no women, so they turned to each other. So what did Moses expect all these young men to do.? The ten commandments are just bumper stickers there are at least a 100 rules behind each commandment, kinda like the Muslims,,, Way out of control. The Christian just took the ten and that was it.. Short sweet and to the point.

They are still denied women and they are  denied each other, what to do with all that excess male energy of youth. REVOLUTION. They do Jihads and revolution, PROUDHON another French philosopher said that when 15% of the population is young men,,,old men start wars to kill off the potential revolutionaries and rivals for power..Their competition for power and of course women.  

So what is a boy to do? A hole is a hole is a hole is a hole...

Hey I didn't say it Proudhon did, one of the books I read on revolutions,,he was in one, so he wrote it down while in jail.

 He was in the biggie revolution, The French Revolution, the French have still not recovered from it.



Turf Wars between the Cia and the NSA over money for funding for whatever? 

It always comes down to the money,FOLLOW THE MONEY. As usual.

Where can we run, , where can we hide from this madness that has gripped the country.

Those in power, those who control all this shit,, they look on us,,you and me,,not like cattle, as I have stated, but as insects, manipulated in our little box, to make those in power happy. Pushed here and there and the media is the same, pushed here and there.

I likened N.Korea and Iran as two little boys who want nuke material so they can play in the big sandbox with all the other big kids..And the other big kids do not want to share for their toys, for their toys are to dangerous for the mentally ill.  

Muslims are considered mentally ill just like the Christian Fundamentalist and if they are not classified as dangerously mentally ill then they both should be,,, and TI's who haven't done a damn thing should be left alone.  

 It always, no matter what,, always come down to the Benjamins.  So how do we change this,, I enjoyed the movie "The Fight Club",, aaaaa,, a wonderful dream.

I also wrote to  "Bill" and this is his reply of course with permission to print.

   Barbara,  first of all ,  the IC budjet just before 9/11 was approximately 43 Billion.
9/11 was viewed as a gift to NSA and the other IC agencies meaning that they
would get vast amounts of money in the form of plus-ups.  This happened and now
the IC budjet is between 80 and 120 Billion per year.  So, there was no need to
take money from one agency to give to another the Congress just added to the
deficit to supply the money.  This is a diversion from the real issues exposed by
Snowden.  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.  The wizzard is spreading
   By the way,  NSA should know exactly what Snowden took.  They should be looking
and the computer network logs.  These logs record every transaction on the network.
Which means,  NSA should be able to tell when Snowden down loaded files
plus, to what terminal he used to include the USB port and type of storage he used.
All the rest of what they say is just BS otherwise, they are completely incompetent.

Treyvon Martin

Well now it is legal at least in Florida to kill people,  Florida is a wacky state, shaped like the penis of the world.  Some of the most horrible crimes I have read of happened in Florida, but my father told me that it is very infrequent and the media blow them up all out of proportion.

But this incident will happen again, the law has set it up that way.  It is the influence of the Far Christian Right and their paranoid attitude. I have also heard that much of the perp world's attitude is from the far right, and I have long thought that so.

I live in a far right neighborhood.and this is one of the things I noticed at first,, everyone is anal here. Trying to be a middle  middle class neighborhood but many are just hanging on with fingernails.  it is all an illusion.

Martin is a warning shot over the bow of many young males of color, they have always been targets , but now it's a free for all. I suggest you keep your sons and daughters home and under wraps it is free season on their lives.

We already as TI's know what free season is like, the shrinks made sure of that, and the gov't.  They slow kill us, but with Martin, bam, gone in an instant.

I'm sorry for you and your family, I'm sorry that these people feel so justified in what they are doing it goes along with the religion. They feel justified.   I can hardly wait to see what and who gets it next, all in the name of fundamentalism and god.
I read some group sent Zimmerman 12K for guns or a security system,, he will never be able to live a normal life again, never knowing where or when..

He is a targeted individual. Welcome to my world.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lack of Iron and dementia in the elderly

I know that iron can be harsh on the stomach and that is why many elderly do not eat iron rich foods, but we need iron to think , to live. So if an elderly is having signs of dementia check out the diet, most of their diets are bland and lack iron..  have their blood checked by the doc to make sure..always.
I almost died from anemia so I have some insight to what the lack of iron can do to your physical presence and the mind.  In order for the brain to utilize O2 it is carried on the FE molecule,,oxygen and iron, have a unique relationship. No iron, no o2 to the brain.. things don't work right.
Anyway like I said,, first hand knowledge,,came close but no cigar.



Look outside the picture in the black portion as well.

,I saw some around 1 minute and at various other times I will review later and hope the transfer is good, and note the counter here . To busy right now will get back to this so if you d/l this you will have to d/l this again after,, to see what I mention for counters..so come back later when I'm done.

all kinds of links


ACLU of Massachusetts
Executive Director: Carol Rose
211 Congress Street
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: (617) 482-3170 Fax: (617) 451-0009 | Email: info@aclum.org 



Former Guantanamo detainee David Hicks speaks with the World Socialist Web Site 2011 oct
 ACLUs Ben Wizner: Military Commissions An Enormous Practical Failure
pacemaker failure

By Joshua Durkin and Ray Storez
The Public Record
Mar 20th, 2010

Guardian: House Forces Vote on Amendment that Would Limit NSA Bulk Surveillance
July 23, 2013

Summary: Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives prepared to vote on an amendment to the Defense appropriations bill that would restrict NSA surveillance activities exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden. It would prevent the NSA, FBI and other agencies from relying on Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act "to collect records, including telephone call records, that pertain to persons who are not subject to an investigation under Section 215." Debate over the amendment, which is sponsored by Republican congressman Justin Amash with bipartisan support, is expected later today.

The Obama administration is calling on lawmakers to vote against the Amash amendment. The NSA Director, General Keith Alexander, held two classified briefings with members of Congress yesterday. Following the briefing, Rep. Amash stated that he didn't "think it's going to change people's views on the collection of Americans' phone records."

Here is a company called Terahertz Technologies, Inc


 Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/11/microsoft-nsa-collaboration-user-data/print

 Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years For Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms

 Democrats voted for the amendment by a 111-to-83 margin. Republicans, meanwhile, split 134 to 93 against it. so 111 Democrats, and 134 Republicans