Thursday, July 26, 2018


I saw you Chief Griffin downtown with Heath I was wondering if we could have a talk ,sorry about my last email but that was a set up,,,I was blasted/pulsed by the drive-bys,, you know the "Nazi boots on the ground harassers", who destroy lives ,,,,you know the perps out of the fusion centers. Whose job it is is to worry targets till they commit suicide, we just had another one, a  young man commit suicide from the targeted community, but that I believe is the plan. No need to kill people just worry them like a pack of wolves after a deer till they commit suicide. You know drive-bys.

I was wondering if we could get together and talk about all of this, I'm curious as to how much you know, how much we could share.  I have some questions about all of this,,,I believe you could answer if you would.  I know you do not really know me... but I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee at Breaking Grounds cafe,,,, anytime, anywhere, at your convienance ? This has been going on a long time with me ever since Torigian was in office. I would like it to stop. I wonder if you could, would  help. If not I face homelessness and eviction because of what  is going on. 

Would you like to help,,, or deny this is happening?
Either way let's meet for coffee. Eyeball to Eyeball. 


Barbara Guillette

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

26 June 2018

well its using extra low frequency pulses t hit me in my little room. I spoke with Cory, I think his last name is Pierce,,, he lives below me,,, and clerks in the cafe also below me ,,, Breaking Gronds cafe... I stopped in and asked him if his girlfriend would sell me her photos, she took of the building being pulsed , I knew she took them,,, I saw her take them on several occasions this was when I first moved in. ,, I think he freaked and the bug eyed kid who runs the place,, giving me the bad eye and I think they were the ones who pulsed me and knocked me out in my stairs, where I peed my pants,,, ever since I visited  them and asked for coffee, no pulsing from that direction. Then chief Griffin and Heath came the other day to visit the kids who were at the library and at my door.  I think believe all were related. I had sent Griffin an email.. I can't remember if I put it here. but will now.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Barbara Guillette <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018, 8:36:32 PM EDT
Subject: you

You had me beat/pulsed by the perps/mercenaries because I walked around the lake. Why don't  you just shoot me and get it over with,,, that seems to be the point. 

Evidently your boy  wanted  my answers, as I was invited to the city hall meeting on pot, but teddy boy did not like my answers.. To bad about him. Don't invite and don't ask if you don't want my answers. I bullshit no one. 

So why not kill me outright , your officers body slammed me, because I told them they were not heroes just because they wore the same uniform, as those that died about 9/11 did you know about that?,,, and now whenever I displease the jerks who have control over these devices you send them after me... Isn't that right?  I hope someday your and the fucks that work for you and the fire dept, go to hell. I really wish there  was a hell so I could see you all in it. 

 I hope you are tarred and feathered,, so everyone can see what assholes you all are, manipulating someone's life,, using high tech me toe to toe , coward,,lets put gloves on and see what happens? ,I wouldn't mind it at all. 

Your as bad as Torigian if not worse...And he was a scum bag of the highest order. I'm glad he's dead.  I'm not afraid of you or them. I know you can really hurt me using your mercenaries but someday , you will all pay for going against The Constitution.  Your children will also pay for your indiscretion. 

You had me hurt severally the other night,,, I wish for Blowback... and I know it's coming. May you roast in hell. You pass this on to whomever is responsible.

Barbara Guillette

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

As usual when the perps

are after me they go after my kids and sets  everyone off, danielle was screaming today because she has been a wacko ever  since she was a teen,,, she complains of the boys not having anger management but she has only to look at herself. I feel bad for  Aaliyah , hopefully she realizes her grandmother is a nut. Then I told Ali not to do this and Dan slammed on her breaks, she doesn't want anyone to know she's an asshole with temper problems. Most likely its Dan's natural inclination  and the perps.   Just got pulsed now I'm home and I'm sure it's the perps. They are laughing. These creeps don't care how the baby is effected, only how they enjoy it.I hope they are all dead in a plague. I got my fingers crossed. perps are to all die in a plague.

