Monday, August 19, 2013


19  august 13

MONDAY,,,, trash day and the trash guys work for the city...
imagine that,,, I sent in the letter to the UN and of course it was mangled,,, it was terrible but I was not going to correct it,,, I put it on my website.  I corrected some of the spellings and deleted personal info...

Anyway this is all for the perps.  You know your targeting me and one of you drove by this morning as I sat in the yard and pulsed the house with big vibrations,  now this was from a car,,,,this was ground shaking vibrations through the air  , ground level,,, infrasound.......if it wasn't infrasound them I'm stupid.. and I hope I am not that..This I believe was a a fan shape to hug the ground , held flat. 


This harassment was from Nelson, because last night I rode down his side of the street on my bike,he does not like that. I guess he figures he owns the street as well,, his father in law gave it to him,,,his father in law took good care of his 5 daughter's husbands,,,A couple that I know of worked and stole, from  city hall. Meaning they steal from the people, you and me. 

This is just to inform perps,, and christian perps for they think this is a holy war, and it's not,,, it's all about the Benjamins,,

 huh Keith,???,I hope if you borrow my material you add my name,, I would like that and I have noticed my harassment and other Ti's harassment has increased tremendously... All across the nation.   but see perps are basically stupid people , they do what they are told and paid for.. The are also told " not to talk about the harassment"  especially the devices they use. Your families will be attacked, , your children, your relatives and you eventually this is going to get around to you.. Did you think you were safe  by harassing and hurting us? You think you are on the right side and you are safe... Guess again.. see they know what you are.

Sorry guys you are acting like the Nazis,,,is this the kind of country you want to live in?
 A totalitarian State.  

With this control, for that is what you sell and offer is control over those you target.   You offer control that is it,,, and you are controlled as well. Your name is on the list , I am only in front of you, for your masters know what you are capable of,,, this has a name ,,,it is called,, The two sides to a revolution by a french philosopher name of Proudhon,,,,

 the revolutionary leaders,,, kill those in front who oppose them,, but kill those behind them,  because they fear their power will be taken away.. That is two sides to the revolution..  You are in it as well.

.... so at 2'10 a.m.

I got blasted awake and communicated with a few  other Ti's last night , 

Interesting conversation,,,, heavy static hit the phones and the two who were on cell phones, got kicked off the net, the two on landlines,,, me and one other were OK,,,the static came from a helicopter flying over one of the cell phone Ti's house.  
We all heard the heavy static and the helicopter, we did not know really know where it came from, the static we then  named several sources,,,but it happened again,,, The helo, the static and the disruption of cell phone transmissions and Internet access, is this a test?. 

So whats going on here,,,,? Any ideas,,,I shall keep mine to myself until you send in your comments to my blog..just one.. and it is for a good cause. To make me happy. and to do some brainstorming about this incident... for you know that's what Ti  calls are,,,  We are brainstorming... and no matter what happens we got to keep doing it. Finding out what makes these fuckers tick.... and work and ideology. We must find out what some of the devices they are using are,, we know lots are hand held.

I want to leave you with this one thought, the law is what gives our society structure, I walk my streets unafraid at 2 in the morning, except for the perps, the perps are always with me no matter where I go.   That is respect for the law,,, what is going to happen when you destroy it....? Will it destroy you in the process?

 I will add to this later.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Perps and their network

let us discuss the perp network,, This is a job to them,, they get paid, I had one check me off his clipboard. I had one women with her family, children included  tell them that what she was doing was good for me, it was therapy. The child who saw my face knew better, but  the woman who was carrying out the task of harassment  wanted to believe it. 

So perps are told different things as well, just so it is easier for them to comply,,If you need someone who looks like you, or your grandson, or a relative, they can find them. If you need a gift delivered, they will do that to or an assassination.  Or to harass someone with DEW. Anything you want, Perps will and can do it.. 

In the movies when the pizza delivery guy is an undercover person of a sort, or the UPS, or a chauffeur is a undercover person,,,that is not a story it is all true. Perps are paid to do a task, good bad or ugly and they do it for the money. Sex drugs or rock and roll. 

