Jillian is going to NYC in May with her eight grade, Kelly didn't go neither did Danielle , but Jill is going I put 200 down on her trip today money I could hardly afford. I bought a cheap security system one camera already blew, someone twisted the cameras so I ordered another , I hope the night vision on the other one is better this is very very dark, anyway I hope nothing goes wrong with this trip for JillianI'm sure someone at the school knows about Dave McGeney and his opposing view , we never spoke so I wonder what he was thinking of my blog someday I will publish this again , maybe when Cherie moves away. She is and I heard from several sources she is selling her house. Can't imagine why this is such a marvelous neighborhood with such wonderful people why ever would she want to move.
Today when I passed the police station I got zapped saw a red tube off the back door and a white pickup in the back lot I don't know who was doing it but lots of DEW coming from the police station as I walked by on my way to Higgins to partial pay for Jill's trip, I hope nothing goes wrong and this does not get screwed up. Nice town
7 jan 14 , 06:45 in the morning jeffrey schietroff started the pulsing off , then Jerimiah, then david as each arises and leaves they hit the house it happens every morning and it is jeffrey who hits me in the face it has intensified because I went and signed Jillian up for the NYC trip seems like the perps object. It was funny though when I signed the check headon told me to sign it to the tour company , sunshine tours , something like that , but when I signed in with the secret wry she had me sign it in to the city of peabody. That means Torigian's daughter who heads the treasury will handle the money!