Monday, April 29, 2013

Bill Binney,, Stella Wind, DEW Symposium, and Operation Safe Home

1.  Bill Binney as I have written in other posts is a former NSA whistelblower, He blew the whistle on his own creation Stella Wind, you can google Binney, MIT and ACLU, for his youtube lecture at MIT, this explains how his program works, and  it is a data mining program that can collect pertinent data on every single person on the planet and store this material in Bluffdale , Utah. With enough storage area for 100 years.   His lecture is asking MIT computer scientists to combat his gov't program. This program starts out with one individual and everyone within that person's life is gone out to two individuals and investigated, if one of those individuals comes under suspicion everyone to two people are investigated outward from that person. All pertinent information is kept and other benign information is discarded and so on and so on. This is how it works, Binney quit when he found out that the gov't wanted to go mainstream and global. Everyone was included. Terrorist or not. 

One side note,,,,  the CIA is filthy with Mormons, I would fear  this, this would give the Mormon Church carte blanch to all this info and we all know the Mormons by their own actions are anal information junkies,, look at the genealogy project they have. The CIA seems anal as well.
One other mention, we in the Targeted Community have an increase in our numbers, Dr. John Hall in 2-11, he had an interview and was with Robert Duncan, Hall stated that this would spread and it has, just from what I see in my community, Hall stated this technology is to powerful for the powerful to give or ignore,, I paraphrase. The Nazi started with the mentally , ill dissidents, activists, and Gypsies. They always start with the weakest link,,, you should read my blog here about the Jews and what I thought.

Food for thought for the future and a possible area of warning.

2.  The second program is the DEW symposium in Monterrey, CA. and another in D.C. in June,,,and there is one thing Targeted Individuals know about and that is high technology. Directed Energy Weapons. I mention several here in the posts for my blog the latest is about The Vortex Worm Device, not it's real name, I do not know it, but I know it's effects and honey they ain't good. believe it.

The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) fosters research and development indirected energy (DE),
 including high energy laser (HEL) and high power microwave ... 

3. Operation Safe Home,,, federal, state, and local profiling, this program has been in effect for a long time, it allows the police, fed, state and local to invade HUD housing and that is OK for it gets rid of rapists, criminals, drug dealers and such, that  was it's original  purpose. The landlords and maintenance had the ability given to them to report anyone they deemed as violent and to be forced into hospital using high tech devices,, lights, pulsing, laser, anything like that as a signal to the medical establishment that this person was to be incarcerated for evaluation of violent tendencies.
This is what Mayor Torigian did to me, put my name on the list for violent offenders. They went into my past history ,and saw my divorce decree and went from there. I have  explained my decree in another post. THE DIVORCE DECREE. they went into my medical and legal, so protect your medical well, and get a copy and put it in your hot little hand as you leave the docs office and ask for the docs NOTES for within  is your evaluation,  you can read what he said all about you.  They lie too.

Stuart Cumins was my landlord and Mayor Torigian was part of my town's good old boy network, my mayor of 23 years, my divorce  decree gave them the excuse to do what they did, even though it was not true. I am not violent and have medical proof to prove it, but these devices can take a person like anyone and turn them into a Manchurian Candidate.

So this is how the system was manipulated by them for their own private use. They could shred anyone they wanted and from what I heard in my town of Peabody, Ma. I was not the first one that Torigian did this too. I also was wondering if there was an alleged kickback on this property for building the  golf course with the toxic dump under it, that the mayor built  with the help of Eastman Gelatine, saving the company millions.

This program is initiated by something you did, you said, you caught some one's attention,  I  took out a petition, which the shrinks profiled for HUD as being a bench mark for an activist and dissident. You had to have caught some one's attention maybe your psychiatrist, or a neighbor, or fellow employee. Someone notified the powers that be. I took out a petition to put flowers in our building's flower boxes and a petition is a sign to the HUD landlord that I was an activist and dissident, and considered vermin by HUD, You can thank Susan Gaffney, frank Gaffney's wife in DC.  for that, she was criticized by Mario Cuomo her boss for turning HUD into a police state.    HUD wanted to get rid of me as vermin and Torigian had already notified them as to who I was and the golf course issue.  

These three programs are loose and being used in the US of A as I type.  I often think  HUD was beta testing. All four elements I mention here, have all come together, the forth being the perp organization who do the actual zapping, boots on the ground, and this is what they call themselves,, they call themselves Zappers, so any car or T-shirt or reference to Z or zapping is suspect..Now the cops are doing it too. The cops and fire just get paid regular, they  like doing it. They don't know their names are on the list as well.

After much thought I would like to add  to this post,,,

One thing the gov't has taken advantage of is the ability of the young men and women who have played video games for years, grew up on them, can push the button and kill without remorse, within the game, they can now do the same thing in the real world. Because of the training they indulged in with the games, they now have moved into the real world. The military planned it, but not to be used against us, but foreign, I think this domestic issue is relatively new?

They have no compunction to pushing the button this is why many of our perps, hunting us, are young, they push the button and like a computer game they do not see any blood, they do not think they are harming us, or some of them don't, some do, but so what, no blood, they do not fall down, most times, no seeming harm to the target just like the video game, the target lies there, but not really dead. Same with us, we are shot, no blood, we don't die, we just disintegrate over time. Just like the video games that's why they can push the button so easy. On one level they are playing their video games only more fun because it can be dangerous. The target can really turn on   them..

No narrative, they already have been trained by the games. How to aim and fire..They do not need to be told we are anything , though that helps.  We are the targets to train on, in real life for disposal. It's all a computer game to them , the military have taken the virtual world and brought it back into their real world. I think they are using TI's to have these young men and women train on because they see a war with the Muslims and the Chinese in our future and a totalitarian state. What better way to train than to kill off the old and unwanted, and the young will train on them, for the electric war of the future.
That is indeed a sorry state of affairs, I have much to pass on, and they don't see it. Quality within the family is quality within the country.