It is a network,, I know it is nationwide and I know it is worldwide. 

Perps who use DEW call themselves Zappers. For they Zap you like cattle prods and they consider their targets cattle,,, who cares what a cattle feels? No one that I know, they are going to slaughter anyway,,right?  So prod away.

For instance if a man wants to deliver flowers to his mistress, a few bucks,, done. They do anything, from sex to deliver expensive gifts to great harm. This network is utilized by anyone who has the money and the knowledge that it exists,  the media use it, industry is well in tune with it's skills, gov't of course. 
Who do you think is your drive-by zappers? Nationwide,,they are the handlers, the minders, they make sure the task , what ever it is,,, gets done. "Boots on the fucking ground"

Like M. Hastings death. Or my car accidents. You don't think that General did Hastings himself? Nah,,, he got someone else to do it for him, someone familiar with how to hack a car and make sure it blows up,, all part of the same perp network,,how about sabotaging a plane or any other electrical/mechanical  sabotage?

Such as Wellstones;s death,, as I stated here before,, two weeks before his death a poem was published in "The New Republic",,Bill Buckley's far right rag,,, the poem was called "Wellstone Must Fall", If I remember correctly he was most hated for being most liberal. I believe they killed him.. Did perps set it up, well I don't think whomever wanted to do it by publishing that poem, would do it,,,do you,, you know the men in suits who hire fuckers ,,stupid people like us who do their dirty work for them for money. Yeah know stupid perps.

 Wellstone; by the way,, it was just before he was to go up for reelection,,his wife was with him. So tell me, who could sabotage a plane?  Former military? sure.. its a fucked world,,,, and this is reality. I lived in a dream world before,,now reality has set in, this is not a nice place,  It was a nice dream while it lasted,,,why do you think TI's are all broke,, you can't fight back,,, you can't hire a perp.

These guys and gals do it all. This is what is after us, this is what carrys out our harassment. Monitors us, follows us, . all synchronized using that wonderful tool everyone loves the cell phone.

My perps do not go in the mall , they call ahead to security to follow me, the clerks in the store, Why would perps bother when they can have these people who are in reality part of this network, do it for them..They use the system as well. After all when you go into a store and are harassed, what are the  clerks told, your mental and a thief. So they go along with the mobbing. They go along with the zapping. Your the bad guy and they got you nailed before you even walk in the door.   This is Nazi Germany, only more sophisticated. More secretive, It's spreading now out into the general public,,,good for us, for only then will our story be told, if then.. I don't know where this is going.. I don't think anyone really knows except those in power and I am not privy to that.. But I shall keep my eyes open and see where it goes,,,if I live so long.. This is like a virus, the perps always need fresh meat to make the process work.. It spreads.. It is how it works... 
All for a price.  All for a price. 

Friday, August 16, 2013


US withdraws 'heat ray' gun from Afghanistan

Page last updated at 10:50 GMT, Tuesday, 27 July 2010 11:50 UK

By Dan Cairns
Active Denial System
The ADS causes an 'intolerable' burning sensation to the skin
A heat ray gun developed by the US military has been withdrawn from Afghanistan, army chiefs have confirmed.
The Active Denial System (ADS) is a non-lethal weapon that heats up the skin "intolerably" but, according to tests, causes no permanent damage.
Its invisible beam is designed to repel enemies and disperse violent crowds, causing anyone targeted to immediately move away.
US military commanders in the country have had the weapon at their disposal but have now decided against using it.
The weapon was never actually deployed in a 'real life' scenario.
"The ADS was not used and was shipped from Afghanistan. The operational need for the device was not approved by commanders", confirmed Colonel Shanks, Chief of Public Affairs for ISAF.
The beam produced by the ADS can travel more than 500m (1,640ft) and is seen as a potential way to limit war zone fatalities in the future.
It's already been tested more than 11,000 times on around 700 volunteers, including journalists.
The US military says the chance of injury is 0.1% as the beam only penetrates the skin to the equivalent of three sheets of paper
ADS graphic

Officials unveil high-tech ray gun to be installed in county jail

August 22, 2010

Source: Pasadena Star News
CASTAIC - A high-tech ray gun built for the military that fires an invisible heat beam capable of causing unbearable pain will be tested on unruly inmates in the sheriff's detention facility in Castaic, officials said Friday at an unveiling event.

