David Shurter sent me this link,Thank you David,, I can add a couple of names to the list,,,
Theresa Mello, who lived next door to me our bedrooms were back to back our beds on the same wall. A duplex.
One night I was trying to sleep and a frequency hit me,,, constant and it suppressed my breathing. I have some other documentation that this can happen which I will add here at a later date
Mrs Mello was older and not of ill health, but older.. she was taken out that night in an ambulance and she died in the hospital. I , being younger and stronger fought off the suppression and lived. I wonder who was lucky.
My former husband Donald was hit in the head with a laser, it gave the appearance of a stroke. He died. I was told what happened HSS. communicator.
This link is quite telling,,, a not uncommon occurrence in all of our history.
The story of Barbara Guillette in real time of Directed Energy attacks on innocent people the sustainability=depopulation,Agenda 30 pre-aging imposed murder /suicide, silent holocaust program using community based agents out of the Fusion centers. The silent standing army of directed energy weapons ready at a moments notice paid by tax payers money to carry out the assaults ..you're next.I am going public others have to be aware of what govt is really doing secretly to citizens.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
PULSING PLUS and death squads/ edited
it is 4: 43 and this morning at 4:00, I was woken with a horrific pulse from up the street,,I might as well write about the occurrence. I not only felt it, but saw the spray on camera. They have destroyed much of my taping ability making it difficult to tape, so by the time I am ready, they stop. Through wall camera.
Now I'm going to explain what a pulse is again, a pulse is of a short duration, sometimes having great force, and at others only a breath on your body. Pulses can be of various dimensions,, radius.. or many pulses within one pulse,,, I call that a spray. they can be a force and can knock you down as did the one this morning. Or they can be the size of a pin head,,, intense white and burning, other Targets call them bee stings but they are not, they are intense white light energy that burns holes, tiny holes. This usually comes in a spray or can be just one tiny intense white light pulse. I mean tiny but deadly. i have seen these pulses, one or many heading my way,,, Intense white light.
Lately some pulses are Robin egg blue, the same blue used by the Wii , it floats as this blue ball through the room, it has speed but not zippy speed...I figure it is the highest level of microwave, or it could be laser, I am unsure which, but the blue level is highest laser, green is next level down and then red. Blue is highest energy and goes through anything, microwave/laser? is used in the games, the Wii and xbox , microwave operates at such a high speed it is needed to operate these games in real time. I shall have to find out which it is , maybe these games can also be used by targeted to inflict these abuses on their bloody asses.
Later one TI, told me the blue is the signature of emp going through the air, that is why it appears to go through walls, the blue is discarded as the emp passes through a wall and picks it up again on the other side of the wall..
Lately some pulses are Robin egg blue, the same blue used by the Wii , it floats as this blue ball through the room, it has speed but not zippy speed...I figure it is the highest level of microwave, or it could be laser, I am unsure which, but the blue level is highest laser, green is next level down and then red. Blue is highest energy and goes through anything, microwave/laser? is used in the games, the Wii and xbox , microwave operates at such a high speed it is needed to operate these games in real time. I shall have to find out which it is , maybe these games can also be used by targeted to inflict these abuses on their bloody asses.
Later one TI, told me the blue is the signature of emp going through the air, that is why it appears to go through walls, the blue is discarded as the emp passes through a wall and picks it up again on the other side of the wall..
Pulses can leave bruises or they can leave Pettachia under the skin. Tiny broken blood vessels from the pressure of the pulse. When all this first started Scott Burns and company would drive by me and hit me in the calf and the Achilles tendon bruising one and swelling the other. Pictures can be taken of the bruises and sometimes the camera will pick up a bruise under the skin, and will expose the Pettachia. I was shot in the chest and the exit wound left a scab on my back, I figured my body slowed the pulse down enough to burn on the way out. The constant clicking I used to hear is a pulse coming from my right side, entering the skull but losing energy and hitting the inside of my left skull causing the click I hear. The brain slowing it down so that it does not exit the skull. I also figured out the clicking on my right side was Jeffrey across the street, he was hitting me in the front of the skull at an angle and it was coming out near my right ear..I heard the click as it exited. Yaikus has one also he set it out,,,I saw his kid set it out beside his front porch, I went out to retrieve it but he picked it up and saw him go in the house as I approached.
