In about 95, I told my journalist friends in DC that I believed in climate change,,, I think the months are sliding ahead by one month,,, April is may ,, wise.
I also told them that I thought the world was heating up and it is,,,the glaciers are melting in Greenland, it has lots of people concerned,,many blame this weather change on HAARP, I have heard a Ti blame hurricane Sandy on HAARP. I do not believe our military who runs HAARP is insane enough to try and manipulate the weather...They can't even wipe their own ass and they want to control the weather.
The arrogance of man between HAARP and climate change we are fucked..I have been listening to it for the third time,,, their is much information involved.
1.Haarp was designated to interfere with all other communications on the planet
2. weather control,
3.long distance over the horizon, southern hemisphere communication
4. long range geophysical exploration for voids, oil, gas , mines , water ,etc.
5. HAARP can be used as WiFi, to collect wireless energy,,for all the DEW systems for our military systems.
The reason I believe in climate change is because of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, I stayed there and he lived year round in this area right down the street from my relatives camp,,
,He told me he believed in climate change as well. He said the ticks were surviving through the winter, they had never done that before...He felt the weather was becoming warmer as well..So
I was not alone in my assessment and it does continue,,,our winters since I was very young have become shorter and much warmer... I was young I remember the bitter cold that went on for months,,not days, but months, In Nov. we were locked in with snow. cold on the ground, Dec. Jan. Feb. was our worst snow storms,,,lots of snow, but we also had thaws,, so that was good to look for. March,,, came in like a lion and out like a lamb,,,so true and April showers bring my true as well.
People are noticing animals able to live further north and signs like that have given me notice something was going on...So I told my observations to my DC friends and others assessed them and came to the same conclusion....our weather is changing..