The "Assault Intervention System" (AIS) developed by the Raytheon Co., could give the Sheriff's Department "another tool" to quell disturbances at a 65-inmate dormitory at the Pitchess Detention Center's North County Correctional Facility, said Cmdr. Bob Osborne, head of the technology exploration branch of the sheriff's Department of Homeland Security Division.

The 600-pound, 7-foot-tall device won't replace traditional methods such as tear gas, rubber bullets and batons, Osborne said.

"We're looking to see if we can exploit this science for the benefit of the Corrections Department," he said.

AIS fires a directed beam of invisible "millimeter waves" that cause an unbearable burning sensation by penetrating 1/64 of an inch into the skin, where pain receptors are located, said Mike Booen, Raytheon's vice president of advanced security and directed energy systems.

The beam, which is about the diameter of a compact disc, causes an instant and intolerable burning sensation when it touches skin, but the sensation stops instantly when the device is turned off or the target moves out of the beam.

At a news conference, several people volunteered to feel the effects of the machine first-hand.

Sheriff's Deputy David Judge manned the controls and fired the beam, using a joystick and a monitor, not unlike a video game, to aim the ray gun's camera.

Judge simply aligned cross-hairs in the center of the screen with his target and pulled the trigger. The beam can be targeted very precisely, allowing deputies to single out one person or even a specific body part.

One volunteer was able to stand in the beam's path for just 1.8 seconds before the heat sensation forced him to step out of the way.

"I don't care if you're the meanest, toughest person in the world. This will get your attention," Booen said.

The machine is designed to emit a burst of no more than three seconds with each trigger pull, but deputies can repeatedly fire the weapon as needed.

Similar devices have already been sold to the U.S. military, however the machine demonstrated Friday is the first to be placed in an American correctional institution, sheriff's officials said.

It is being installed as a test case at no cost to the Sheriff's Department, as part of a program through the National Institute of Justice, officials said.

"Millimeter wave" devices have been tested on more than 10,000 subjects so far and has been shown to cause no lasting injuries, Booen said.

"It's very, very safe," he said.

The unit at the Pitchess Detention Center has a range of 80 to 100 feet, which is more than enough for the dormitory space it's to be used in.

Raytheon, as a matter of policy, does not disclose the cost of the machines, Booen said, adding that he could not comment on how the military has used the devices.

When asked if the public can expect to see similar AIS devices mounted on patrol cars in the future or attached to deputies' utility belts, Osborne said, "not in my lifetime."

But Booen said his company is working on much smaller versions of the AIS. Progress on that research is a closely held secret, he added.

"That's our vision," said Booen. "We want to get to the point where it is a hand-held device."

comment by blogger bjg.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

divorce decree, Torigian and Operation safe Home

When I got divorced in 1977, it was at the request of my husband. I didn't want the divorce  knowing I would never marry again.. So the paper was moot for me, but my husband rode to work with a friend who was divorced and his wife took everything and I mean everything, she certainly left behind an angry man. So when I left  I only took half of what I owned and did leave some things that I owned behind that the baby sitter took with her when she cleaned out the place.

another story.

I took half the dishes,,,only my children's beds, I left everything else.. took some pots and pans, things my mother had given me. Anyway this  friend of my husbands scared him, he said I would come back and take my husband's beloved house. 

I hated the house from the first day I moved in,,and advice to the men,,,you better make sure the person who lives in that house the most likes it. Otherwise nothing will work, I asked him to sell it a few times, and he said no,,,he was going to die in that house and when he said this, I felt as if someone had closed a coffin over my face.. I was not going to die in that house, I hated it..I told him two years before I left I was unhappy and I gave him two years to make me happy, and he ignored my request as usual. He ignored everything I said,, this time I wanted what I wanted and that was it, so I left.

