I was doing the right thing, concerned about common core,I gave David McGeney my blog address, he passed it on to the teachers who gave it to Cherie Rathbun,,,she has passed it on to everyone mentioned in my blog. The biggest gossip,,,
Scott Burns who work(ed)? for Eastman Gelatin is married to Ann Marie Burns who heads Peabody housing,,, my daughters landlord.. she is being evicted, because I told what Scott Burns did, he went after me sabotaged my car, had me evicted from my apt. followed me to the Grand Canyon and terrorized me for months. He is working with Nelson, Torigian's daughter, and Cherie is their willing pawn.. I think Monday I will go to Salem and take them to court. See if I can do something about this. This town is a kkk facility. Everyone knows everyone else because their job was given to them by Nelson's father. Peter Torigian...a tight knit community of perps. Imagine that!
All because I opposed that golf course,,can you imagine this shit after all these years is still going on and the funny thing about all this ,, I wanted the land to stay fallow for the citizens of Peabody to decide and to use in the future,, they wanted to build a new high school and this would of been perfect..instead of for a rich man's game, now they want to sell alcohol and the abutters are pissed,,that was the deal,,no alcohol for all the drunk golfers who are bored out of their skulls..
oh well..what can I say the residents of Peabody should bend over and take the green weenie,,yet again.
fuck you David for your part in all this.