Thursday, June 27, 2013

GAP,,, I applied, this is their reply and I sent an email asking why?

This was sent  to me as reply,, I did not copy my email information to apply to them for help it was a form on their website, I also sent a email to them asking why they did not accept my application,, I think it is buried in their letter. specific whistleblower employment law cases... what ever that means,so I asked for specifics.,

27 June 13

                   Government Accountability Project
    1612 K St., NW · Suite 1100 · Washington, DC 20006
202-408-0034 · fax: 202-457-0059
June 27, 2013
Via Electronic Mail:
Dear Ms. Guillette,
Thank you for contacting the Government Accountability Project. However, our staff has reviewed your application again and discussed your case internally. Unfortunately, we have determined that the Government Accountability Project can not offer any services to you in your matter. Our program focuses on specific whistleblower employment law cases. Your matter falls outside of our primary legal practice area and therefore we are not able to assist you.
Please understand that our declining of services to you does not indicate that our staff thinks your case to be unimportant or without merit. It simply means that we do not have sufficient staff or expertise to take on your type of case. However, we encourage you to keep trying to find a lawyer or organization to help you. Please note that, all state bar associations now have "Lawyer Referral Services", usually with toll free telephone numbers. As part of these referral programs, there is often a provision that requires participating lawyers to offer the first consultation at little or no cost. If you have not already, we hope that you will contact your state bar association to obtain a referral. One easy way to find the toll free lawyer referral number in your area is online at (Just click on your state).
We hope for the best result in your case and are sorry we cannot help you beyond this letter.
Amanda Acklin
Litigation Paralegal
Government Accountability Project
1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
Phone 202-457-0034 ext. 143
Fax 202-457-0059


PUTTING THE TARGET IN THE GRINDER is a phrase another Ti, gave to me about her involvement with the police. .  
She and I compared notes and what it seems to be is that the DS,,(death squads)  will force  the targets to write letters or call the local police, pissing them off.    We become the enemy to the local police through manipulation.  

I wrote a letter to the paper about my local police and their bid for a paid holiday for 9/11, I protested the holiday pay when so many were losing their homes to foreclosure,  I posted this letter here in my blog. It is in the beginning of my posts. 

Well the cops went postal on me and did much damage to me, physical damage in many ways.  So putting the target in the grinder  is a good way to describe what has and is happening to targeted individuals.  It is amazing that so many ignore what we (TI's) say,, many do not realize that what can happen and is happening to me , CAN HAPPEN TO THEM AS WELL. Many times I have laughed when those who do not believe me, get their asses kicked,, I love it, They all deserve it..  I love the term because that is what you feel like.  You've been GRINDED.


 Dear friend, In an email this week to ACLU supporters about Edward Snowden's recent disclosures about the NSA spying programs, Daniel Ellsberg noted: "I’ve seen firsthand how the consequences of [this] kind of government abuse threaten our most fundamental liberties…we may find ourselves in a dangerous situation in which average citizens, along with Congress persons, journalists and their sources, even judges, are watched around the clock and afraid to dissent. The core fixtures of our democracy—the right to protest, the right to live freely in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness without government intrusion—could be weakened beyond repair." We can't wait. We have to push the president to call for the repeal of the surveillance state sections of the Patriot Act and FISA. Join the strong public outcry against this program: Thanks.

i wrote to Daniel Ellsberg many years ago when my targeting began.I just sent him a recent email ,,below.

We spoke many years ago,,, I told you about my local whistleblowing then and you did surprise me, for you believed me when everyone else said I was nuts. I was so grateful for your support at that time, I did really need it. Everywhere I went I was called a liar and crazy,,, I commented on your website and here is a link to my blog... relevant to the issues of today,,big time.,,,  data mining and drones are only the tip of the iceberg,,no pun intended. thank you again for being there when I really needed you, I still have the white paper you sent me. 

 from a whistleblower who has paid dearly


I sent this following email in reply to a fellow TI who sent it to me. Here is what I said.
I thought the best way to inform  is to submit my blog to them so they could peruse it,, this story is to big to tell in one little window.
So Susan we hope you get my query, read and reply,, it is all here,,names dates,, targeting and what has been done.. I post here what I sent to Susan,  so others will know that every effort, every avenue  I explore and follow up and will "try to get the word out" as Chuck always said,,, "To get the word out. "
and to any of you who feel my poor writings are informative and can help you, please forward my blog or it's post to others. I appreciate the effort and hope somehow it helps.
The following was sent on this date.. to Amnesty International, I used to be a member of Amnesty International as well as the NRA.

I was forwarded your Susan Sarandon amnesty international email by a friend, I used to belong to your organization when I had money, I think Susan should look into what is going on in this country with TARGETING, Now that Snowden , Binney, Drake, Snowdon and of course Hastings has brought whistleblowers out of the closet,,I , too am a whistleblower and have suffered greatly for it.. Lost everything.
It is all there in my blog.
I hope you are all bright enough to read and explore and believe what I say.. It's all too true.