At the end of two years nothing had changed except another baby. I left anyway. Taking them with me. I would never of given up my kids to anyone for any reason. but I did. I was unschooled, never worked, got fired three times and could not support them , so he asked me for them and when my youngest had a  seizure and could of died, and it scared me so bad I felt he could support them much better and care fort them much better than I. I said ok,,,only while I was in boot camp.

He told me he could take better care , he made much more money than I did, so I trusted him. I had also joined the Navy and in order to enlist and go to boot camp one had to give over legal authority to the other spouse. This had already been done in court for our divorce, I didn't realize why till much later, ,I  changed  custody  later,in Ca. when I regained the kids.

Now to get back to the divorce,,, in order to get divorced at that time,,we only had fault divorce,,someone had to be the bad guy and since he wanted the divorce out of his foolish fear I would come back later and take the house he loved more than anything.  He requested the divorce. So I was the bad guy and the charges at the time were cruel and abusive treatment. I had never done a bad thing to him in my life, nor my children.. I did not know the meaning of the word cruel,,or abusive. But that is what the law requested for a divorce.

When we went to court  I arrived first, and stood up to enter the court room. He asked that I stay out in the corridor, he said he would have to say some pretty bad things about me and he knew I would object, so like a trusting fool I stayed  outside and since he wanted the divorce. I acquiesced. Not realizing this would come back to haunt me and harm me years later.

I never knew to this day what was said about me..I did not know for many years later what the meaning of cruel and abusive  meant and how others looking into my past would be able to use this against me. 
It did not matter to me at the time, because as I said I would never marry again, he wanted his divorce so I gave it to him, never dreaming that Torigian would use this as fodder to put my name on the OSH Operation Safe Home by HUD program as a violent offender many years later.

Years later after I went home on leave and saw Donald,,, He told me everything I had requested in our marriage he did for the fucking babysitter, at first I was so angry over this, I felt he was shoving it up my butt. But he wasn't ,,in his own way he was telling me he had listened to me..He had thought about things,, I think for the first time in his life,,he wanted to know why I left and thought about it. 

Imagine that. 

He still kept the house though, but then he had his motorcycle accident and became this poor, defeated, mentally ill person from brain damage.  I did not realize how much Donald had depended on me for strength.I had no idea, he just hung on to anyone he could for support after I left. I did not know he was so weak, and that I was a much stronger person than he was. He always seemed to control the issues, it came as a great surprise to me, how weak he really was.  He drank and that got much much worse.He promised he would quit drinking altogether and I did believe him.  That was an issue with us. I asked him to learn to dance so when we went out with other couples,, we could dance and not sit at the table and he got so drunk.. I hated it. I know it may not sound like much to some, but to go out every time knowing you would have to deal with a drunk was not fun. Bored. argumentative.. Hated it. Never knowing what he would do.. 

When I joined the Navy,,he had legal custody and when I left I gave him physical custody. Then a few years later when I gained some rank and money, I asked for them back and he refused. He had a motorcycle accident which his mother told me he spent my child support money on purchasing the motorcycle. . I sent money home for the kids every month,,not a court decree, this was before women paid child support but because I wanted to. I wanted my children to know I never forgot them and I sent home boxes of clothes for school and every change of the season.. His mother told me he purchased his motorcycle with the support money and the babysitter's two girls ended up with the clothes. We bought a motorcycle  before our children were born and we gave that up when I got pregnant.

Later Donald told me he never realized how much work I did. How much work two children entailed but by then the compliment was much to late. He should of told me before , but Donald always took me for granted. Never went out of his way for me, ever. It was always what he wanted. he never considered, one thing I be it,,,..he suffered for that ignorance as well. 

He loved me till the day he died, I never saw the love in his eyes he had for me, from anyone else,,,ever. His love shone out like a beacon, but it was all to late. 

Anyway that is Operation Safe Home, and how they go into your past looking for anything they can to dig up dirt on you , for their use.. They do it today with this expanded OSH, I see this program going out into the public , data mining,,, many people are going to be hurt by this,,,like  my divorce decree did to me and  that haunted me many years later.
I hope this makes sense and if it does not, I will peruse it later for clarity ..

