Yesterday was the meeting at the Boston State house,,,,a forum for many bills, immigration, agricultural, trans gender,, so many men are becoming women,,,the ugliest women you ever saw.they are beyond uglyyyyyy, they are uuuuuuuuuugly,,please if you wish to be woman at least be a good looking one..or stay the man you are.. We don't want you...
I'm telling you we are not a pretty people,,, so many ugly,fat,poorly dressed, people in one spot.,our fashion sense is up our ass, I may be poor but I do not have to dress poor. You too transgender.
A petition was sent around the room, I thought this a good tactic for us as Ti's to do, even if we do not speak, to do a petition. I learned much from this experience. I shall put that info in an other post.
I'm telling you we are not a pretty people,,, so many ugly,fat,poorly dressed, people in one spot.,our fashion sense is up our ass, I may be poor but I do not have to dress poor. You too transgender.
A petition was sent around the room, I thought this a good tactic for us as Ti's to do, even if we do not speak, to do a petition. I learned much from this experience. I shall put that info in an other post.
Humane society spoke and a bunch of cops talking about privacy and surveillance which is what I was there for. Peter taped them. I hope he sends me a copy as I was not listening. I saw the importance of it.
Privacy and Surveillance,,,I was with 6 other targeted individuals.. nice people. all of them...One of the TI's spoke of her harassment and told me that a path of dead vegetation that shows the harassment from the perps house to the TI's house... I also have noticed dead vegetation from my perps house to my house... they have killed several plants on this path to me. I also got the impression she was not the only target in her neighborhood.
At 12:30 we got in line to sign in and to speak, we went as a panel. Peter, Kate, Arlene, Will, Camille Elsy, and me. It was great,, the 7 of us banded together. the day was cooler than the fry we came out of for the past week. Thank goodness for that. I had to take a bus,, train and trolley to arrive. Long trip.
As I said we got in line to sign in with many many others, we were ushered into a room and it was to small almost everyone was standing room only, very inadequate seating, so they sent us to a larger room for the forum, and it was an all day affair and went into the night.The air was finally put on at about 6 pm, I think many were groggy from lack of oxygen.
I did not get to speak because I had to leave to catch the last bus from the train station to home, otherwise it would of been a loooooong walk home. So I never did get to speak but found out the chairwoman's name and will send her an email with my thoughts. Lucky her.
The more I meet and speak with other TI's the more I am convinced this program is a Mental Surveillance program, the shrinks profiled us. A pox on their house !! Everyone seems a bit shaky, Just a little bit off, but my question is who would not be if they were targeted and also what is normal. I know because of my severe targeting I am much changed in personality. More suspicious of people, less apt to be open, more aware of those around me and their intentions, etc. I have come to hate people for their badness.
So we sat and we sat and we sat,, I have to give it to the chair person and her cohorts, they sat for hours in their chairs, never getting up and also listening... Lots of fortitude there. One guy on my end I felt pity for he looked pretty brain dead from it all. vacant stare..
Kate,,leader of our pack was being pulsed continuously and I did know this for a fact as we got off the elevator a pulse came through and hit her and kept going the same bright blue pulses that I see float through my room,it was right in front of me, microwave,,same blue as the Wii and that system works on microwave, it has to , the speed of the microwave makes the game possible.To us the delay in response from the game ,,we do not feel it, because it is so minute. But it does have a delay, incredible speed , that speed makes the game,,,( without to us a seeming delay),,,, possible.
I was also pulsed several times, but I ignored them, just changing my seat. Kate stayed in one position. I observed during the day that a maintenance person came in and stood in front of us, maintenance has always been a big part of my targeting, with security and the police part of it. . He went away,,,later as I was leaving, maintenance came in again,,navy blue t-shirt with the logo of the state gov't on it, big belly,,,and security joined him standing just in front of us separated by a small petition in front of our seats.
The pulsing hitting Kate and also myself and others for Arlene was in tune with it as well. She left early, as well as Will, though both were there for most of the day and Will took a day off his job to attend., so to us Ti's this was a big deal..
I do not know yet what happened after I left and will add to it here as it is relayed to me... I was exhausted and glad to be on my way home,,, thankful to catch the last bus home,,missing the next to last bus by minutes was upsetting. Scared somehow that the last bus would not come as I said a lonnnnnng walk home. I was followed home and my perps made sure I arrived. My perp sat next to me on the bus and spoke of Clairmont, where I lived in Ca. He said he lived there also ,,, and of course as we rode the bus and spoke of Clairmont, the stop on the bus was at Clairmont St. at this time in our conversation, timed well. They go to a lot of bother if you ask me... That definitely told me he was a perp and as I walked home a car drove by, down St. Annes by me on Woodward and then back out... not driving home. Go away!!
I am disappointed not to speak,,, at first I was going to warn the panel about the dangers that are in front of them , that the laws are late and soooooooooo inadequate. That these weapons are going to be used by crime and those with their own agendas, that they will be targeted as well, and their children, for children are not exempt ,this shit is in all our agendas, I am only in front of you on the bell curve as this runs through our society as a holocaust as Schriner calls it, they will be targeted ,not only by opposing parties for their seat but by crime people,, David Schriner's statement before the US Congress,,,25 Feb. 1998,, titled,
"The design and fabrication of a damage inflicting RF weapons by back yard methods."