These pulses can be long distance, through the walls, person specific, silent and deadly. They can burn you, bore holes in your muscles, knock you down, and knock you out. Pulses have different radius, to do different damage for these are weapons, that are used and invented to cause damage. I believe some of these devices are hand held, others table top , and some are on timers. Especially when you sleep , a constant spark of energy.They are now constantly pulsing my left ear,,, I thought at first it was to destroy my hearing, but I think my balance is also related. They pulsed my right knee and my left Achilles heel., To have me fall down to hurt myself will not be a big issue.
I know some of these energy devices can hit the person in the head adding enhancement to the thinking process and that has been done to me many times, the pulse is usually done while I sleep and the questions usually happen at night or day. This is referred to as Enhancement. I didn't know what it was until I ran into the term within this Targeted community but that fits . Enhancement.
My death squad has them all.
They have invaded my computer,,easy it seems, Apple took over my homepage for their advertisements so this technology is fairly simple so it seems. The local police have taken a photo of a relative off my laptop in front of my eyes," as a person of interest." direct quote, HSS, who could I complain too?
The police. The Gestapo?
Seems like my local shitbags are mad at me as always,,,they do not like to have their dirty linen to see the light of day. Well I have been watched, via back scatter camera for a long long time, I think the word monitored is good. They have seen all my dirty linens so why not theirs.
I'm going to call my death squad the /Torigian/Rathburn/Yaikus death squad..
Next door to me lives an old woman she is in her 90;s and a total bitch,,, she is not well liked by anyone. I was insulted by her a couple of times and decided that was enough for me, but the perp across the street Jerimiah has access to her house, she leaves for Florida for the winter and the Rathburn's mind the house while she is gone.When I had trouble with them over Steve Majur, they installed a camera to watch our house.
One morning I was woken at 3 am,,and was pulsed so I went outside to investigate and as I got to the top of the stairs I was pulsed through the fence and as I opened the door and stepped outside I heard the lock click of Stacia's cellar door as the person entered her house. I think it was Jerimiah as he has access to her house, they caretake during the winter. She is very deaf and she would not of heard anything.( I fear this is what they are doing to my left ear as they are pulsing it all the time with short intense pulses.).That tells me they are using her house to target me. I am not surprised, on the other side of her is Frank Anderson , one of my main DS.and his son Frankie is best friends with Matt Gauthier both young DS members.These individuals had easy access to her house while she was there and for them to cross the street from their home is easy and can be done unseen from my house.
Every morning at this time the pulsing begins as the men in my neighborhood get up and go to work,,, Usually Yaikus gets up first, then his son, Jeffrey Schietroff is next with Jerimiah Rathburn and Jeffrey Putney is next and Diachisin,Nelson, Torigians son in law is in the mix, on and off he usually stays in the background, he is the man behind the scene,,
So it is on this time schedule. Each one taking their turn,horrific pulses,,as they leave for work.
I hate all you fuckers and hope a very long painful death is in your future, that is my wish for all of you.
EVERY FUCKING ONE OF YOU as you have abused and hurt my family,,so be it yours also... These stupid fucks do not realize that because they use these weapons , within that use they approve of them, that means they can be used on them as well. I hope so . I hope they are all subjected to all of this..
David Schriner whom I mentioned in a past first posts, went before congress and told them about this targeting, he also did a segment on 20/20 about this, only instead of a person he demonstrated on a car in the desert, I put the entire transcript here on my blog, I wrote to him and asked how the pulses would feel to a person, either he never got the email, which I think might of happened or he did not know what to say, , but congress does not have the ability to deal with these things in the future, they usually wait until we are in the shit before acting. I wonder if anything could of been done about this anyway, for much of these devices are invented and built in local workshops or peoples garages as Schriner mentioned in his statement to congress.
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