Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Program 1

Hi Barbara,
Well, here it is, the why we are being targeted.  At least for some of us that is.  

Also forgot to mention that practically ALL of the insurgent/terrorism type activity that to date has occurred on US soil, in part, mental illness (at some point and to some degree in the person's life) was determined to be a causal factor.  So what we are seeing is a roundup of everyone who may have potential to resort to insurgency (and terrorism is sometimes a part of insurgency).  The idea of what is happening is that even if we don't resort to insurgency or terrorism, all insurgents or terrorists commit crime.  To be proactive then it makes sense to catch people when they are committing crimes and assess them to make sure they don't have the potential to become a insurgent with terrorism wings.
The funny thing is even insurgent sounds extreme but here's the thing, there are not studies of insurgency or terrorism in the US (very little).  Researchers then draw upon the 100's of criminology studies that have been conducted.  They draw parallels between crime and insurgency/extremism.   If you were to look at the information on community policing you'll find that community policing is in fact COIN (counter-insurgency) techniques and theories fighting ordinary crime.  In fact, they're starting to just call it COIN (call it C3) now and it's viewed as better than community policing. 

Hi N
Well, I figured that out but I haven't put it down in print yet.  I think they are definitely allowing communities to conduct their own COIN at the local levels with these technologies.  And ex-military are more than likely to agree with coalition (government) views (so overall there would be a high percentage of ex-military in force) and be considered prized assets, not to mention they'd probably do it for free. 
We've all speculate that we've been labeled as real or potential terrorists by our government, right?  But I haven't heard mentioned what is actually happened in the US and abroad.  Rather than counter-terrorism it's something called counter-insurgency or (COIN).  The two are linked but different.  There was a gap because terrorist is too strong for even the worst of us but insurgent, synonyms include rebel, revolutionary, agitator, extremist.  Wikipedia article "stalking" gangstalking section labels group as an "extreme communty". 
An insurgent is a person or group that may take up arms if a revolution occurs.  For example, our Army and Marines were entirely unprepared when in 2003 there was an insurgency in Iraq.  Since then, a new counterinsurgency manual written and released in 2005.  In it, you'll see the details of practically you're witnessing today.  Whereas, terrorism is violence.  Insurgency is going against the coalition (government) for political ends and sometimes this includes terrorism as a technique.  (the manual states that some individuals will never be able to support their government and therefore must be eliminated).  The number one thing that defines COIN success is focusing on keeping the population safe while fighting the insurgents.  So now you see public safety (safety of everyone over the individual).  And directed energy, because history has shown that even if one innocent were to get killed in the cross-fire using kinetic weapons, public support suffers soon after (the counterinsurgency coalition forces lose).  DEW and information operations/asymmetric warfare is just what is needed to separate insurgents from the population and eliminate them without killing them (insurgents cannot garner public support).  It goes on to say that COIN requires not just military but military & all of the economic, legal, social, government, etc institutions in the civilian sector. 
So you have entities at the top of the list
- Department of transportation
- Border Patrol
So if you read into this new COIN philosophy you'll get the picture real quick of what has happened.  This isn't a few criminals after us, this is everyone is after us.  Actually, what the book says is 20 out of every 1000 in population minimum is required for COIN to be successful.  So in my town of 28,000.  There are roughly 600 individuals minimum.  So to answer your question if it's ex-military.  The exclusions for Posse Comitatus (those that are not restricted)
Also everyone in community policing
- Businesses (cable, phone, internet, retail)
- Volunteers - could be inactive military, they would probably be most willing to volunteer for free and be prized assets
- Nonprofit - Religious, youth, etc
- State/Local Government (police/sheriff/state, ambulance/hospital, fire, gas, neighbors, maintenance, electric, sanitation, post office, etc)
- Government contractor
Plus the military is able to do technology transfer and offer consultation/training to all these entities.

What data mining really is all about

I sent this to a city school committee member Dave McGeney, he went on " You make the call", a local CCTV cable TV program,I wanted to explain to him what data mining is all about,,I went in to his facebook page and dropped this off, I went back today to also give him a link to a film program about the koch brothers,, just a link and his site was closed down. Or made private,,face is doing stuff with privacy issues.I certainly hope it was not my fault that he went private,but you never know,,maybe I told him something he did not like or scared him,,,,he was here during Torigian's reign of terror. Maybe he liked Torigian and supported him. I do not know what went on there but I know YMTC,,aired his talk for three weeks a lot of people watch it. I know I like it..

I am writing this statement before you, to protest Common Core a program that many believe is dumbing down our school test system and that,,,,,, we do not need. I heard David McGeney on " our local cable channel "You make the call" I trust him, he sounds sincere in what he feels. enough to go before the public and inform them... that is why , I am here.In a later post I added a letter from Senator Warren on Common Core,it sounded positive. I will have to go and read about common core myself instead of listening to others,,maybe it is a good thing.  Or not...
I wish to add my opinion. having read Democracy in America and deTocqueville's statement : who rules the schools rules the nation" is important and we should not forget that...I know some states are playing with fire with Noah's ark being a reality and the world is only six thousand years old... but one must deal with that in an intelligent way.. to attack them is to attack their god and you will go no where with that.
Anyway what alarmed me when David stated He realized what data mining is all about. Meaning he had no idea what data mining entailed, so I thought I would inform him. Maybe it was a set up.?
I was data mined before becoming a targeted individual... the bad guys went in and data mined my medical, history, legal, financial, hospital,,, you name it they found out all about me...covertly before going overt and letting me know I was targeted,,, that is what common core did to students and their security numbers were mentioned,and other information was taken that people did not want taken. so I am to understand..
I became alarmed when David stated the feds will control the school system, I have mixed feelings about that, they could take out some of the foolishness like the religious part of it,,,and initiate more science, etc, but I feel to keep the feds out of our lives to such a deep degree the schools should stay local...for as I said "Who rules the schools rules the nation" and we already have NSA in our pants..

This is what data mining is,,,one small for instance, they can access your computer through their computer and your doctors computer and change you meds,,, as well as your diagnosis to whatever they want...our local police can do this just as well. They went on my desk top and took a picture right off it, as I watched, as a person of interest. I have never seen the picture since,,having looked for it everywhere. It was the only picture I had of this person,, So you see what they can do,, when you are targeted as I was and much much more,, 
You have no mining is only the cherry on the cake... I also want to add one small thing, when Torigian and Eastman Gelatin went into my history they discovered I had been divorced under cruel and abusive treatment,,,, 
No fault divorce had not been invented yet.. 1977,,,Someone had to be the bad guy and since I left him, I was the bad guy.  They used it against me,, claiming I was a violent person under this program Operation Safe Home by HUD. That is how I was put on this program.
So you see that is data mining