I guess the perps do not like to be called maggots,, too bad.. it is what it is.
(Last night was really bad, pulses coming from all directions, one wonders how that is done, is it triggers or actual pulses,,, I know mike said much of his harassment is in his head, he feels it is triggered and that is very possible. )
Especially those who work for corporations,, that smells bad, too target American citizens at will by our own industries, . The corporations are in business to make money at anyone's expense look at Nestle's they stole water and now resell back to us , that which was free, we now pay for... So who owns the air ,water and food we eat, we are in a cage,,,, Many of us should go back to small farms. The old ways were better, healthier,,, Now we got AI,,, the crooks are gonna have fun with that.
I was just tracking my phone and the funniest thing it went through , Peabody,,, said so right on my tracking route,, I wonder why,, is it because Peabody has a big fed ex center, I think that's it. or the cops want to examine any package I get... I know the post office does take a picture of every piece of mail sent US? or global? . that's a lot of pictures no wonder they had to build storage facilities for all this information at taxpayer expense,.
Catherine Austin Fitts also stated that the buildings that were blown up ,, The one Timothy McVeigh (was definitely mind controlled,) ,,blew up the Alfred Murrah building in Ok, ..Lots of financial records, same with the Pentagon,,, financial records. building 7 from 9/11, financial records, . A coincidence? ,,, not in my world or CAF either,,
They had to have known the towers were picked and when it was gonna happen, ,,,how else could they demolition no. 7 at the same time.. That's a pretty amazing thought. I wonder who plotted this out, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger,,, oh the jews,,, they are according to NSA own papers,, the Snowden Files, Israel is the US's best speccccccial friend,, they are above all else, I wonder who manipulated that, I bet it was Kissinger,,,this is why I believe in separation of church and state, it has nothing to do with being an atheist,,,bring religion into anything political and I kick your ass out,,, immediate dismissal,
this is why Trump is going after Iran,,kick back the Muslims so that it would take centuries to recoup, look at the UK the Catholics have never recouped,,,, and the Queen is head of the church as well as state,,,,According to deTocqueville that compromises the church, for if state will kill at will, as it does,,,, then the church is complicit,,, so you can throw out the commandment ,, Do not kill. That's a joke,
I get pissed at peadophiiles just a side note, that is a woman's child and for the male to make the child his sexual outlet,, goes beyond my understanding,. Women guard your children,
He wants to do the same thing that the UK did, make the president head of religion? and knock back the opposing religion for power,,, Henry the eighth did it in the UK, to the Catholic church, not for religions sake,, he died catholic,, but for money's sake,,, the church had lots of money and he was broke, so he robbed them then destroyed them,,,I wonder why,,? I wonder why he destroyed the Catholics and gave all the power to the Protestants? This is why those in power today want to go into Iran,,,finish the job and only leave those who are supportive of the US's agenda,,, World domination. I think the Kashoggi strangling and dismemberment of a newspaper person in the Turkish embassy of Saudi Arabia, kinda shook me up. And Trump approved of the actions, there was no objection to what was done, trump would like to do that here, but I think he does't dare. or have the guts for it,,,
I think of Michael Hastings, who was burnt to a crisp here in the the US in CA. another journalist he spoke out about McCrystal and what he was doing in Afghanistan,,, he was using his bots to fool the visiting senators who would fund his war machine to make them think things were worse as far as war and terroism and we could not pull out, hence he still had a job and paychecks,,,and funding, this was in The Atlantic this is why Hastings got killed.
.Allen Dershoitz put his religion above his country,,