19 august 13
MONDAY,,,, trash day and the trash guys work for the city...
imagine that,,, I sent in the letter to the UN and of course it was mangled,,, it was terrible but I was not going to correct it,,, I put it on my website. I corrected some of the spellings and deleted personal info...
Anyway this is all for the perps. You know your targeting me and one of you drove by this morning as I sat in the yard and pulsed the house with big vibrations, now this was from a car,,,,this was ground shaking vibrations through the air , ground level,,, infrasound.......if it wasn't infrasound them I'm stupid.. and I hope I am not that..This I believe was a beam..in a fan shape to hug the ground , held flat.
This harassment was from Nelson, because last night I rode down his side of the street on my bike,he does not like that. I guess he figures he owns the street as well,, his father in law gave it to him,,,his father in law took good care of his 5 daughter's husbands,,,A couple that I know of worked and stole, from city hall. Meaning they steal from the people, you and me.
This is just to inform perps,, and christian perps for they think this is a holy war, and it's not,,, it's all about the Benjamins,,
huh Keith,???,I hope if you borrow my material you add my name,, I would like that and I have noticed my harassment and other Ti's harassment has increased tremendously... All across the nation. but see perps are basically stupid people , they do what they are told and paid for.. The are also told " not to talk about the harassment" especially the devices they use. Your families will be attacked, , your children, your relatives and you eventually this is going to get around to you.. Did you think you were safe by harassing and hurting us? You think you are on the right side and you are safe... Guess again.. see they know what you are.
Sorry guys you are acting like the Nazis,,,is this the kind of country you want to live in?
A totalitarian State.
With this control, for that is what you sell and offer is control over those you target. You offer control that is it,,, and you are controlled as well. Your name is on the list , I am only in front of you, for your masters know what you are capable of,,, this has a name ,,,it is called,, The two sides to a revolution by a french philosopher name of Proudhon,,,,
the revolutionary leaders,,, kill those in front who oppose them,, but kill those behind them, because they fear their power will be taken away.. That is two sides to the revolution.. You are in it as well.
.... so at 2'10 a.m.
I got blasted awake and communicated with a few other Ti's last night ,
Interesting conversation,,,, heavy static hit the phones and the two who were on cell phones, got kicked off the net, the two on landlines,,, me and one other were OK,,,the static came from a helicopter flying over one of the cell phone Ti's house.
We all heard the heavy static and the helicopter, we did not know really know where it came from, the static we then named several sources,,,but it happened again,,, The helo, the static and the disruption of cell phone transmissions and Internet access, is this a test?.
So whats going on here,,,,? Any ideas,,,I shall keep mine to myself until you send in your comments to my blog..just one.. and it is for a good cause. To make me happy. and to do some brainstorming about this incident... for you know that's what Ti calls are,,, We are brainstorming... and no matter what happens we got to keep doing it. Finding out what makes these fuckers tick.... and work and ideology. We must find out what some of the devices they are using are,, we know lots are hand held.
I want to leave you with this one thought, the law is what gives our society structure, I walk my streets unafraid at 2 in the morning, except for the perps, the perps are always with me no matter where I go. That is respect for the law,,, what is going to happen when you destroy it....? Will it destroy you in the process?
I will add to this later.
I want to leave you with this one thought, the law is what gives our society structure, I walk my streets unafraid at 2 in the morning, except for the perps, the perps are always with me no matter where I go. That is respect for the law,,, what is going to happen when you destroy it....? Will it destroy you in the process?
I will add to this later.