The U.S. Media
Kristinn Hrafnsson an Icelandic journalist of the year, 3 years running . Is a spokesperson for Wikileaks. 2 July 13 spoke on DemocracyNow. org with Amy Goodman.
He said something that did not surprise me, he said the media in the country instead of concentrating on Snowden's whereabouts should be concentrating on what he is leaking, which our media is totally ignoring.
I have known for years our media in the U.S. is censored. Totally censored. They are afraid to end up like Michael Hastings. I know journalists in D.C. whom I have begged to go public with my story, did help me at first, but now they are afraid, and refuse to have anything to do with me. I do not blame them..
I do understand their fear but we are at a point in our country where we all have to step up to the plate,,ourselves,,,not to hide behind others or watch others do the hard work for us, by exposing what is going on in the very guts of our country.
No wonder people around the world hate us, but we are afraid to speak out we have indeed become a imperialistic regime and a nation of sheep as de Tocqueville also stated, we have much to lose by speaking out and many do not want to lose what they have.
I quote from Democracy In America , the chapter,, Freedom of the Press in the United States;" So, where the press is concerned, there is not in reality any middle path between license and servitude. to cull the inestimable benefits assured by freedom of the press, it is necessary to put up with the inevitable evils springing therefrom. " According to Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville the media cannot sit on the fence, they are either censored or not, and evidently in our country they are very censored.
Owned by the corporations.
He also states one of the first tactics of despotism is isolation of the individual.
This did start with Bush and Cheney and as we all know Eisenhower did warn us.. He did and we did not listen , Not that I think we had the knowledge or know how to prevent this.
chapter 22
"After all, one does, a large army in a democracy will always be a serious danger, and the best way to lesson this danger will be to reduce the army. But that is not a remedy which every nation can apply"
I add this also,,"Once the American Republics begin to degenerate, I think one will easily see that this is so; it will be enough to notice whether the number of political judgements increases."
This means the number of impeachments will increase signaling deterioration of the political system. Nixon , Clinton , Bush they wanted to, many called for it.
In my next post I will try to outline the steps of a despotic state.
The highlited words mean the people who are not voted into office. They are outside the perview of the vote, they cannot be kicked out of office, for instance , Henry Kissinger who stepped in for Nixon , and Eric Prince head of Blackwater USA.EDWARD SNOWDEN: I think that the public is owed an explanation of the motivations behind the people who make these disclosures that are outside of the democratic model. When you are subverting the power of government, that that’s a fundamentally dangerous thing to democracy. And if you do that in secret consistently, you know, as the government does when it wants to benefit from a secret action that it took, it will kind of get its officials a mandate to go, "Hey, you know, tell the press about this thing and that thing, so the public is on our side." But they rarely, if ever, do that when an abuse occurs. That falls to individual citizens. But they’re typically maligned. You know, it becomes a thing of these people are against the country, they’re against the government. But I’m not. I’m no different from anybody else. I don’t have special skills. I’m just another guy who sits there, day to day, in the office, watches what happening—what’s happening, and goes, "This is something that’s not our place to decide. The public needs to decide whether these programs and policies are right or wrong." And I’m willing to go on the record to defend the authenticity of them and say, "I didn’t change these. I didn’t modify the story. This is the truth. This is what’s happening. You should decide whether we need to be doing this."