----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Barbara Guillette <memoir65@yahoo.com>
To: tgriffin@peabodypolice.org <tgriffin@peabodypolice.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018, 8:36:32 PM EDT
Subject: you
You had me beat/pulsed by the perps/mercenaries because I walked around the lake. Why don't you just shoot me and get it over with,,, that seems to be the point.
Evidently your boy wanted my answers, as I was invited to the city hall meeting on pot, but teddy boy did not like my answers.. To bad about him. Don't invite and don't ask if you don't want my answers. I bullshit no one.
So why not kill me outright , your officers body slammed me, because I told them they were not heroes just because they wore the same uniform, as those that died about 9/11 did you know about that?,,, and now whenever I displease the jerks who have control over these devices you send them after me... Isn't that right? I hope someday your and the fucks that work for you and the fire dept, go to hell. I really wish there was a hell so I could see you all in it.
I hope you are tarred and feathered,, so everyone can see what assholes you all are, manipulating someone's life,, using high tech devices...meet me toe to toe , coward,,lets put gloves on and see what happens? ,I wouldn't mind it at all.
Your as bad as Torigian if not worse...And he was a scum bag of the highest order. I'm glad he's dead. I'm not afraid of you or them. I know you can really hurt me using your mercenaries but someday , you will all pay for going against The Constitution. Your children will also pay for your indiscretion.
You had me hurt severally the other night,,, I wish for Blowback... and I know it's coming. May you roast in hell. You pass this on to whomever is responsible.
Barbara Guillette