All of these components have come together and this is our brave new world.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Vortex Worm

I call it that because I do not know what it's real name is. But the pulse looks like a worm, though you can see through it, it does not move smoothly but moves with these jerky segments, and it can be fast. The diameter can also be adjusted to be as big as the street or as small as a few inches,and it vibrates, it vibrates the shit out of you ,this is what I have seen. 

The first time I saw this I was at a neighbors house and I was paying off the super sport vehicle I bought from him, his name was Leo Durocher now deceased.  Rich Nelson Torigian's son in law lived a few houses down from Leo.   As I left Leo's house having made my payment I looked to my left and this swirl in the air came at me and was aimed at the middle of the street. I stared at it and wonder what to hell was that?  It came from Rich Nelson's house and as it approached me it got bigger and bigger till it filled the street. In a huge big circle with these inner circles. it reached  me and kept going and didn't have to much of an effect, I think because it was so big.

Later I saw this pulse in a tighter form, coming from Nelson's house over the houses and hitting mine. From passing cars and now from Jeremiah's Rathburn's house, who lives immediately across the street . This pulse is in a much tighter form, this smaller shape can do much damage as I have had this hit my knees. 

 I have been in bed with my legs bent and it smashed into the front of my knees several times. The right knee has been hit with what I believe could be laser as it goes right through bone and tissue leaving a hole in the muscle but not breaking the skin. My right knee has been shot right through behind the knee cap and in front about 5 inches down from the knee capon the leg, I can feel the groove in the muscle from the shot. I can also feel the entrance shot and exit from the knee cap, because it still hurts and the pain guides you to the spot.  The pain is spot specific.  You can even tell entrance from exit wound as the entrance hurts more than the exit and is bigger.

Basically I have been hobbled and all walking is painful.  A short while ago , 4 weeks , I saw a firetruck parked outside Cherie Rathburn's house, Cherie is Jeremiah's wife and  is a gossip and her mouth does not know when to stop.  Her husband Jeremiah is a huge guy but she does not think much of his courage. She speaks of him disdainfully. 

 After the firetruck visited, (Rick Nelson is a deputy fire chief, he married one of Torigian's ugly daughters,he owes his job to that marriage) I started getting hit with this vortex worm only in a tighter more painful size,  It hits me as I lie in bed and this is a straight shot form Cherie's house , namely her garage and she knows exactly where my bed is , she visited when I first moved here and was friendly.  This vortex worm hits me in the knees as I have my knees bent lying on my side and this causes the knees to swell up, They injured the right one more than the left one. Every night I get hit in the knees causing me to walk as if  I am a cripple which I pretty much am, compliments of high technology and Rick Nelson. May he rot.

So that is the situation today as I type this, 

Friday, April 26, 2013

This speaks for itself
I know you prpbably already know all this information,, and I do to,,there are a 
couple of things mentioned I know about, but have never seen in print before. 

Below is two of them, I get hit with this constantly, to the skull, I believe it has misshapen my skull
and dried my hair so  that it falls out. I took pictures of my skull and how flat it is in the back and felt 
sorry for myself after 15-6 years of this I am old before my time. I think that is the point,,, I would never 
be in this bad of a shape if not for the stress and manipulation of targeting. 

I do not walk anymore and have lost any inclination for exercise,,I was never good at that anyway so I cannot
blame them for that, but I always walked and the constant pulsing of below has caused much harm and is used to punish and manipulate and to do great harm to the body. You bet your ass they do. 

Oh yes one other thought, many think what is written here,,, will be here forever for those behind them, I saw the gov't censor one book and it was done so well , Unless you knew what was written you would of never guessed anything was deleted and they got every copy too, at least the one's I gave away. I checked.
The book censored was my book of expertise, Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville, one statement deleted was " Who rules the schools rules the nation," This is what W Bush gave to his christian fundamentalist when he was in office, this is why many many school boards during  Bush's time were pressed by christians to control and lead. 

Think ,,, Rick Santorum in Penn. even though he was catholic, similar philosophy.  Several other school boards were under attack also in various states.

Because of the above statement, they too like the Muslims plan for the long term. Another deleted phrase was " despots always court the military,"   Bush did not want people to point the finger at him in office and say that about him, that he was a despot. I guess being called a despot is better than being called stupid..  Who knew the work I gave to Clinton on this book  would be handed down to Bush,,, we all thought Gore would win and he really did. But Bush pulled off a coup de etat. As we all know.

Other laser-guided directed-energy weapons work like "artificial lightning" to disable human targets or electronic circuits. Laser Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC)technology was developed byIonatron to channel electrical energy through the air at the target. The interaction of the air and laser light at specific wavelength, causes light to break into filaments, which form a plasma channel that conducts the energy like a virtual wire.This technology can be adjusted for non-lethal or lethal use. LIPC operate at line of sight, allowing propagation of electrical pulses to be directed at a specific target. LPIC based weapon could, in theory, be fired around corners if mirrors were used.
I'm always hit with little spurts of electricity , going thru walls and hitting me, in the same spot. I wonder if this is it.. anyway any comments?

A different application is the shockwave weapon, employing the Vortex Ring Gun system. Generating high power shockwave propagating at supersonic speed, Vortex ring Guns can generate high pressures which inflict considerable damage to a target, or carry a payload of kinetic or chemical agents over a distance beyond 20 meters

maybe you already know all this and that is fine,,, I just never read where chemical agents can be carried over a distance of 20 meters,,,I knew this but had not seen it in print before, thats quite a distance.
any comments.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just some symptoms of Targeting

I just wanted to list some symptoms here for physical evidence of targeting,  Cold, it seems you get cold and cannot get warm or your instantly hot, like a hot flash only it's not, because you just got pulsed. A pulse can make you weirdly feel hungry, not a normal hunger feeling at all, but it can be intense, Wicked bad headaches, some burn other do not, they can be intensely painful, like a shooting pain through your head but very specific to that area. You've been pulsed.

