To the court,
This began in 1995 when I had a meeting with Peter Torigiain mayor of Peabody, Ma. 1960 now deceased. I was accompanied by Leslie Cartamanche, we walked a large area of open space and knew that the mayor was going to build a golf course on a large portion of this open space. Peabody was fortunate in having this open space so close to downtown. The water in Peabody was already polluted by the runoff from Eastman Gelatin who pattered with the city and this GC was twenty feet up a hill from part of our water suppley. It was in the grand sheme of Torigian;s legacy. I felt that knowing politics that the golf course was already planned but felt we had a right to voice our converns, which we did in Dec. or 95. Two weeks later I was targeted by Peter Torigian who listed me as violent offender. The targeting today in 2022 has not stopped. As you might know HUD and its housing authorities are also part of this covert 24/7, harassment, also affiliated with the WEF who started this depopulation plan globally, with many subprograms, pre-aging,vaccines that are considered kill-shots even for children,,. digital banking for complete control. Ct hips and the use of Directed energy devices to harass individuals to death either through suicide or laser shots to the head or heart.
I moved to Ipswich Ma. In 2017-18, hoping that the harassment would stop, it has not, it has continued with the present Ipswich housing authority using maintenance and other tenants to harass and harm me.
13 December 2022 A neighbor died who was enlisted as the tip of the spear to harass me every day, She enlisted many other who lived here to assist in the harassment. I list them below.
Aldana Lane
Mike Lane who watched me with a TTWs( through the wall sensor) as I worked out partially nude , it was something the boys did on a Friday night for a circle jerk. They let me know what they were doing via V2K, the voice of god technology used in the Irawi war, now in the civilian world, He became in lust mode and chased me everywhere, hoping to develop a relationship. I was not interested. Mike enlisted the aid of his perp friends who then proceeded to pulse my face every morning and who had put me in the pre-aging program..because I would not have any sexual union with the creep.It was amazing to me to think that a woman would want any relationship with this man who threatened her to cooperate because he was her "lord and master" As he screamed out the window at me, , A male dominance role is becoming very common with many men. I understand it,,, it is the dink speaking to you, you want dominance because it attracts land and land equals food and food mean the females will come and if you have females you get laid,, hence the dink is happy. We Imported the male superior attitude from the Muslim world. I'm telling you and all men, that men think with their dinks, you should all be afraid of each other. bombs are bigger rocks, rockets are bigger spears. who can piss on the wall the highest...who shall be last man standing,,, we all have to stand up, or slavery will be for all of us ,,,if any survive..
John Mclaulin lives below me with his wife and his girlfriend visits everyday. He's a petty drug dealer, alcoholic, creep. At first he had my sympathy, homeless and filthy the same appearance as my heroin addicted grandson who through my efforts is now an upstanding member of society .John was first hit by the perps, had him shaking in the corner, they flipped him, he is a willing slave. They trained him on me, they still are.. Stephanie is the one who breaks into my apartment, for a year and a half till I caught her breaking into Judies apartment also..I knew it was a woman,,, I had just dismissed Stephanie as not being clever enough to "break and entering" type of stuff.Fooled me.. Then when I reported them to the office and the police, they stopped. Before the John and Stephanie was Frank DiAntonio, he lived across the hall... Was breaking in even before I moved in caught him coming out of my door to his apartment. He was after jewelry... broke open my box,,, later I think he came back and stole my wonderful unique old, silver spoon and my vintage earrings. While they were breaking into my apartment, with the extra money they saved off robbing me, I knew someone was doing it,,, just didi't catch them ,,,, John was buying booze he was drunk all the time on my dime. There were others also raiding my apartment,,,,,,as it is today..
Judy Silva who is responsible for Aldana's death.
Judy Silva has a religious bent on,,, (the darling little bigot),,,,her actions, she's fighting for Jesus and hates the jews because they killed Jesus, which I told her Jesus had to die in order to prove his divinity. but he only came back in spiritual form. Appearing before several so it is claimed,,, not in human form.. so it is said.. She was shocked by that. I wonder if she knows that Pope Pius the 12, was the first organization to support Hitler. She's Portuguese I wonder how they,,,portugal feel about Nazis.? The WEF and abject slavery.
How did I know she killed Aldana , and Aldana was warned as was Mike, Judy was using Aldana as the tip of the sword, Judy has that effect on people to do things for her, I weeded her garden,,, Darleen planted flowers as well as I did,,, Aldana wanted to water it,,, after they ganged up on me. Judy is another personality type,,, ferocious,,, she was also jealous of me, I can't see why,,,, she has a charm with the men, I don't want to be with anyone..Heidi told me it was jealousy.Partly. But anyway Judy would get upset about something and go tell Aldana she did this for a long time,,,then Aldana would get all upset and attack me for whatever Judy said as Mike is now, because I called Judy a murderer, I apologized and told her I was wrong she is not a murderer she is a murderess.......Judy, was responsible for Aldana to go after my camera and soak my apartment. She was plotting with John and they hung out on the front porch, Autumn told Judy I had put a camera out the hall window, Judy came up and saw it, and immediately guilty said I was trying to tape her, I was taping Justine Michaud. She didn't want me to hear what she was saying. she does not want any evidence of her role in all this.... He using Aldana and Aldana dying from Diabetic shock. The constant stress Judy put her under. amazing. This went on every every day.
,,,but the perps were in charge doesn't matter who wants what, it's what the perps want. Destroying me piece by piece. murdering at will, but no one will be exempt...No one is listening...
I had Judy's number from day one. from meeting her,,,but sometimes you just want to chat and most she was a pain, because she kept asking questions and repeating them...She wanted friends and we did not hit it off. She's a staunch catholic and I'm an atheist. Pope Pius the 12th who blamed the Jews for killing Jesus, supported Hitler ,,, remember him.. Enough said,,