I want to say I am trembling again, being roasted alive and most of all electrocuted.the cops don't like it when you speak out against them , they will attack you, I paid dearly when I criticized their paid 9/11 holiday and i was not the only one in this town ,,outcry was all over town, but mayor bonfanti snuck it through a few months later. I wrote a letter in protest and they called out a special guy with a special device who picked me up and flew me through the air and slammed me on the ground. They took special care not to hurt my head, they were greatly concerned about my head even the body slam was done in such a way as to protect my head, maybe they knew the skull had been thinned and would break like and egg. all the better to V2K you with my dear" I am shaking, and it is obvious to me because I knit and see my heads as they react to the Radar, Microwave, assault, I have narrowed it down to those two and they maybe being used together, using the properties as one. Many Ti's are coming to that conclusion as I have myself because this shit goes through anything, Tom Lee and his youtube videos suggested that. So here I sit trembling
The other day I spoke with Silk across the street and as I came out of the house to shovel and check on my cameras. Irene next door waved to me, I was very surprised.
Anyway chicago seems to have this black ops site it is called as a police station, I posted it on my fce page, they handcuff people to walls for 17 hours,,,,,without attorney. Welcome to America, I think they are documenting physically as I said everything digital goes right to FBi, then CIA, and of course funneled to local police.chain of command downward, it goes both ways you know.
Anyway I am trembling, hit every morning with pulses. I don't think it is devin or kelly anymore, I believe it is coming from STacias house, someone is staying there.As they have in the past winters, I got nailed from her house,,,from her. What an old bitch she is just like BABe Johanson. I don't understand it. I always disliked her she is insulting. Shes mad at me because I outed her gay son. . well my blog was not supposed to be public. but it is. oh well.