 Right now Chris Yaikus, my totally perp neighbor seems to be working on my left side,,, this is where higher intelligence thinking is supposed to be located and when I feel my skull it is quite misshapen, the back is flat. Boy was he mad when I found out his name. He has his oldest step son involved as well. 

I know every once in a while my  skull is reduced, in the rear,,why?,,, all the better to access your primitive brain, my dear, it sits on top of your brain stem, your spine, for eons ago this is all you had.

This  is where the ID is located, and your flight or fight survival mechanism.  This part of the brain tries to ensure your survival. 
This controls and overrides all other brains and you have 2 other brains , that sit above the primitive brain.   But the primitive brain is programmed by mother nature and now by man, for this is where the mind control device HSS does it's work.  You are pulsed usually from behind, easier ensured access and the pulse usually has a command attached, audio (sometimes video) subliminal so only your primitive brain can hear or respond to it. 

 This is why I think my skull is periodically thinned in the rear, easier access to  my programmed primitive brain, now programmed by whomever has access to these devices.

When this all first started Scott Burns ,  Burns used to drive by when ever I was walking and pulsed my calves, I have pictures of huge black bruises. half dollar size, on the back of my calves, and he would pulse my Achilles heel making them swell and hard to walk.  Try it ,,no fun.

Strange bruises on the arms. Pin point almost blind pimple like, I was hit behind the left eye, I showed my Doctor Lee and  he said it was a pimple and I knew it was not. This was years ago before he left town, I think he was offered a better position. All the people that you had relations with, docs, dentists, professionals all leave for one reason or another.  They want no interference and total control.  Isolation. This  left eye shot was done as I drove by Peabody Housing authority where Burn's wife  works , I was shot from a side street as I drove by. Almost caused an accident. I say Burns because this was when he was the most active in my harassment. He worked for Eastman Gelatine who was affiliated with Mayor Torigian over the building of the golf course over the toxic dump.

They cause accidents to add to your financial burden, they want you poor so you cannot fight back. Confusion, outrage, puzzlement, suicidal thoughts because everyone rejects you, everyone is unreasonably angry with you. From the emergency room doc who is told you are the enemy, the violent one, the pedophile, to the shop clerk who is told you are a thief. To your doc who is told you are crazy. To your neighbors who believe you to be a busy body, because the perps who have ahold of you make it so, they set you up. 

Speaking of being set up, just an aside here, I believe the Boston Bombing Marathon Boys, one was killed the other is in hospital and will be  in jail for life, were set up..To many things trigger me, and point that way.  

I have seen myself set up, time and time and time again, and I cannot fight it, the brain does not have a firewall , you or others are set up not only for short duration, but for long duration, they plan well for the future , your future and how they can manipulate and discredit you, have your carry out their tasks, their agenda.

 I have seen this over and over and over again. I do not believe they even see us as human beings but as tools for their agenda what ever that is and once that agenda is accomplished then we are destroyed , expendable. As cattle are. 

Other symptoms of targeting, everything always goes wrong, no matter how you try , my life went from an intelligent up and down, you know nothing off the charts , to everything off the chart in the failure dept. to one of constant mistakes, no matter what I did. My perps did not hide what they were doing to me either,  they feel they are well protected and they are, for all my "boots on the ground" perps  can all be traced in one respect straight back to city hall. All of them. 

I'm trying here to outline the not so obvious signs of targeting, gang stalking is obvious. 

Constant  obsession to get the word out, to letter write and tell the gov't about this when the gov't already knows about all of this for they are behind it all as well as industry.  

You are forced into a state of high stress and anxiety, which I call "howling at the moon" because this is what this stress and anxiety makes you feel like it is just so intense it cannot be contained.

Others will try to manipulate you and take the last of your moneys, even other TI's to charlatans.
To be continued at a later date.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This practice is more common than we think

I read in the online newsletter,,The Raw Story about some politicians who have voted to have those on welfare take drug testing.   One legislator put legislation in to have the politicians  be drug tested, it of course failed.
This is how the elite protect themselves from accountability and this keeps continuing, I have seen this in my own small town.  The politicians give themselves a wide open door, above control.  They hire relatives , just like in Pakistan and feed the family on and at the expense of the state.   US.

 Welfare is welfare and politicians are politicians,,, the prols in the book 1984 were welfare citizens,the common folk, , the censorship gov't job spoken of , is  just that, gov't employees at their controlled gov't censorship job.

I hope that makes sense, I had to read it a couple of times myself.

The politicians take care of themselves without oversight. The only oversight is the ballot box, We are the oversight committee. It is a hard job and a 24/7 a day job.   Who has the time? Old people. Those interested. Who, who can change what needs to be changed without a violent  revolution.

Do we need a revolution to change the country?  Are we really such a mess,  that we can't be fixed? Are we such a mess that there is no hope?  I wonder.

I sent this out to friends this morning as a email but thought it belonged here as well.
I know you prpbably already know all this information,, and I do to,,there are a 
couple of things mentioned I know about but have never seen in print before.

Other laser-guided directed-energy weapons work like "artificial lightning" to disable human targets or electronic circuits. Laser Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC)technology was developed by Ionatron to channel electrical energy through the air at the target. The interaction of the air and laser light at specific wavelength, causes light to break into filaments, which form a plasma channel that conducts the energy like a virtual wire. This technology can be adjusted for non-lethal or lethal use. LIPC operate at line of sight, allowing propagation of electrical pulses to be directed at a specific target. LPIC based weapon could, in theory, be fired around corners if mirrors were used.
I'm always hit with little spurts of electricity , going thru walls and hitting me, in the same spot. I wonder if this is it.. anyway any comments?

