I called the mayors office and left a message on his voice mail , I told him who is doing this, I read off names, and I told him this has got to stop, I told him and called it a KKK group and I told him this will come out and my targeting has increased. I left the message on Chris Ryder's voicemail..Or so I believe, One never knows..
Especially from David Diachision,,, his photo is here on my blog as no. 2 perp. He is using ELF rippling in waves through my house and my body every time his little Suv leaves or enters his parking space, and he is using high intensity pulses aimed at the TV the dehumidifier and the VCR,,This little prick deserves to die...or to be tortured in the most worst ways. Buried in sand up to his neck, covered in honey and we shall all clap when the ants attack...and watch..
So this proves to me that local gov't is involved and if state and federal ignore our plight, well they are complicit as well..I have heard from Jacob Applebaums speech that he said congress and the judges do not know anything about technology,, and my assumption is they do not want to know anything about technology,, ignorance is bliss, but ignorance of the law is no defense.
Applebaum also stated that congress does not know what to do about it, and I think that is false as well. Because one word to the mayor from high up and all of this will go away..They do not want it to go away and I feel sorry for them,, because this will rest at their doors as well and that is a prediction I make for the future...and for now,,, many have already been spied on already,,,I can hardly wait until they start dropping like flies,,, welcome to my world...I hope ELF ripples through you all as well...why not.. welcome to the club.
I also went into this website of a fellow Ti and he thinks that Angela Merkel,,head of Germany is a Lesbian..? will wonders never cease.lol.