Married 12 years,,divorced,,, I joined the Navy , he kept the kids because the court gave him the kids legally but they lived with me, physically he would never of taken my kids, he would of died. No problem, but I worked at threee jobs and got fired, no training, scared stiff. Not used to being around a whole bunch of people.
so I dated a recruiter and joined the Navy ,,more or less for an income and training,,,, and thats what I got. I also believed them when they said "see the world" I saw the U.Sl and that is pretty big,,,so I saw the part of the world most important to me..From sea to shining sea.
Just before boot camp, I gave the kids so they could go and live with their dad...they were happy about it. They loved their dad and I never spoke harshly of him to them,,,only after they were grown did tell them the truth,,Kelly dented my metal bowl one of the few things remaining from my marriage when I tried to tell her my side of the story,,she didn't want to hear it,,,her father was a saint..yeah know sometimes you gotta grow up and see that our parents were people too..
One of the first things I did was to send him a check,,taken out of my check every month and mailed off,,,,child support,,, I felt they were my kids,,, I wanted them to know I never ever forgot them and the care, I could not be there to do it,,but I could help out,,, so I sent a check every month,,,didn't have to , court did not impose this on women who divorced,,usually she had the kids,,,,another trend I started...?
He (his mother told me) took that money and bought his motorcycle with it.The one he hit a tree with and cracked his skull and became retarded. A very talented, smart, sorta in some ways man. I saw him do some amazing stuff..We had motorcycles,,,honda,,,stuff like that,,,never biker stuff, but when I got pregnant with Danielle , we sold it,,,to dangerous for my taste and I was right. As fucking usual.
.Anyway his sister and mother took care of him his sister became his guardian,,, I was years divorced,,,no way was I going to saddle myself with his mistake,,,it was funny though he told me once that he realized what he had done wrong,,,he must of thought about it, because everything I asked him to do he did for Kathy. The thief babysitter. I was pissed of course, but found out later it was his way of telling me he had thought about everything...He realized what he had done and what he had lost, for Donald loved me deeply and forever, I on the other hand have never known that love, except for my kids.. I never felt that deep about anyone,,,except my kids,, I would have without thinking given my life to save theirs,,,no problem.
I took my kids and went back to CA.I had too,, I was still in the military. Donald was in coma for a year, I went to see him , his eyes were open, but I did not feel a response.
His family finally called me ten days after his accident,,,they didn't know if he would pull out of it right away, so they didn't send the kids to me...I went and picked them up...Mrs, Guillette his mother,,,cried about how the girls had been treated after Kathy moved in, Kathy took all the nice clothes I sent the girls and put them on her kids,,,,I don't know if it was hand me downs,,, no idea. I used to buy a good wardrobe for them every change,summer spring, fall winter... Anyway,,, I found out later when John Hancock paid out my insurance to Mrs. Guillette.. I wonder if that old fraud signed the check...Mrs G , his mother told me she paid off his arrears amount ,,, and if so ,why if there was no money? and janice was getting a salary...she let that slip.