A different application is the shockwave weapon, employing the Vortex Ring Gun system. Generating high power shockwave propagating at supersonic speed, Vortex ring Guns can generate high pressures which inflict considerable damage to a target, or carry a payload of kinetic or chemical agents over a distance beyond 20 meters

maybe you already know all this and that is fine,,, I just never read where chemical agents can be carried over a distance of 20 meters,,,I knew this but had not seen it in print before
any comments.

Monday, April 22, 2013


This is a message to all who read my posts, everything described is real, Our gov't has great capabilities with all these new DEW weapons.  I hope many are warned of what you are up against, the fight of your life and those who will come after you.

 I have seem to much, experienced man's inhumanity , to much.  I guess that makes me special in a sadistic left handed kind of way. For I have seen what these weapons are so capable of doing and I realize what Dr. John Hall stated, those in power will not give these devices or the power that goes with them, give them up very  willingly.  This may sound sappy but it makes them feel like gods all powerful.

They have abused their power and like Hall said,, this will spread until it will be among all of the population, not just the so called whistlelblowers as I am, or Binney, by the way google William Binney at his MIT lecture, asking for help from MIT to combat what he had created, he said he found out 11 months after, what the gov't was gonna do with his creation. They were going to go global. He said storage for every person on the planet for 100 years. Bluffdale. Tell me if that does not make someone feel like a god?
I hope they choke on it.
Last night I was woken and made to go to the bathroom, there I sat, my bowels emptying in the toilet while I puked in the shower.  This was done from outside my house with a frequency.  This has been done a few times in the past as punishment,and this was punishment for speaking out on Talkshoe, telling these motherfuckers how much I hated them and I would kill them if I could. 

Don't bother reporting this, everyone already knows how I feel. Save your breath, I have not been shy in reporting my feelings about these people for I know their names locally and even those in DC, and these devices. 
They can put you on the floor puking and shitting at the same time to incapacitation ,, easy job. Just a few minutes of torture for a few minutes of speaking out. 
And this is to my DC handler may you be put on this list, I hope so, you deserve it the most for all you have done. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I was driving down Forest St. toward Rt. 1, north, this was several years ago when all my targeting  first started.  Off Forest St. is one street, Farmers Rd,  coming in from the  left.

A pick up truck pulled out in front of me abruptly and I had to brake,I was not going terribly fast, but I still had to brake as he was going terribly slow.

Unknown to me, a pick up truck was behind me also, the first truck was to slow me down and position me for the pulse.  I was shot through the back and  it hit my sternum, bounced off, hit my right clavicle and seemed to lodge in the back of my throat.

I pulled over, only then realizing about the second pick up as it drove away,,and watched them slowly drive off. I thought I was dead, yet I was still sitting up and I could see,and still hear sounds, and was amazed that there was no blood. I kept looking at my hand looking for the tons of blood that I knew was yet to come. None came.  I sat there a while expecting to be dead and nothing happened, I did not know what to do or who to call,  stunned, I was totally stunned,  what else was I to do?   I just continued blindly with my day.

I still do not know what was done or why, an implant of some kind?  I know certain pulses seek out my throat, a constant in my harrassment.  As the one that just hit me coming from Cherie's house across the street,long distance, person specific is the signatures of these devices.

It's hard to tell the direction sometimes, but this one I saw fly across the room,just a slight disturbance  of the air, but then the tell tale certifiable click as it hits the back of my throat.

I know someone blames me for Torigians death by throat cancer, is this payback? Or a reminder? Or not related at all?

WE ARE IN A FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES and don't forget it for one minute.

Do not for one minute fool yourself, others or me.  I resent FFCHS's website and their Saturday night call on Talkshoe.  Why? because as much as many TI's hated Chuck's constant banter and posts , he is and was right. 

We are in a fight for our lives and they are killers. 

 Sit down as a TI and make a list of all the ways you can protect yourself and ways you can prove your case. That is the best advice I can give any TI.  Then follow through. But most of all protect yourself.  Get out of the house, get out of the way. It is the only sure way I know how to avoid the harm DEW will impose.

Because you are on and in this program as a TI,  do not think they do not want to erase you, for they do.   This is an erasure " DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS" every minute of stress they give you is one less day you have. Every pulse that hits you, every beam they put on you is one more day you lack. 

Chuck called FFCHS "killers" and they are,, why through neglect of circumstances and neglect of information, neglect by not telling these people what they are truly up against, most of us are  women and this is what they and I  are up against.  A program to dismantle our lives. 

 (I believe on one level it is to destroy the numbers of women ti's to come for SS for we outlive men by 10 to 20 years.)

The constant DEW against our person, the constant harassment in a variety of ways, the constant assault on out lives, in one form or another. I want these women to be aware, to know what they truly are up against. That we are wanted to be dead. Yes I know they could kill us with one pulse, how do we know some of us are not. Last night I was hit by a needle fine pulse, it hit my hand and hurt like hell, they hit my house with pulses as if someone was outside throwing rocks at the house. As usual they hid in their own houses or drive-bys. 

FFCHS propagates the bizarre, the super soldier, the inter dimensional beings, the alien, and yes even lizard people, Illuminati, and satellite nonsense.  These are important subjects on his call , they dissuade, delusion, and misdirect the energy of the TI's who come to his call for help. They receive none but bizarre commentary.

Listen to me seriously,if I make sense to you here at least believe this part,,, this is nothing but boots on the ground,,, real people,, new technology or converted technology, used to harass, harm and hurt,  this is a real person(s) out there pushing the button. REAL PEOPLE PUSHING THE BUTTONS, NOT SOME IMAGINARY DEMON WORKING IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. 

If you believe anything said here believe the above. Do you get it now?

