Saturday, January 14, 2023

Perps those who target other people with directed energy weapons, Aldana Lane and Judy

 Perps are maggots they feed on the dead, thats their job is to kill people,  old, young, babies, children pregnant women,  that's what the vaccines did by the thousands. Only perps use directed energy known as DEW It will accidents drownings. Murder galore. 

Vultures,  I think the word maggot is very appropriate. I was calling them Nazis but think maggots are more to their calling now that the depopulation plan is out in the open . 

13 Dec 2022 Aldana Lane died of supposedly diabetic schock., but since summer when she and Judy Silva became besties after Audrey died , Judy's old bestie, she died of vaccine  poisoning. I remember her saying she got her shot I think it was the beach, Cranes beach. I wanted to take a picture of her beet red huge limb covering super itchy blotches,  but she said no to the picture the blotches appeared the next morning till her death the following Feb 2022. She was put on steroids, and taken off in the late summer, went to doc, hospitalized and died. Best friends of Judy Silva, she latched onto  anyone with a car. Take her shopping her son stopped paying for her rental. We never hit it off she clever, but mean spirited,  I never liked her from first meeting and basically ignored her. I was busy in the garden she sat on the porch doing word finds.


Judy was friends with Ruth and Brock and Will,Justin, hung out, she asked me one-day out of the blue, what position did I sleep with my head.  I slept with my head toward the hall door. Next day I got hit with an intense pulse from the back hallway and checked my cameras and it was Brock, I did not know him at that time, but if my head was as original position my head would of been torn clean off. That's how powerful the pulse was and it twirled. He much later told Heidi to tell me to  erase the picture of him I took on my cameras, I told her to tell him I already sent it to the cops and what happened,  his last name is Thomas. At that time I did not know him, he used v2k and we had conversations  he wanted to know how to get woman in his bed, I told him to first wash his linen,after that night I washed clothes and he came in and picked up his linen. The conversation went no further except one time he pulsed me from his parked car. I believe he was one of the men  who watched me work out using a TTWs through the wall sensor Max was involved. He was warned by the police.

In the news today

 1. Legislation ; the police will have,access to armed robots/drones  in San Francisco. The good news is,  protest is making the govt think about it. I believe this is  a beta  test to see how effective armed robots will be on the street at first allowing officers to partner with them eventually getting rid of humans altogether , depopulation plan.

I warned several police depts about radar guns and how police were coming down with testular   cancer because of the bounce back beam



Mexican cartels now working for the Federal reserve in Colorado laundering pot dispensary money.


This is about sound and how the govt has found they can lift things with sound . As I documented  in my past earlier blogs how I was thrown downstairs at Kelly's house 33 st.Anne's Ave Peabody in a controlled fall.  They snapped my ankle  in mid flight.sound, they are now releasing that tech through the MFA. Boston as benign..


Kennedy's assassination cover up by FBI.

Kate mcguire cameras

 Friday I believe I found a pair of heavy duty clippers in my kitchen, they are not mine and I assume they are a warning that my camera's wires will be cut. I know this came from Judy Silvas this correct? If not please tell me either in a letter or v2k . Ì know you ùse both.  I told Judy  about Aldana and Judys actions causing her death. Everytime Judy was upset she complained to Aldana, over such issues"  as not responding to her wish to converse with me. My wish to her to leave me alone . Never to speak to me again. " Judy's aggressive actions , Her putting syrup on my chair cushion,  helping to destroy my garden. The cameras kept this group of òrganized harassment at bay. Of course after destroying my garden not much was left. Judy did and helped,  much damage not only to me but Aldana as well because Aldana acted on each complaint, leading to stress and her death. Her decline began after Judy joined her group she had several trips to hospital  for her diabetic problems all after Judy joined..  I didn't cause her death, I was under attack from this group myself as you know. I'm very frightened.John has been hitting me in the brain stem  with sonic bullets causing cognitive issues. Is this what you wanted to warn me about,,my neighbors ,with John as genesis,  turned into organized harassment gang. Oh please add Justin Michaud to the list..please do not break my cameras I fear if you do I will have no protection from  these people who FEAR the light of day to their actions.. John wanted to make this community his little drug dealers paradise. I stopped that at least obvious, and the apartment Stephanie break-ins. She was,also breaking into Judy's, just because one is disabled doesn't give any of them the right to bad or illegal behavior. Don't you agree, but what if one is in fear for their life, As I am. Without the semblance of protection of my camera's I fear for my safety.

I'm going to copy this letter for my safety. I mean no one harm, regards Barbara guillette.