Tuesday, July 25, 2017

hurts like laser

hurts like laser this hit the bone same spot but just different photo, thats gonna hurt for years

its been quite a experience the past couple of weeks.

I moved downtown,, lots of Spanish, not very friendly,, I wrote a couple of letters to the police chief,, I was getting my ass slammed,,, by drive bYs, I was just talking to a friend of mine whose a musician,, and I mentioned it seemed I was getting hit by pulses every time some care goes by with high intensity bass. he said it was sub woofers,, and that is ELF extra low frequencies,,, yup... these balls of sound coming from below,,, and I think they are bouncing them off the ceiling or else they are coming down from the ceiling . so its been fun,
chief griffin sent a cop around last night,, around 1500 to 1600 to talk to me about it,, I was caught off guard and believed her taped me,, don't care... first question he asked was " What was a pulse" so I told him a antenna radiates out 360 degrees,, and some antenna can radiate only one degree thats directed,,, then it is shut off and on quickly or reduce the amplitude quickly...
but the other day I was outside waiting for james to pick me up,, and was watching the spanish guys across the street next to the K of C building , they were watching me too. not that Im attractive,, but just glances,, then on the parking lot side of the K of C was another guy,, white, blue shirt watching me, ,, he bounced his head a few times,, as if to say,,, ill get you,,, but you never know I just take it all in ,, and the cop,, I really did not get his name even I was so taken by surprise,,,, he came in and while I took my pillow off the chair he checked out my security system... very interested.
here comes the bass again. I'm getting hit,,,, just slightly ,,, car reving up...
Anyway,, its been interesting the past few weeks,,, I slept like the dead last night and also they hit me hard on the left arm on the bone underneath,,, hurts so bad,,, I can't tell you how much it hurts,,,,,, so I think it might be laser. same hurt as my forehead... still really hurts I took some pictures of that too..
Add toulouse the cat was being hit in this picture,,, her ears are back this is a pulse I have been trying for years to capture and finally my perp put this on the internet for me to see, I have since been blocked from her fb page.

this is the officer who came yesterday to speak to me about my letters that I wrote  to chief Griffin.  he was very nice and  I wrote about him above...
I think the spanish hate whites and see the downtown as belonging to them,, oh well.