The slow  kill is propagated and enhanced. Many on his call do not realize, even what is happening, they accept it like the sheep they are. He does not wake them up to the dangers within their lives. He does not list protections the people can use, cameras, documentation, to get out of the way when the targeting is serious, how to prove direction, by using dogs to point the way and taking pictures of how the animal reacts, for animals will react to DEW as well. To try and take pictures of any source of harassment, for the pulses can be photoed. To talk to perps and let them know what they are doing.  Killers. Work toward court cases, use the words targeted individual as much as you can.  Picket. Make our case as public as we can in a certifiable way.  Not Jesse Ventura but using other sources such as William Binney and his  MIT lecture, try to approach universities for documentation.  If you are hit with chemicals use plastic bags, scoop the air, keep several for proof but take several to a lab for analysis. Use  David Schriner's  statement before congress, Tv programs that take our cause serious. Use the NYT article , documented here in another post for reference ' THE SOUND OF THINGS TO COME" and to let others know about it, when you are targeted and are in public, stand behind other people. let them get hit, they will believe then, and that is what we want. Public awareness and you and I know  that the only sure way to prove the truth of being DEW targeted, is to get hit with these weapons . That is the only sure way to turn an unbeliever into a believer. 

 Sit down as a TI and make a list of all the ways you can protect yourself and ways you can prove your case. That is the best advice I can give any TI.  Then follow through. But most of all protect yourself.

I sent Derrick a link to the DEW (directed energy weapons) symposium in Monterrey Ca. the link is in one of my other posts, it is labeled. . I wonder if anyone from his organization will go , if they will picket , if anything will be done, if they are informed. I hardly think so.  Derrick sees himself as leader , a Julian Assuage of the TI world , and frankly he cannot lead himself out of a paper bag.

I resent his claim to leadership and fame and hope that many Ti's wake up to the fallacy of his call, do not donate, do not attend, as this will lead you to your death blindly as I sit here and write this. I wish I could inform the members of his call, but he mutes my voice and sees me as a threat to his sovereignty. 
At the cost of others lives. 

I document these feelings and observations here. I feel sad for he seems to be forging their demise. As surely as if he aimed and held the ax himself.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


The Supreme Court on Monday seemed skeptical that a human gene can be patented but also worried about what a decision to bar such patents would mean for private scientific inquiry and research.
Even the normally confident justices expressed some trepidation as they considered the complexities of patent law and the mysteries of biochemistry. They talked about the introns and exons that are parts of genes, but spent more time on simpler illustrations: baseball bats, a hypothetical plant in the Amazon with miraculous powers, the recipe for chocolate-chip cookies.
The justices’ caution is warranted: The decision could shape the future of medical and genetic research and have profound effects on pharmaceuticals and genetically modified crops.
The court is considering a challenge to a decision to award a patent to Myriad Genetics for isolating human genes that indicate a hereditary disposition to breast and ovarian cancer. Doctors and patients must use the diagnostic test that Myriad has developed, and others are restricted from research in that area.
The patents are being challenged by organizations of physicians and researchers, geneticists, patients and others who say that the snippets of DNA are “products of nature” and may not be patented, even though the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued such patents for decades.
The challengers were represented by Christopher A. Hansen of the American Civil Liberties Union. He told the court that Myriad did not deserve a patent because it did not invent anything.
“The genes themselves ... where they start and stop, what they do, what they are made of, and what happens when they go wrong are all decisions that were made by nature, not by Myriad,” Hansen said.
“Now, Myriad deserves credit for having unlocked these secrets. Myriad does not deserve a patent for it.”
The justices did not so much disagree with Hansen as they did worry about the consequences of not rewarding companies that invest so much money in genetic discoveries.
“What does Myriad get out of this deal?” asked Justice Elena Kagan. “Why shouldn’t we worry that Myriad or companies like it will just say, ‘Well, you know, we’re not going to do this work anymore’?”
Hansen said that taxpayer-funded research is one answer, and that natural scientific curiosity and recognition will continue to encourage such discovery. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy said that isn’t enough.
“I just don’t think we can decide the case on the ground, ‘Oh, don’t worry about investment, it’ll come,’” Kennedy said.
Myriad’s attorney, Gregory A. Castanias, had more trouble convincing the court that the genetic material the company isolated was different enough from the genetic material inside the human body to warrant patent protection.
“There was invention in the decision of where to begin the gene and where to end the gene” in the strand of DNA, Castanias said. He compared it with a baseball bat.
“A baseball bat doesn’t exist until it’s isolated from a tree,” Castanias said. “But that’s still the product of human invention, to decide where to begin the bat and where to end the bat.”
The analogy did not fly with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
“You don’t look at a tree and say, ‘Well, I’ve cut the branch here and cut it here and all of a sudden I’ve got a baseball bat,’” he said. “You have to invent it, if you will. You don’t have to invent the particular segment of the [DNA] strand; you just have to cut it off.”
Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr., representing the government, agreed mostly with the challengers and said the gene itself could not be patented. But he said ma­nipu­la­tion of the gene to produce certain results would be patentable.
Although the question of whether a gene may be patented seemed basic, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wondered whether it was the one the court had to decide right now.
“Why should we jump in ... and decide the broadest possible question?” Alito asked.

Discuss this topic and other political issues in the politics discussion forums.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tags, Threat Assessment Group

This is Tags,,Threat Assessment  Group, these are profilers,  for sale to the highest bidder. Park Dietz  who runs this group, was called to the Amanda Yates trial in Texas,,he lied on the stand about her premeditation, He said she did have premeditation, and the press proved she did not, He wanted her to get the death penalty, She drowned her five children and was totally stressed out, her doc told her and her husband not to have any more kids after the 3, she could not handle any more. They were christian fundamentalist and had 2 more. She drowned them all , voices in her head,,,god,,etc. 

So Dietz knew he would give her the death penalty with a premeditation  diagnosis. I do not know if this company still exists, but it was when I first became a Ti.

