this paper has long been known to publish non-controversial issues...
I was targeted by former mayor Torigiain , I lost everything, apt car. job finances, . He labeled me as mentally ill to cover up his deeds.this was his excuse to cover what he did to me, I spoke out,,
I told my story and his daughter unfortunately lived up the street, she found out who I was and my story… so now she hates me,, everywhere I go city hall employees especially those in water meter readers or maintenance, and others are glad to curry favor and do her bidding, Where I lived,,, David Diachision was her number one man who lived across the street from me, he is not a very bright fellow and to do this was as if he was doing for his boss, from what I understand both him and his father were job holders because of their loyalty To Torigian’s father
I watched the Trovas brothers fiasco, and that was done with malice,,,I spoke to them and they believed me, from what I understand they were kind of wild when young and this was payback time, or so it was said to me , by an older librarian, she was glad they were thrown out of their house , so they lost their property, one dying soon after and the other within a couple of years.
The second person was Tom Grelish he spoke out against Torigian on many occasions, at much cost to himself he almost lost everything as well.,, I visited him and he believed my story when I told him what Torigian, and Cumins my HUD landlord had done to me.. “Without a doubt “he said, also I spoke to Jan Schlichtmann of “ A civil Action” , fame. He believed me “without a doubt” as well.
The reason for this letter is because I would like to post an ad or a notice in your paper requesting anyone else who was mistreated or maligned or had their lives destroyed by Torigian to come forward and discuss this with me. I want to put an ad in your paper.I want to mention DEW , directed energy weapons , as they are here in this town and being used on people not only by city hall but by the police and security companies. A well kept secret,, but now with all the surveillance capabilities much of this is not coming out. How through wall radar millimeter or backscatter cameras are used to find the target and acoustics which also goes through walls and has force,, like being hit with a baseball bat is being used to harm the target. also powerful cell phones have been adapted and their pulse made stronger,, so that if they are aimed at you it sails through your head like a pulse of sound. Harmful. HSS is another device used,, and its brother Audiospotlight have the capabilities to be pulsed through your head and leave triggers to be activated when you see or hear something else. Remember in theaters in the 60’s when subliminal video was banned because it was found they worked all to well when soda or candy was flashed on the screen and a stampede was made to the concession stand?
I have since moved and still live in Peabody I have contacted the police because this harassment has followed me to my new abode and the tactic is to pulse, hit those around you, but the perps let your neighbors know the reason they are being hit is because of you. The man next to me last night was kept awake all night being pulsed,,, he was late for work and is very angry. Knowing it is because of me…This is how they build up animosity in the community against you.
I did nothing,,, I didn’t even speak out much at the meeting I had with Torigian. very little. My mistake was to tell my friend to shut up as she lamented she was going to quit speaking out against the golf course, she was never targeted I was. Torigian also asked me for my address at the meeting and his response was eyebrow lifting. So he knew where I lived and who my landlord was.
I just wrote to Chief Griffin and he sent an officer to visit but who seemed already to decide I was mentally ill and to blame my accusations on that, as it involves directed energy harassment. He had already decided that he could do nothing for me, Laura Torigian’s brother in law is second in command at the Peabody Police Dept. so you see the police have never been my friend and to be frank I’m scared shitless of them because of all of this, Most of those on St. Annes Ave. where I used to live were in one way or another related directly to the police and every name I collected because of harassment led directly to city hall.
Hard to prove, but these pulses can be photoed and the acoustics used can be taped. My neighbor Chris Yaikus who had a business of installation of video and audio commercial and domestic, knows the sound capabilities all to well. He also used it on me with his sons as useful tools. I was seen as a busybody , I was not . I wrote about these people only to document their crimes…
I see this as a totalitarian state. As it is almost now… I fear for my new apt. and my ability to stay here, I want an ad in the paper asking others to come forward not only if they were harmed but also if they had directed energy used against them,,, As you know NSA is profiling everyone and I believe over time everyone will be a target as I am, I believe if we do not alert others to what is going on, this will be a totalitarian police state, if not already.
So whats do you think and please do not send this to the police… This has nothing to do with them.
Barbara Guillette,,
Please do not print this ,