27 March 14
My computer bit the dust, I finally got it up and running, both kids cars had the brakes go, and the washing machine is not working correctly.
Common for those targeted.
I was told when this began I would be made to go live under a bridge can they do it,,, they certainly can ,,, Easy,
My neck is in bad shape,,, they constantly twist my neck,,, Lydia stated this used to happen to her when she first became a target
I called Chris Ryder today who is assistant to the mayor, and named who is in this little neighborhood watch, KKK group and then I called the second time with more names,,,
I should of taped it as I spoke but did not,, but will note it here. I also assured him that these devices , this abuse will come out,,I said it four times...I have been feeling very poorly, but have discovered if I ground myself,, I feel much better almost instantly.
Jennifer does not believe me because I do not have any proof,,, oh well. the courts are iinadequate as well as congress, even if they did accept this, they have no idea what to do about it...They don't understand it as Jacob Applebaum stated in his last speech.. congress and the courts do not get any of this. nor do they know what to do about it if they did go public,,, they have been warned since 97 to my knowledge when Schriner did his speech before congress...about spark gaps and garage devices used as weapons......At all. bjg..
Also everywhere I go I see the word eviction and the targeting,, DEW has been very difficult..