Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Military/industrial/outsourcing complex

It amazes me, we are the most armed country in the world, armed to the teeth and no war to put it at.

So we turn this stuff on ourselves,,drones , mind control , targeting, surveillance,, outsourcing to private companies that are not public and cannot be controlled publicly. Like Blackwater.
Companies who can run under the wire and do pretty much what they want behind the scenes,,look what Eastman Gelatin did to me and got away with it, Look what Peter Torigian did to me and got away with it..

 They didn't follow the law , they broke them all. These son of a bitches hunted me,, it must be great sport to hunt a human.

So ,, now ,,,we look at the military with all this hardware,,and what to do , what to do. We have  to do something with it? No war.. A few Muslims, we should concentrate our surveillance on,   but now they have nothing to do but surveille the American people , We are caught in our own web. Our own trap.
Soooooo what are the boys to do?  What are the boys to do????? with all this technology stuff and no where to go but here.

What are they going to do to give themselves meaning in their lives.? I have no idea.

Here we go,, will we do a public clamor and have a shadow surveillance?

Now that Snowden brought this up, will they act one way for public persona and another shadow gov't to just close ranks..and continue with the modus operandi.

We shall see , we shall see.

local police tracking your license plates

Local police tracking your license plates

Puts me in absolute hysterics,,,how funny, shall I tell you about the time i was in my back yard in the hammock and a pulse came from Danny McKenna's house and I rolled out of the hammock and lay on the cool ground, unable to move for about  45 minutes, my body so overheated I passed out.

Or how many times  I was pulsed and ended up shitting diarrhea in my clothes while I lay on the floor of my room or bathroom, where ever they hit me and projectile vomiting for a good while. unable to move, AT THE SAME TIME, dry heaves,,,just heaving and shitting from being pulsed.  That was done many many times as punishment for some unknown offense.  Almost passing out. Time and time again, never knowing where or when or for what.

Or pulsed so I fell down the stairs.

I shall tell about my broken ankle incident and show a pic of the stairs so you can see how I could not possibley have fallen down those steep small steps without killing myself but not one bruise. A distinct controlled fall. The gov't has force fields.. They can reach out and touch you, grab you. Yes the same kind of force fields as in science fiction movies , only NO science fiction,   the boys have figured out how to do it.

They just wanted to break my ankle, not kill me for some reason.

Yeah ask me all about the local Nazi groups,,the death squads for that is what they are, doing to me,,  killing me softly,,I wish the same to them.

So you see police license plate tracking and even drones are a big joke to me... A BIG FUCKING JOKE



Massachusetts State House Pics

 This is Will and Peter, Peter was taping the police testimony as far as why, they supported the new surveillance laws. The Ti's here spoke on Drones, surveillance laws , license plate readers, and privacy laws. The ACLU post is also here for those who wish to see what the  ACLU said about those laws. I was not present when our group testified, I had to leave to catch the last bus home, and I do not know what was actually said to tie these laws into our Ti, issues.

as you can see a birds eye view, all Ti's were sitting to my right

 the panel

I told this man I took a pic of him with his mouth open , no idea who he is. This is really my first attempt at taking pictures in a forum like this so they are not the best,,live and learn..Next time I promise they will be better, but it gives you an idea of how crowded it was and this was after some left.. It was an all day affair. The ACLU testified as well and that transcript is here on my blog as well.  Make sure you read my post as to how to prepare for a forum like this, many helpful ideas are there. I think I labeled it the list.


this is a watercolor of milkweed, the transfer does not do it justice as it has lots of detail and I think it is the best watercolor I ever did. Watercolor unlike oils has a tendency to move and mix, so it is more difficult to use. I love this,, and  is it framed and on my wall.
I wish this transfered better,  but it will have to do. bjg


What do I know about implants,,,nothing really. I think they are outdated, that the technology we have today goes way beyond implants, but yet I still cannot figure out why what happened on Forest St. happened. (In another past post). I cannot understand why that was done, was it to terrify me, it certainly did, I thought I was dead and looked for blood to spill out all over me.

Was it done to implant something and the reason I have my feelings about that is because it seems these pulses, these sparks find me where ever I am.  As one woman said"You can't get away from them",  so one wonders was I tagged. After all the pulse hit my sternum from behind, bounced off and  hit my right clavicle,bounced off and  hit the back of my throat and that is where much of this harassment is,,, lodged in the back of my throat,,even unto feeling and tasting burnt flesh on my tongue.

Two pick up trucks were assigned, one to slow me down and keep me steady and the other unnoticed to pulse from the back. I pulled over and as I said in a past post, I was surprised that I could see, I thought,," am I dead"?, is this what dead is, sitting here waiting for blood to gush..I was totally out of my element and in a circumstance that I had no idea what to do or think.

Strange situation for me.

I often wonder why that was done, to terrify or to tag. You decide.