Do not for one minute fool yourself, others or me. I resent FFCHS's website and their Saturday night call on Talkshoe. Why? because as much as many TI's hated Chuck's constant banter and posts , he is and was right.
We are in a fight for our lives and they are killers.
Sit down as a TI and make a list of all the ways you can protect yourself and ways you can prove your case. That is the best advice I can give any TI. Then follow through. But most of all protect yourself. Get out of the house, get out of the way. It is the only sure way I know how to avoid the harm DEW will impose.
Because you are on and in this program as a TI, do not think they do not want to erase you, for they do. This is an erasure " DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS" every minute of stress they give you is one less day you have. Every pulse that hits you, every beam they put on you is one more day you lack.
Chuck called FFCHS "killers" and they are,, why through neglect of circumstances and neglect of information, neglect by not telling these people what they are truly up against, most of us are women and this is what they and I are up against. A program to dismantle our lives.
(I believe on one level it is to destroy the numbers of women ti's to come for SS for we outlive men by 10 to 20 years.)
The constant DEW against our person, the constant harassment in a variety of ways, the constant assault on out lives, in one form or another. I want these women to be aware, to know what they truly are up against. That we are wanted to be dead. Yes I know they could kill us with one pulse, how do we know some of us are not. Last night I was hit by a needle fine pulse, it hit my hand and hurt like hell, they hit my house with pulses as if someone was outside throwing rocks at the house. As usual they hid in their own houses or drive-bys.
FFCHS propagates the bizarre, the super soldier, the inter dimensional beings, the alien, and yes even lizard people, Illuminati, and satellite nonsense. These are important subjects on his call , they dissuade, delusion, and misdirect the energy of the TI's who come to his call for help. They receive none but bizarre commentary.
Listen to me seriously,if I make sense to you here at least believe this part,,, this is nothing but boots on the ground,,, real people,, new technology or converted technology, used to harass, harm and hurt, this is a real person(s) out there pushing the button. REAL PEOPLE PUSHING THE BUTTONS, NOT SOME IMAGINARY DEMON WORKING IN THE SPIRIT WORLD.
If you believe anything said here believe the above. Do you get it now?
The slow kill is propagated and enhanced. Many on his call do not realize, even what is happening, they accept it like the sheep they are. He does not wake them up to the dangers within their lives. He does not list protections the people can use, cameras, documentation, to get out of the way when the targeting is serious, how to prove direction, by using dogs to point the way and taking pictures of how the animal reacts, for animals will react to DEW as well. To try and take pictures of any source of harassment, for the pulses can be photoed. To talk to perps and let them know what they are doing. Killers. Work toward court cases, use the words targeted individual as much as you can. Picket. Make our case as public as we can in a certifiable way. Not Jesse Ventura but using other sources such as William Binney and his MIT lecture, try to approach universities for documentation. If you are hit with chemicals use plastic bags, scoop the air, keep several for proof but take several to a lab for analysis. Use David Schriner's statement before congress, Tv programs that take our cause serious. Use the NYT article , documented here in another post for reference ' THE SOUND OF THINGS TO COME" and to let others know about it, when you are targeted and are in public, stand behind other people. let them get hit, they will believe then, and that is what we want. Public awareness and you and I know that the only sure way to prove the truth of being DEW targeted, is to get hit with these weapons . That is the only sure way to turn an unbeliever into a believer.
Sit down as a TI and make a list of all the ways you can protect yourself and ways you can prove your case. That is the best advice I can give any TI. Then follow through. But most of all protect yourself.
I sent Derrick a link to the DEW (directed energy weapons) symposium in Monterrey Ca. the link is in one of my other posts, it is labeled. . I wonder if anyone from his organization will go , if they will picket , if anything will be done, if they are informed. I hardly think so. Derrick sees himself as leader , a Julian Assuage of the TI world , and frankly he cannot lead himself out of a paper bag.
I resent his claim to leadership and fame and hope that many Ti's wake up to the fallacy of his call, do not donate, do not attend, as this will lead you to your death blindly as I sit here and write this. I wish I could inform the members of his call, but he mutes my voice and sees me as a threat to his sovereignty.
At the cost of others lives.
I document these feelings and observations here. I feel sad for he seems to be forging their demise. As surely as if he aimed and held the ax himself.