The night before last. south peabody,

last night was not to bad as far as being hit, less intensity but it was constant,,, I believe the reason I was hit so hard the other night is because I walked around the pond in south peabody evidently the Nelsons, Torigian clones notified the perps I was in South peabody and because of what the Nelson's have done to me with neighbors involved they are very scared of revenge,,,I also saw the water treatment plant and that is looking good after being burnt up with bird poop , years of it since 1997 and high intensity Halogen lights. not a good combo but the cops think I did it by writing about Torigian and what he did to my life. They think the vets did it maybe that is why they are having such a high rate of suicide done with directed energy weapons,,, I would not put it past eh gov't. and maybe I shall mention this to Sofrep... high high rate of suicide with vets, very high,,,

,,, as I have stated before the perps and the first responders are all tapped into the fusion centers, that is where this program is run out of. yesterday I again went to south peabody ,,to go to the veggie stand Tilly's,,, very expensive,, everything has gone up.. This morning Wednesday I spoke with the kid who lives below me, Cory,,,(his mail box says David  Pierce),, so he says is his name,,, I asked him if he was moving he said yes,,they were looking he felt one room hampered his style., he and his girlfriend are moving to a bigger apt in the complex he acted very sweet and innocent,,,I again spoke with him, and asked him if he would ask his girlfriend if she would sell me the photoes she took of my apartment being pulsed,,,, he refused to acknowledge any information and this hard look came on his face.

When I went home to get my credit card having forgotten it, I got pulsed as I walked up the stairs again on the forth step. Almost losing my balance and keeping it with great difficulty.

 I also called Chief Griffin to speak to him about all of this , left a message and I doubt if I will get a call back,,, Griffin  never did now i'm doing laundry and the perps driving by are pulsing me in the laundry they never give up feel so sick because of it,,,just got pierced in the right ankle as  sat in my chair.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

chief griffin

last night was not as bad as the night before, today I also walked in fourth peabody so we shall see what happens everyone around here knows about it,,,the severe torture, the vibratory frequency , the beam can be used in several ways, It can be used to pulse you and then vibrate or it can be used as a pulse hit you twisted and then vibrated, the hit pulse is so severe it acts like a shot of electricity which it is to the muscle, contracting the muscles severely so that you scream in pain because all your muscles are contracted, that is what happened the other night, over and over and over again . i was to out of it to even try to protect myself and what is done also is that you are put in a blank area, so your mind does not think it is just empty space and you cannot think  further than that wall. or space. this has happened to me over and over it makes you very compliant to whatever is being done to you. Today I took the bus up to Tilly's the vegetable stand I used all the time when I lived in S. Peabody and when I sat infant of the bench by the southern branch library a lovely marble bench under the tree at the bus stop was wonderful for an old lady in a hot day. the cops came out of the side street next to me twice,,,as I waited for my bus,,, when I came home there were a bunch of kids,, standing in front of my door. and I asked one what was going on, he was very fresh but I did not say anything, I should of told him to get to fuck out of the way,, but they moved before I got a chance.. Then who come toddling across the street but Griffin and Heath, chewing his gum like a cow...chomp chomp,, I know in college I chewed and blew bubbles all the time to alleviate stress, I assume he does it for the same. Griffin saw me and so did Heath I was not dressed very well but I did have on my Einstein  t shirt and cut off pants,,,I haven't done laundry  and hate doing it,, so I put it off till the last minute,, ,, I watched them through the window of the door.Griffin and Heath.. and just as I was taking out my camera they moved off.. I know the cops were at the library with all these kids for some reason or another. but we shall see what happens tonight,,, I know the other night I have not recuperated from,,,still sick...and of course the pulsing has not stopped it is slight and sometimes precise but notheless it is here. twisting my neck painfully, with pulses. my left ear is now swollen,,,
I also wrote el white and julian McKinney about audiospotlight and court hoping they take the idea and run with it, I think fRank Allen may use the audiospotlight with the billboard they are putting up inMass. but my idea would work better because if anyone goes to court they may win a case and that is crucial to our cause especially using their technology. against them .. The court, I am also listening to several videos on a human trafficking and child porno,, it seems it is everywhere.. how degenerate can we as humans be.....? evidently very. Griffin con't next page.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