I will send this to the chairperson in it's entirety. Hoping she does read it, and take heed. That someone like my neighbors can make frequency, beam and pulse devices in their garage. I know the mechanical engineer across the street has thru the wall radar and pulsed weapons of a great severity, I have suffered from it all and caught him on one occasion using the thru the Wall Camera. It's presence and effects were readily apparent as I walked toward and through, thru the wall radar, one could see it as well as feel it, the camera is usually only used quickly, or when time has changed and they want to find me,, pulsed on and off quickly. This beam was steady as a beam is,, and I walked right into it and within one second it was turned off. It came from Jeremiah and Cherie Rathburn's house. Evidently they were watching Stacia and me next door, the beam seemed to be in the middle of our properties, so it hit both houses. Cherie the biggest gossip on the street must be in heaven.
Stacia is the old lady next door and the Rathburn's caretake her house during the winter and lots of harassment is from Stacia's house. One night I was pulsed so bad,, I got out of bed and went to look for the place where the pulsing came from,,As I climbed my stairs to go out,another pulse came through my fence and I saw it, and as I opened my door,, I heard the definite and loud click of Stacia's cellar door close as I got nearer the fence. So whomever was pulsing me had access to Stacia's house at night for this was at 3 am. Who else would have a key, know how deeply Stacia sleeps and that she is partially very hard of hearing , but the Rathburns or whom they told.
I feel they have been a great deal of my targeting. Very good friends with David Diachision, city hall employee. On a past post I spoke of getting hit from the Rathburn's Wii, I believe this Wii was modified,,, the pulses increased to weaponry. and the funny thing about it is the pulses, for I investigated the source, I knew the snaps and zaps I suffered came from Cherie's patio where she had her Wii, I saw her son using it and I investigated,, for I was being hit at this time and could see the pulses, so I followed them,,,Her oldest son was using it, the shades were up and he was plainly seen.
So people can make this weaponry in their workshops like Jeremiah has in his so called garage. A mechanical engineer,I think a compressor can be converted as well as the x box used as a force multiplier for acoustics weapons, A guitar. The strings plucked ,Vibration up the ass and the initial pulse goes right through you and has force,,knock you down too, ,, put this guitar on the floor over my head turn the xbox volume up, I wonder if that would work, or am I missing something? and the string plucked as the x box roles.. A force multiplier. Thank you Alda for that suggestion. Much gratitude. I wish I could try it and I think the xbox wireless could be modified,,or all of this could be a decoy. Or some. Or none.
Well I was going to warn this forum's panel,, but you know,,, I changed my mind, I was going to tell them,,,good enjoy your fucking drones,,, I do not know if it is a security problem, are we so riddled with crime we need this technology on our streets or is it an economic problem as this chunk of change is huge and is keeping this part of our technology sector going, worth billions, to those who use , to those who build, and those who buy.
Or are we really that bad, crime riddled.. I know several police depts. will use these drones until their broken, I wonder how much for maintenance, I wonder how delicate they are. A small one can be bought at the mall for , I have heard it is now down to 100 bucks. We shall see,, maybe I can buy one to peruse the area.. Sending it up to check out things.It is said they are silent. cameras, sound, action. fun.
Now as far as those in the legislation who are making the laws, I hope you get pulsed, for only then can you understand how devastating these weapons are...
Schriner within seconds made the car dead,,,,, I emailed him asking him, how would this feel to a person? He never responded or never got the email. I think it would make a person dead as well,, for we run on electricity.
I wanted to tell this panel of lawmakers welcome to my world..
1. Make up a petition, with fliers explaining our cause to be handed out as well
2. When you go before the forum panel hand out folders with your comments, as a panel do it all together in one folder.
3. Short , Sweet , and to the point.
4.. Go early to sign in
5.. Be presentable, don't look poor, Don't look confused. If targeted ignore it.
try to reread your comments many times to try to memorize it, for it makes better reading if you do have to read can at least glance at the panel once in a while, eye contact is important, speak moderately and within the time frame given,,we were given 3 minutes. Some spoke longer like the ACLU.
6.. When speaking I wear eye catching bright colors,,after all I want all eyes on me.
7. Do not for goodness sake ramble, that is what they expect and do not repeat information, if you do
rephrase it.
8. Make sure you use well documented sources for your statements.
9. Be observant,,,watch maintenance and security.
10 Try to keep track of who and what is around you and as a TI that should be easy..
11. Be patient and expect it to be a long process
12. Bring water and something to eat
13. Comfortable shoes a must
14. relax
15. think of why you are there and how important it is to you
11. Be patient and expect it to be a long process
12. Bring water and something to eat
13. Comfortable shoes a must
14. relax
15. think of why you are there and how important it is to you
I will add to this as other ideas and thoughts of the day come to me..I shall email this to many.