I know someone in Talkshoe was asking me questions,,
I think telling the truth about what happened is important for this plays a part in the totalitarian state we now live in, This showed me back in 96 and onward just what controls the gov't had at it's disposal and what use the gov't, our local gov't,,, used against the people it wanted to.,,,, activists and dissidents,,,that people were targeted for any reason and their lives destroyed for any reason or no reason.
This DEW directed energy weapons and it's use began back then as far as my knowledge of it, and the techniques of HUD. Operation Safe Home. I think DEW was used for quite a while by HUD before,,, as there were many on Yahoo mind control forum who spoke of this,,, and Eleanor White goes way back. Another Ti and I figured it out and decided it went back to at least WW2. When the sailors got in the way of the radar and heard definitive clicking inside the head..Not with the ears but inside the head, this is documented and patented
I walked by my old apartment building where I used to live and I was very surprised,, all the window boxes around the building, were full of flowers..this was my petition I took out against HUD, it was to plant flowers so my building looked as nice as the heavily landscaped office. I was very surprised and pleased..that's all I wanted, but this petition told HUD I was a dissident and an activist,,they knew before I did what I was.
I do not know who is the person responsible. The person responsible for telling my daughter, I thought at first it was Nelson, female,,, and deleted the statement but since this morning I saw David walk across from Paul's house to his in a hustle just seconds after I got pulsed and this pulse was the same pulse I have had hit me periodically since 4 am..I would bet,,just bet David had something to do with it..so the perps are in my blog..I didn't delete anything, just drafted it and will republish after I peruse it...
Anyway I reassessed and believe it is Nelson...After all we must keep it in the family and do this quiet. The loyal stupid thug who imposes a totalitarian state on our lives. He, I do not think grasps the whole picture as I do, how this is going on all over the country to suppress our nation and her people, he does not know he is being used and will be a much hated cog in this machine...I feel bad for him. Many know his name and his part in all this.
I think the pulse device is on a timer as well or maybe Stephanie or her daughter does it, for it still continues....
This is what my name was put on,, this program,,OSH,,as a way to shut me up, for I went public as to what Torigian was doing back then with DEW,,,,,my landlord did it for a favor of Torigian, You can also read about the Trovis brothers in press archives and how hard they fought to keep their land, the old Brown School could of been redone, as it is apartments today,, what an old beautiful building,,,they built them to last back then,,,
They could of saved the taxpayer some money,,you can read about the Trovis in the press and their deaths and Tom Grelish and how his business was attacked,, so no matter how the Torigian girls protest or what they do to shut people up,, the facts remain, and the apple does not fall far from the tree.....I wonder who else he shit on. Same attitude as daddy. Malicious. Intentful to harm those who speak out and to erase history, to hide the facts from the clean air of truth....I have dates, times and people who remember what went on, and I think some of those people may come forward...who knows ,,one hopes..
I think Dave McGeney was the one who spoke with the teacher who supposedly told my daughter about my blog,,,,He is a school committee person,, could of been him..a likely candidate,it's ok, everything is now hidden. Gone, deleted,, I was asked to delete so out of kindness I did.