I know this cannot be read,,maybe you can change it ,, I can't so I have decided to type it all in here anyway and copy the information with my blogs text.

List of companies,, and following are a list then of the doctors and psychiatrists who worked for Dietz.
3M CO.

This is the list of all the profiler's that work for Tags,, on
The psychiatrists, these are some of the men and women who evaluate you


I make NO apologies/perp list

Last night in Antfarmwantsyoudead's call, 121846. I threatened a perp, any perp, no one specific, evidently my local perps are tuned in to talkshoe , I made the mistake of giving my call numbers to Chris Ryder who now works for the mayor of Peabody and who may be in charge of these guys on the local level.  you know Rick Nelson the deputy fire chief and company.

I said:" Don't think for a minute I do not want to kill you, because I do.. v2k, I paraphrase,,if you want the real dialogue go to chatgrabber and put in ant's numbers.

I do not care

The same voice last night said twice  ,,",THREATEN, THREATEN" ,  as I prepared for sleep. 

(v2k means voice to skull the Ti's name for what is being broadcast to the unsuspecting mind of the target. 

The previous morning, I was woken pulsed, as if I was getting hit with a baseball thrown at high speed, and v2k was used, after he was done, it was the same male voice of course, he said,,, "GOOD" and then I fell back to sleep exhausted and was woken up by a pulse again and he called my name, it seemed to be a male voice.

 All day today my my teeth were/and have been still targeted till the pain is incredible and constant and the one thing about this ,,is that these men know what they are doing...They think they are protected, but they are not, they will be brought to justice, and that  I promise you perps..

You are as controlled as much as I am. when they are finished  with your services, what do you think your masters are going to do? I'm not talking about your local mayor , who is usually your friend but those higher up over him, Will they feel comfortable with you knowing what you do and what you have done and knowing you can turn on them. I wonder??

 An interesting question. I wonder if they will always stay in power? To protect you.   I wonder, this is to my perp, my neighbors who have attacked me without any provocation on my part.  A true gang stalking unit.

started with the former now dead, Mayor Peter Torigian and my HUD landlord, Stuart Cumins.

Scott burns,,,EASTMAN GELATIN employee, EG owned 1/3 of the golf course,, the part the toxic dump is under.
Danny McKenna drug dealer local hired thug. He drilled a hole in my apt. ceiling pumping in gas over my head as I slept m he worked with Danny McKenna and Wally our maintenance supervisor.
David Diachisin neighbor of mine at  st. Anne's, works as a meter reader for the city and his son is also involved. He has been pulsing me from the moment I moved in, with his wife Stephanie working right along with him.
Francisco Sousa,,,Portuguese  and son is involved, he hit me with a laser from his front porch one night.
Lynda Christ,, and son Nick,, harassment, constant snaps,,, spark gap?
Blair Sheitromff and son Jeffrey , Blair is  retired, a nasty piece of work ,Jeff works for feds, Blair shot me through the heart as I walked by his house, he also tried that when I rode my bike by his house but I turned and he stopped and shoved the device in his pocket.
Cherie Rathburn and husband Jeremiah, he's a mechanical engineer, she talks incessently. Lots and lots of harassment from their house.
Chris Yaikus and his oldest stepson,? Chris hit me so hard one day I thought this was it..He has put up fences so you cannnot see behind his house on both sides,,, harassment from his house is either the snap he puts on his front lawn ,,coming through the celler window and through my wall hitting me in the head for hours,, many Ti's do not relaize much of this shit is on timers.
Matt, Legault and father now deceased, works for city as a truck driver, he's pulsed me from his back deck, he cagy  and only once in a while
Frank Anderson and son,,, has a compressor and zapper constant, all the fucking time dirtbag type. 
Rick Nelson,,deputy fire chief,,,son in law of former mayor Peter Torigian now deceased, this guy is responsible for starting and keeping all this going in this neighborhood, he feels he owns the street and has mind controlled me not to drive down his street,, if I do I get hit hard all night..
he's good at a negative narrative,,DEW harassment.
Luke Ambeliotis DEW, he and his wife stephanie both harassed me when I was living in my old apt. in Tanners court.
Jeff Grayson and unknown named man who worked for Torigian and who was at the meeting I had with Peter Torigian, as gofer and bodyguard ,,,they followed me to N.H. broke into neighbors cabin,  when I was staying for the summer on Mt. Waumbek.
Jeffrey Putney, pulses as he drives by, lives on Griffin rd.
Babe Johanson, friends with David Diachisin, has let David use her yard for pulsing over Paul's house.Into my bedroom all summer one year till I went and took a pic of the lounge chair he had against the fence, so he could pulse me at night...
20 Rockdale st, pulses from his garage with the boys from 20 St. Anne's ave.
20 st. Anne's ave  pulses from his house.
33 Rockdale st.pulses from this house all this time lobbed into my bedroom from the next st, their residence, , this is Matt Gauthier house ,, he's the one that shot me from his pickup truck as he spoke to devin out front.. Devin lied about his last name when I asked him who it was for Matt took off like a shot when I went through the gate to see who was doing what,,, Matt was and is best friends with Franky Anderson Jr. they hung out for years.

various police from Peabody police, read other blogs

These neighbors in one form or another take turns pulsing me coupled with drive bys,,, they are in one form or another related to city hall some are actual employees and as we know,,that this is local, boots on the ground, are they being paid?,, I do not know, they show signs of econonic increase and they may be paid funds as separate from city salary.
I think some did this during working hours as part of their job. Scott Burns is married to a Peabody housing authority employee, Ann Marie Burns who runs Peabody Housing, which explains why he had such easy access to my apt. when I moved back in with my daughter at Tanners court. .Peabody Housing was my landlord..

