They took Kelly out in handcuffs,,, bloody, bandaged, swearing and cursing at me boy is she mad at me about James,,, James came to me filthy dirty, street homeless, my oldest grandson,, how could I refuse to take him in no matter what...he did,,, I don't care he is James... Anyway its been all summer , here it is January,, 8 months clean,,,he worked hard and its been tough for him,,, he loves his girlfriend. Jess, So he's gonna behave to keep her. He wants her,, she will be the best he could do and he does not want to be alone anymore he wants to be a success.I think in some way....
Anyway,,, I think early morning,,, yeah,, I was still awake 2:00 am,,, when I heard this yelling,, don't call my husband again,,, I guess bud started up again, I think he slipped he said he got 3 txts from her,,,, she was having problems with a boyfriend,,,I guess he beat her up or hit her... I don't recall that,,, but Kelly freaked,,, out of her mind,,, between having James here with Jess, ,, see they want full access to me and mine and if James is here they don't.... They gotta keep an eye out for him they can't pulse, and DAVid and Francisco and Yaikus and Anderson can't pulse the house with them here ,, because they can testify as to the pulses and my perps are real careful when they are around,,,wouldn't do to have several people with the same ELF problems,,, Anyway Kelly left yelling,,," get out,,, he wants my house.." to Bud,, AT Me "she just frothed at the mouth",,,,and swore and cursed,,, she was so mad,,, I don't think I ever seen her so mad,,,I came upstairs when it sounded like thumping on the floor,,, so Kelly was lying on the couch with her hands grabbing Bud's sweater...
I really think Bud is planning on putting Kelly away,,, I have long thought that,,,,he wants the house... I asked if the mortgage was paid,,, he said he was late it was due the 16,,, why is it late,,,, he did not go to work today. whose,,, a total pussy in my opinion... I told the cop it was not Kellys fault,,,, it was his for not blocking her,,,,, He could of easily blocked her....and he did not.
So , he said she txtd Bud,,, for help and they read it together ,, you never know he always twists stories in his favor...So she goes before the judge,, and the DA called and asked if we were afraid,, I said no,, no restraining order...she owns the house..A slight Pause in the DA's voice... Anyway,,, he should of not accepted it,, Kelly lost it,,, and I guess she had been drinking,,,, I don't know what but she gets shiftaced when she does...I mean staggering drunk,,, Kelly wanted to fight and has wanted to fight with someone , she acts out her anger,,, always has or her joy,, when she was joyous as a kid ,, it was cartwheels,, when she was sad,, combatant,,
anyway James moved in and stole anything not lying down as he continued his drug rage,,he started to quiet down,, to relax, he felt safe and desperate,,, and when he got overwhelming to me I would call Jack,,, Jack would talk to him,, and reason with him and tell him NO,,, he dearly loves his father and will do anything he says,,so we started to turn him around,,, slow but sure and we are not even sure he is turned around yet,,, he still smokes pot,, Pills? Heroin is gone,,, and we are working on his thievery. Channeling that, so its good at least now he's working for his money.
David Diachision is parked out side his house,, this is the second time this morning,,, I bet he was checking on his camera,,,he has them set up,, boy he ran up the stairs,,, so now he is home early for lunch,,,, Im sure him and his cronies will get a kick out of the tape,,,, I hate you perps,,,, this is all your fault,, you set this up,, I know you did,,,,mean malicious son of a bitches,,, good,, you keep it up,,, this war,, The community Protection Program,,, we are not allowed to be able to go to court to get off it,,, it has escalated,,,,,into this program of suicides,,, hospitalizations,,,now they want to be able to give us ECT's anytime the shrinks decree.... The sparkler,, spark gap has destroyed my jaw..continuously in one spot,,, making holes in the bone,,,, weakening it,,, right now David has the vibratory effect on me,,,
and oh yeah they changed the sound program Audacity,, making it much harder to understand and use I used to be able to but it on a timer and I set it for 3:30 to 7 am so I could catch the perps on tape and play it back,,, I also would have it on a spectrogram,,,,they changed it,,,very hard to figure out how to use it,, ,and I was not able to put it on a timer like the perps put their devices on timers...David puts his on tape and he comes home to change it , whatever he has to do to it,,, Anyway,,, second time I got punched in the face years ago some guy kidnapped a girl , she managed to get away and was in the next phone booth,,, and they were yelling,, but not to loud,,,, I didn't pay attention ,,, I was intent on my own call, so my friend wanted to pick me up, I had no idea where I was,,so I looked out asked the street and the guy started jiggling up and down,, and then punched me in the eye,,, wrong place wrong timed,,, like I said he just kidnapped the girl,,, and she got away,,,,I wanted him in jail,,, my police adviser told me to take the 1000, a year later,,,,at least I would have that,,,, so I did,, I have no idea what I did with it,, I had just arrived in San Diego,,,welcome,,, to the pleasure dome,,,",Frankie goes to Hollywood",,, favorite,,
that was the first time I ever got hit and ,so Kelly drunk heartbroken,, beset by perps,,,,and freaking out about James,,,,James kinda borrowed some metal , copper,,, but now I walk him in, and I walk him out,,, and he is with me all the time in my apartment,, he spends it with Jess.
she is working on him too and pussy is a great big initiative,, for any man,,, give him pussy and most of the time they both are happy. sorta
anyway it was a bad time had by all, Im sure the perps and neighborse,,, all got a good laugh out of things,,,Next time I wallop a person,,,its gonna be a good one...11:59 David just left,,,,I should of been keeping track of this long ago, but you know I don't care about anything anymore,,, not really...nope they beat all the caring right out of you,, maybe they consider it a weakness.I think Kelly knows about Buds indiscretion,, is perp manipulated,,,,and its because of me,,, maybe that is the problem or Bud wants me gone,, so he pulled the phone number to manipulate Kelly,,, boy was she drunk,,, she wants to fight when she gets drunk all that bottled up anger.... so maybe I should get her a punching way she's got a mean right hook,,, I got her too,,,I hit her on the top of the head,, with the frying pan she came through the blanket at me,,, so I grabbed the fy pan and bonked her on the head,,,, I used something else to ,, it cut her,,,,she had blood streaming down her face,,, I kept telling her to wipe it off and she ignored it,, and stood there talking to me as I looked at her in horror,, i think she was enjoying the look on my face, she wanted to hurt me in anyway she could... Why did she hate James so,, it was because of Bud,,,, she got mad over it too,,,he was taking metal,,,, I asked her several times,, HOW DID IT FEEL, Bud and her used to come in here all the tne and take what get wanted,, it was hard to get around,,, they never offered me a ride in the car,, because I think they knew what the perps would do,,,wreck it,, anyone who gave me a ride ended up with a totaled care but they were unhurt....always,, they did to same to me several times,,,,,Anyway Bud and I had a talk,,, he's such a pussy in the broadest sense,,,the other thing is that the pulses are hitting the pellet stove and effecting it from David Diachision and Franciso Sousas house,,,I think this added to anxiety,, so after this snowstorm this weekend I will leave fEB. 32016,, its to much for the family living here, much of this would not happen if I was not here,,,,,I think.. not sure...anyway,,, more tomorrow.. I hope I make it to the 3rd...//
The story of Barbara Guillette in real time of Directed Energy attacks on innocent people the sustainability=depopulation,Agenda 30 pre-aging imposed murder /suicide, silent holocaust program using community based agents out of the Fusion centers. The silent standing army of directed energy weapons ready at a moments notice paid by tax payers money to carry out the assaults're next.I am going public others have to be aware of what govt is really doing secretly to citizens.