constantly being hit

I don't feel good, not because I'm ill it is because I'm am being hit from all angles in my room the perps have convinced the landlord I am the fault for the building being hit,,, and they are right, the perps are the fault I have done nothing,,, but I am sick from the constant barrage of Directed Energy pulses/signals,,, constant.. especially behind the left ear and along the back of my neck,,, I wish I knew how to protect this side from the assault.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

adverse effects of rf


See: Retraction Notice

 2013 Jan;17(1):7-11. doi: 10.4103/0019-5278.116365.

Adverse health effects of occupational exposure to radiofrequency radiation in airport surveillance radar operators.

Retraction in

  • Erratum. [Indian J Occup Environ Med. 2013]



Radar workers are exposed to pulsed high frequency electromagnetic fields. In this study, health effects of these radiations in personnel who routinely work with radar systems are investigated.


The 28-item General Health Questionnaire was used as a self-administered tool for assessment of general mental health and mental distress. One hundred workers occupationally exposed to radar radiations (14-18 GHz) participated in the study. Visual reaction time was recorded with a simple blind computer-assisted-visual reaction time test. To assess the short-term memory, Wechsler Memory Scale-III test was performed.


Twenty to 39% of the radar workers reported different problems such as needing a good tonic, feeling run down and out of sorts, headache, tightness or pressure in the head, insomnia, getting edgy and bad-tempered. Furthermore, 47% of the radar workers reported feeling under strain. In response to this question that if they have been able to enjoy their normal day-to-day activities, 31% responded less than usual. It was also shown that work experience had significant relationships with reaction time and short-term memory indices i.e., forward digit span, reverse digit span, word recognition and paired words.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show that occupational exposure to radar microwave radiation leads to changes in somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression. Altogether these results indicate that occupational exposure to radar microwave radiations may be linked to some adverse health effects.


Health effects; microwave airport surveillance radar; occupational exposure; radiofrequency

coup de état

Its been slow,, the takeover of the media, to conglomerate it, the takeover of medical field, slow as well, hidden mandates sent out... the takeover of finances, the Koch brothers wanted finances deregulated,,, and the last was the takeover of the presidency,,, now the takeover of the supreme court with the religious wackos, who do not believe in climate change,, believe in the rapture that is why they back Israel, Israel is our,, the US's most favored partner, higher than the five eyes, New Zealand, the US, Canada, Australia and the Uk... Israel has most favored status,, all our data is sent to Israel...they are following Milton Friedman's disaster capitalism theory, the theory that Pinochet used in Chile because the US would not stand for this major stealing of land and resources during a disaster,,, like Katrina, or Puerto Rico's storm or how the Clinton's stole Haiti,,,I hear others are taking up the call against the Clintons. They stole millions and the gold mines,,, I hear Bill's brother owns them, and the charity fraud, that is Bill and the telecommunication, Hillary system,,, I hear Haiti protested 11 July 2018,,and its rioting because the IMF raised prices on fuel...Good for Haiti,,, I think all the money Bill stole under those charities that was to rebuild Haiti is a shame, and the Haitians know all about it, because they told me about it, from refugees who came to this country, who work local they are very much in touch with their home country, they know who stole what...

This is Milton Friedman's disaster capitalism at work,,, fuck the common man... the rich can steal all they want ,, and greed is good.

. I hope the people remember that it is not the voters but the electoral college that matters they are the one's who elect the president.... get rid of it..

Gore lost his election because the GOP controlled and bought out the electro college and so didn't Hillary because of the electoral college.

I'm being severely burnt through the body the stomach lungs and head,, as I sit here typing.