THE GLASS BOX/another device

I occasionally stayed at motels or hotels when the pulsing on the House became to intense.   Just to give my kids and myself a break, it took a while for the perps to set  up ,so I had some free time from being blasted.
I stayed at the motel over at Denny's on Endicott st. over by the malls in Danvers,local and cheap. Sunshine something or other.   It had a row of rooms all the way down on one side and a row of rooms on the other side of the wall.  The perps took the one opposite my room.  That night as I got in bed and settled,,

 this fucking boom box,,of silent sound went off right where the top of my head was.   Intense pulses and I have long thought that the HSS, hypersonic silent sounds , collimated pulses can and is used as a weapon.

All night. In the morning  I was in bed planning on sleeping late because I had little sleep that night, some asshole turned on his car outside my  room and my air conditioner sucked in the fumes,,I went outside and a station wagon was parked in front of my room and in it was a quilt folded in two around with the glass box in the middle. 

 I stood and stared at the box for a while getting a good look. It was either clear plexi-glass or glass,,,18 inches long and about 8inches wide and about 8 inches tall. It appeared to sit on a wood base, but not sure about that. It was sitting in the middle of a quilt and the top half was pulled back and what appeared to be on either end of the mechanical/electrical apparatus  was two poles, a north and south, and from what I have read and saw that day, i think this built up energy on one pole and was released  and the energy went to the other pole and created a EMP  waveform..

I think this is what I was feeling all night and it was concentrated at the top of my head.  Just then a young man came to the station wagon, it seemed he was talking to someone in the next unit to me and asked me what I was doing I chewed him out for the fumes and went back into my room, when I left they were gone.
end of the glass box.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yesterday was the Boston Marathon and the explosions,,, One wonders if it was an inside job,,,for some reason.

I know Obama said he was going to get them and he got bin laden so I do not doubt it. We shall see.

Here is a link to a symposium in Ca. within the menu you shall see a part that states they are working on blocking DEW, directed energy weapons, if anyone knows military or anyone who can go to the symposium ,,please do and specifically see if you can go into that blocking DEW section they have listed.
I am going to try to get a ticket to far away for me though,,may not happen.
Email me at and put symposium in the subject matter so it will catch my attention.
All kinds of interesting things with this symposium. check it out... I wish and hope I can attend,, I also sent a email to William Binney,,former NSA person who blew the whistle on the NSA and their global data mining program,,Stellerwind. See if he knows someone to go.

 I also sent an email to Derrrick Robbinson of FFCHS to make himself useful and go to this symposium or find someone who can response.

Testosterone on steroids,, it's all about control, how to fuck can they control us when they can't even control their own testosterone?  Anyway to anyone who wanders by check this out.

The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) fosters research and development indirected energy (DE),
 including high energy laser (HEL) and high power microwave ... 
I sent this link to several Ti's one applied for a ticket, she felt she would not be taken serious so she just told them she was a targeted individual in the application form  , leaving her real name address etc. ..She said she was flagged, when her denial was sent it was sent to many others,,DoD etc. A Dana Stocks, a senior scientist,,google the name at Georgia University, 

That was interesting,, I emailed Derrick Robinson of FFCHS, a major TI, get together on Saturday night, no response and William Binney , NSA whistleblowerm told me this was not his field and he could do nothing for me.
I will leave a message for Robert Duncan on Facebook as I was told he could probably get in..

Saturday, April 13, 2013





Friday, April 12, 2013

CONTROL is the NAME OF THE GAME and Deniability

I will start and end with this paragraph for this post, for it bears repeating, till it sinks in and the thought and knowledge of what we are up against is always in our minds.

I will leave you with this one thought,,,these devices exist for one reason and one reason alone and that is to control another human being. For no other reason.  We escalate, we subjugate, we destroy and rebuild, but in what form.  This is much worse than anything George Orwell could of thought of , but he knew the true nature of man and he feared it , as we all should.

Today is my birthday and a sad one it is, for the state of our country and our world,, it has taken off and has become this crazy place of the controllers and the controlled. All in the short space of a few years and I have lived to see it happen. Most of it unknowingly.  I think for those who come after me, this documentation will be important. to recognize a despotic state in the making. The attitude of gov't and it's treatment of it's people as benchmarks  for what is to come.

 I listened to four YouTube interviews of John Hall and Robert Duncan,,, Some things they got right and some things they got wrong, but this interview was done in 2011, and they said that this program we are on will be nationwide and well be used on all peoples. It will spread, so far this is true  , it has spread we have seen the numbers of TI's increase.  This means the program has increased and spread even within my purview, as I stated in another post, all my neighbors now know about the pulsing, the harassment. The harassment has moved unto my family and would of continued onto Amy Bellarose if not for her mother.
They said that driving a person to suicide is not the goal, well I have been there a few times, death looked good and that seemed the only way up for me. I came close,, when these devices are used on you it is horrific, and I wish it on my  perps.
They also said they felt it was satellite in genesis and that I do not believe, all my harassment is boots on the ground , my neighbors and maintenance from city hall. I believe this is just like the military, chain of command. 
1.  The feds, a federal program, I believe HUD may have been the beta testing, with "Operation Safe  Home"   2. the governors were also part of OSH  and 3. the mayors  also part of OSH,  then it goes the chain of command to the actual employees of city hall who can move about in a unobserved manner, whom you would not notice on the street, not really, who is in the halls of hospitals all the time or any other building, and you would not notice and that is the maintenance people.

You should watch the move , Fight Club", with Edward Norton,,same principle.

Maintenance people come and go wherever they want to, in my apt. our windows were broken,,,I mean really broken and if the maintenance were inside when they should not of been, well their excuse we were measuring the windows, or we were fixing the windows,,even in the hospital outside my room and my examining room, in Boston the maintenance pulsed me.  When I had my MRI in Peabody I was pulsed as I lay on the table.

Control is the name of the game. 

