it's not about psychopaths , it's not really about money, what it's all about is testosterone , the nature of the beast....That is what manhood is all about, killing everyone else to get to the top , to get the best food, the best land because then the females will come and they will get laid, we as women do not recognize how strong that is within men , but now that urge has run amok, now the men are killing off the females, and males, the people they think are worthless eaters,,, but out of that madness and yes some of us are mad, others slightly so etc. all degrees. comes innovation. technology, you don't think that comes out of being mundane,,,do you.
Women are being destroyed because we carry the culture and the crazy christian evangelicals are going after the culture they want to change it, like the Uk did, when they obliterated Catholicism, the christian evangelicals want to do that here in the US , only every other religion will go . they want to get rid of all social welfare and sink or swim, meaning work or die.The christian evangelical way except for them of course...
i think this Pence program is well on it's way, and they are doing this in the name of the US citizen while they murder us, so none of this is for America it's for them, it's for the rich and the old rich... Snowden gave to the public to see what rotten bastards the rich really are, and Pence will be installed if they make it .. I hope that he is thrown out as well as the rest of them, he could of never got elected on his own.
I'm listening to the Decipher You ladies susie dawson and elizabeth vos,, and they are very good at deciphering the legal papers that Snowden and Manning gave us.. thank you gentlemen and ladies much appreciated. the sad part is I understand them and that washes away my anger, it just makes me sad and cry. not for them but for us...