i know you are mandated by the feds to ignore and turn your backs on anyone who complains of harassment of directed energy weapons to lie and deny their use and abuse on citizens of the US. Thereby perpetuating and helping to form a totalitarian state. To assist in the harassment and harm to American citizens. I live at 65 Main St. in Peabody Ma. 01960 if you wish proof of directed energy weapon harassment park up the street in an unmarked car and watch, take pictures. I would like that because with this complaint would be proof so that I could take the feds to court and have this murderous program stopped, but you don't have the balls to do it. To oppose those who have told you we are guilty of some crime and this harassment is justified. Rick Nelson deputy fire chief is behind my harassment the story is well known. I'm asking you to investigate .Because of this harassment my landlord wants me to move I will be homeless because no one wants me around with this program active. even one of your own knew about this program, John Sheaumaker knew. i'm very grateful for his efforts. I'm asking you to help as well..I'm asking you to investigate, Im asking you to help me stop this program for the rich who are killing innocents. Harming and maiming even children. The number one focus of this program is complete control of the populace and when that is completed you won't have a job.. .Like Snowden said, NSA is profiling everyone that means you and yours too.The plan is to profile and target everyone.A true totalitarian state, help me prevent that.Speak out, show this letter to others, help me prevent this happening by helping me prove the drive-by harassment and the use of directed energy weapons ,we all know they exist , I just need good solid proof.If the organizations that are in power like yours refuse to help we are all lost. even for the future of your families as well as mine. I don't want to be homeless nor to live in a totalitarian state.. thank you for reading this,,, barbara guillette
sent 1 jan, 2018 at 0356 because i have been subjected to horrific pulsing the first by peabody police drive by.