These devices only have one purpose and that is control, and yes they can be used commercially as I saw in the Museum of Art in Boston for a Fashion exhibit, you step in , one music , you step out another. It really was a play thing for me to experience this, a fun thing if I did not know what else these devices could do. 

DENIABILITY is a biggie, to deny these weapons exist, to deny what they can do, to deny the use of them on the population, and that use on the population is expanding as we speak.  To have storage for all this information for every person, (so said William Binney,)  on the  entire globe for 100 years, now that is testosterone on super steroids.  Male aggression gone out of complete control of themselves,,,These guys got it all over HITLER...They make him look like he's playing with toys, but Hitler showed the way with his psychic Tibetan far viewing  slaves.

Far Viewing is a  reality, you are in a pin point beam and it is focused on your optic nerve they can see what you see and it gives you different focus out of your eyes , one controlled by the handler , the other by you for perception, They can read what you are reading and they had me write a letter,, something to do with the Irish problem and I know this was under Clinton. It was only used while I wrote this one letter, so far viewing is not a common thing, or used commonly. 

Now back to Hall and Duncan,  they felt these devices are used to incite or calm populations and I can see that. I think that is why many Americans are so complacent.  I believe the 80 million $ Embassy built in the Green Zone is full of this type of technology,,,Kennedy tried to get close to the Soveits and china with his missiles in Turkey. He failed but this embassy has all the latest technology in Iraq. We are there to stay.  Snuggled up close to our so called competitive enemies. 

Hall and Duncan spoke of the Jared Lee Loughner:  case and I am not familiar with that,,a programmed assassin and I know they can do this as they had me in this situation several times willing and able to assassinate anyone they wished,, I remember it, so to me it was not long lasting. Nor removed from my memory.  I am non violent and violence is hard for me to call up or keep, I never ever spanked my kids, I was not a good disciplinarian. I think it was my worst fault as a parent and my children suffered for it.

Hall and Duncan said this Loughner kid was weird in his own right and stood out, they felt he would of been ripe for control, so you got to be weird or stand out for control. You got to get their attention, poke your head above the herd of sheep so to speak.  Like the hunter always is in tune with the different or injured animal.  Many Ti's have gotten the attention of someone who put their name on the list.
That could be true, mental illness, military affiliation is one, dissident, activist are others, they considered him weak , I am not weak never have been, that would not apply to me.

Duncan and Hall  stated our minds have no firewall and that is true, many ti's have stated they would know if they were being programmed and I do not believe that, most of this is subliminal, and done while we sleep, and we cannot fight this. We in truth do not have a firewall to our subconscious, they have the key, the pulse so to speak.

Sex plays a big part in this,,,why am I not surprised after all, it is the sexual tension from the testosterone that emanates control, and sex plays a big part of it as usual , the boys are driven by their gonads and have no clue who is driving the ship, they think they are, but they are not, they are driven by ancient desires, that their conscious has long forgotten in our modern world , but the subconscious has not,,survival is numero uno to the subconscious, they are still controlled by  those two little balls of flesh between their legs.

Joseph Campbell a wonderful insightful man who wrote about our myths,the myths of heros, etc. and he also spoke of chakras, our different levels of consciousness, and he said we had seven,,, they start at the head and work down, woman's level of consciousness is at the level of the heart, and man's level of consciousness is at the level of the crotch,,not my words guys, but oh so true, know thyself, but I think this was from Buddha.   

Many women have been raped, one of my first experiences with the power of HSS was to be raped by a goat man, a faun,  a dream more real, than real and I woke up with my ass in the air.  I was stunned but the experience was not within my realm of reality , so I did not know what to think.  But the very first experience was ,,,I was down cellar doing laundry and heard my name being called by Kelly Dixon a neighbors kid and Danny McKenna's sister.  Clear as a bell, I responded and went upstairs to see who was there and I was the only one home. That was my first inkling of HSS or V2K, whichever you wish to call it.

Duncan and Hall feel it is a falsehood that this assault comes from the neighbors ,,sorry guys your wrong on that, this is definitely boots on the ground, chain of command, and drive bys.  No chips, that  may have been in the past but the technology is way beyond that capability now. 

They think the focus for the population is one confirmed thinking pattern, like a herd of sheep, they felt in 2011 it was in the beta stage and would go mainstream.  They said the leaders are seduced by the sheer power of these weapons and will refuse to give up that power, so the technology will stay and be in use. Lucky us huh?

They spoke of Terry Schiavo, the women who was in a coma for many years and this technology could of been used on her to see if she had a thought, to keep her on the machines or take her off, was a big controversy a few years ago. I think it should of been used on her to see if her husband really did do this to her. I think if I was in that state I would not want to live, she was curled up in a a horrible position and no one was home,  and machines kept her alive. Who would want to live like that,,tell me?

They do not think suicide is a goal of all this, but it is all  a behavioral study.  How about murder?

They also believe that the powers that be want to know what kind of cancers can be created by these weapons and cell phones,,,many of the kids listen to music when not talking on the phone, we shall see many tumors in the future.  The EMP of a cell is 5 to 10 feet. They spoke of an independent study from Europe  that said cancer is viable and one by the cell phone companies here in the U.S. said no cancer is not viable.. we shall see.

Religion plays a big part of this, the voice of god program, intensifies the idea you are a chosen one of god, to carry our and preach his word.. It grabs these selected Ti's and turns them into god machines.  

The ending of their talk spoke of a spiritual war,, good against evil.

 I believe it is just man doing what man has been primitively programmed to do. Control of women, land, food, sex, and his environment. You want to see man where he belongs, go to the forest and study the gorillas you will see  man of today and where he belongs. 

I will leave you with this one thought,,,these devices exist for one reason and one reason alone and that is to control another human being. For no other reason.  We escalate, we subjugate, we destroy and rebuild, but in what form.  This is much worse than anything George Orwell could of thought of , but he knew the true nature of man and he feared it , as we all should.