Did you all know that every night before our parents went to bed it was a habit to have a nightcap,,, a drink before bed,,,just one drink,, I think. But it was hard booze.. So now we use pot,,the bad part of pot is it ruins your lungs,, and the good part is there is no hangover..
my words of wisdom here... everything in moderation, we don't have to eat all the food, smoke all the cigarettes,, drink all the booze, have all the sex,,,all in one night,, stretch,,savor each and every habit,,, but under control. If you let any of them get out of control,, they will ear you alive..all of these habits are wonderful,, and fun and I love them all, but the downside is,,, fat,, cancer of the lungs, alcoholic, and a prostitute.... is really the downside to all this,,,Ahhhhhh habits,,, Democracy in America by deTocqueville,,,, IF YOU CONTROL A MAN'S HABITS,, YOU CONTROL THE MAN,,,
WHAT ARE HABITS? Some of my habits,,, I wash my dishes every morning while I make my coffee,, I have many others as well, we all have our habits,,
What habits would the gov't want to control and why?
Monsanto controls the food supply and wishes to patent genes in our food supply.. A Canadian farmer is suing them , because their crop infected his organic field and he no longer can keep the label,,,
That is warfare,,, we have many wars going on between technology, control and the people...those fields were infected on purpose Monsanto knew...
One wonders about all this. bjg