Since 9/11 the intelligence community has taken over the planet, not only access to other country specific intelligence organizations but corporations as well. Using various methods of access wearing the iron fist in the velvet glove. . From what I understand this was begun long before 9/11 but 9/11 gave them the fear and inroad as to make the coup de stat complete. NSA is only a data center collection and the CIA is the organization that carries out the function of that data. In whatever form it takes. So that is how we have come to this.
The US . has become a totalitarian global state using fear ,paranoia , religion for and against, Christian Evangelical, Muslims, Jews, (I'm glad I'm an atheist ,its all bullshit anyway, deTocqueville stated, if you want a country to go in one direction, use patriotism, and religion as the two major manipulations, fear has been added by 9/11) and high and low technology as the weapon of choice.
Stress and sleep deprivation opens the subconscious to the flight or fight mode , which takes over all bodily functions. The intellect is shoved to the realm of quiet. Flight or fight is the root key of the mind, if you control that,, you control the person. If you control a persons habits, religion , patriotism, fear , by changing the habits to what you want, you control the person.
All the targets have been experimented upon using the high and low technology, to document the use of these technologies in the theatre of war, and the use for AI, to incorporate all human experience in robots. What fucking fun now we'll be manipulated by robots. Instead of free will lost to patriotism and religion and imposed fear, we'll be manipulated by machines. Happy fucking day, I can hardly wait!