Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Frontline , Facebook and DEW

Frontline sent me an email about Facebook, and this below is what I emailed them...

I love Frontliine,,, for years,,, I do not like Facebook, I find it to open , to confusing to use, but am forced to use it to communicate with  others,,,I also use it to communicate with my community those who are targeted by DEW, directed energy weapons, it gives us a place to talk about what is happening to us,, how it effects our lives, how we got here, and we can learn from each other what to hell happened to us and this country and that we are being hunted with directed energy weapons.

So you think about that and maybe do a show on us and reveal to the public what is going on..because this will effect the public, their children and their grandchildren,,, a plague is upon us,,,, think about it...memoir100@hotmail.com..barbara