well David Diachision is parking his SUV in front of Paul's house,,my immediate next door neighbor,,,,he set up his harassment device from his car,,,all the more difficult to see than shooting it from across the street,it's on a timer,,,
.I went out in the yard,,,I was there for about 30 seconds when he came out of his house went across the street from being parked in front of Pauls and Irene's house and moved his red SUV in his driveway...
I went out in the yard and stood in the path of his car and my window,, and it is a straight shot from his SUV,,, this is how I am being hit when I sit at my computer..
I went to the mall yesterday and this woman was walking along,,old,,very old and was bent over looking at her shoes,,,this is the threat from my local fucking perps to me,, this is why they are destroying my neck,,in the house I am constantly looking at my feet, and my neck is a mess. They have attacked my teeth, my muscles,,everything..
The kitchen light socket is not working , the bulb is ok and the perps pulse in that way when I am in the kitchen,,,
They took most of the air out of my bike tire and loosened the seat,,,,when I turned it would not and it dumped me really hard, who picked me up but this fireman's wife,,, they had pulled up to look at the fire,,later my tire was flattened...completely.
.I wrote about it in another post. they set up boobey traps so things will fall out of cabinets..My printer was messed with, they keep hitting me in the neck now it is the left side,,,headache all the time...I'm so tired of this and of them and tired of being tired...
The story of Barbara Guillette in real time of Directed Energy attacks on innocent people the sustainability=depopulation,Agenda 30 pre-aging imposed murder /suicide, silent holocaust program using community based agents out of the Fusion centers. The silent standing army of directed energy weapons ready at a moments notice paid by tax payers money to carry out the assaults ..you're next.I am going public others have to be aware of what govt is really doing secretly to citizens.
Friday, June 27, 2014
My neighbor has a pulsing device and back scatter camera,he and others use this EVERY DAY,,,EVERY FUCKING DAY,,,this is difficult to prove as I am sure you know. They are destroying my house with this and driving me and my family from our property. This is being done by a Rick Nelson,Franciso Souza, Chris Yaikus, and David Diachision, this is a loose affiliation of people who live in this neighborhood who have decided I am persona non grata. The only thing unusual about this case is the use of DEW, (directed energy weapons),, but on your home page it is noted , it is a crime to aim a laser at a airplane,, is that not DEW??? Huh guys?,,but you only believe in the use and harassment when you want to, is that the problem? I would like you to investigate as I do not think I am long for this world if this continues.. they have turned me into a cripple as it is..
Thank you for your time in reading this,,may this never darken your door and if it does,,please think of apoligizing to me.
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