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Neighbors

I wanted to talk about my next door neighbors, they are from Lynn, Paul  moved in just a few years ago, as did the Anderson's on the other side,,Frank has been a perp for quite a while now as well as his 17 year old son Frank jr. That's another story though. 

Paul  only moved in a few years ago as I said,,,, is this a coincidence?  A topic for Ti's is coincidences,,,, our lives seem full of to many coincidences... as Ti's,... I think this is done at first to make you aware of the targeting, to sensitize you to what is,, always ,,,going on around you.. You are tuned in ,,,so to speak.   I know I was,,, it enveloped my complete life, everything I did was controlled by them, I was told "  You have to know you  are targeted, if you are unaware you do not know and go about your life as normal..only when you are made aware do you really realize the capabilities of your life and what to fuck is going on... now the question is,,,,what is the real world,,, the world That I  existed in before, or this world that is full of control, coincidences, that are not coincidences.. 

Torture. Punishement. Constant survielannce.. evesdropping,  the precursor to drones and data mining.. I love this shit now everyone is under control... As I told Alda long ago this shit we are subjected to is going to move out into the general public and it has,,,I watched it do it on my street as more and more people came under it's control. for the perps are controlled as well. 

They were not perps,, but have been converted.. I think out of fear, or negative narative.. I know Paul's  house was pulsed several times by accident,,he was not the target but I was, but the perps did not care..
 they were trying to get to me . How do I know this because the pulse had to go through his house to get to me because of the angle... Paul the man,, went outside when his house was hit, and I heard him walking and yelling up the street from where the pulses were coming from... The pulses stopped.. His yelling stopped.

I sit halfway in my house from the street... with my back to Pauls house and the other day I had to put a piece of rope on this fence post. the picket fell out,,real easy, as if it had only been leaning against the hole.,, this is exactly from where  I have been getting pulsed a lot from.   So David can walk over unseen from his house, to Paul's driveway,, walk up and pulse me from the fallen picket.

This picket explained a lot because this is exactly where a lot of my assault has come from as I sit at this computer,,you see David,, has the through the wall camera,,, he knows where I am and what I am for him to walk across the street and set up something or pulse me every once in a while through this loose picket would be very very easy and as I said this does explain a lot.. The angle and placement of pulses is perfect,,,I even took pics of this area for while,,,I thought it was him coming in from Babe Johanson's back yard again, Two houses over from me, but David used to walk across the street, pull up a chaise lounge beside her fence and pulse it over the house,straight down into my bedroom, he knew if he was hitting me,,Im sure he had his thru wall camera with him, I have not seen it , but believe they are now small and protable,  but now David only does it from Paul's driveway..

That explains a lot for me.. This stuff, perps and targeting has spread and will continue to spread as  I predicted, the perps run out of targets and always need fresh meat so they keep it going at any cost, we are after all only pay checks to them and things, we are only things to them.

It is the name of the game to be a predator, so they think.

This is exactly from where a lot of assault has come from... For quite a while now.  The fallen picket has been reattached. 

David  is  second in command perp,,Nelson is no. 1. perp who lives up the street,,

After Paul was pulsed and he saw what David was doing to me, Paul went over and started to talk to David and they became friends. David feels very comfortable visiting  Paul's house  now and has gone over many many times and to view paul's new patio

 Paul's son is a fed agent in training in the academy of some of the alphabet soup gang.I think he said CIA,,, looks like a Mormon,,, you know. David's father is retired LT. Peabody Police.

Paul  has this little dog and as I stated many times,, dogs will alert to pulsing, beams or frequency assault. One Ti, said her cat headed for her celler when the assaults came. The animals  know it is wrong and it hurts them as well. Many animals are deafened. They cannot hear the pulses hit the house, aimed at me.. The pulses do not hit them but they hear them.  So they bark, Paul's dog barked when ever I was being hit.

When Nelson drove by the house and pulsed opposite Paul's house and the pulse was so strong it went through my house into Paul's house and up the street. Paul's dog went crazy barking, so you can imagine how strong this pulse was , and this was shot from his van,,I was in the back yard and saw Nelson, drove by.. Hearing the pulse coming from his direction exactly.  This went through three houses, thats how strong it was.