29 October 2021
I got hit in the chest this morning coming from the next apartment, it seems, but you never know… I think that is true because I was standing in front of the stove when they did it, a intense close shot to the chest, I drank warm soup and it hurt like hell so the burns inside are true, not something in your head they plant. I usually immediately drink ice cold water and that quickly relieves the pain and let me tell you scalding your lungs and stomach is not fun.
Yesterday Mike Lane hit me all morning, and walked outside with his red shirt and black pants, perp colors those are mine to focus in and piss you off at the same time, but it also tells me who is doing it, they take turns, pulsing me and with the colors they even had donny in them.
I live in a world of assholes, I really liked men but the more I see of this the more I dislike them for being the controlling assholes they are. As women we are supposed to be able to manipulate them and add to their superior attitude. I refuse,,, I’m not going to think for someone else, why bother.
Besides they never paid me,,, my ideas were crucial and came along at the right time for the elite to use without my consent, I want a home. I want to buy a house that I can leave my children.
Danielle and Kelly-Lyn, split down the middle. Since Kelly already has her house she can let Dan live in it and pay her rent,,, maybe,,, pay dan as caretaker or sell and split the money..like I insisted that Janice do,, when Don got killed, she was executor of his estate, . He was shot in the head with a laser. I believe. Kathy ran off with his social security check the babysitter of two months. She took him out of hospital and married him to ensure she got the money legally. That belonged to the girls as well.
I know the girls will take care of their children, and of course Shorty and Aaliyah, Julian and Adam. I expect it of them. I think that I loved my children with a love that was so apparent. I realized when I had Danielle what real love was , and it of course shared by Kelly-Lyn and I never forgot it, that is how I knew I never loved any man like that and I should of. Poor Donald we should never of married but I was a very young girl. that's what you did back then too poor for collage, nor thought smart enough so we married. boring..
We’ll here I am in a Housing authority, that is very different from anything else I have ever stayed. I've been robbed since before I got here and then it’s my fault, they blame me, the perps are here of course they pulsed the old lady next door and Don downstairs , she moved in with her sister in a rehab, they are both very happy. She only saw her son in law and daughter , she walked once in a while. But now they have both moved and their happy together, dementia,,,
so the perps moved in next door and Mike Lane is part of it always has been him and Aldana his wife.
I have been pre-aged,,I look terrible wrinkles like Reeva,,bald like DJs clerk,,hip is a painful mess.thats mike ,last year he wanted me to be his sex slave I said no, since then my punishment, no more orgasms, pre-aged and beat to death. I guess if your not available for sex you have no use to these ghouls, so they punish you and kill you off.
I spoke with Kate, she mentioned this ten dollar fine I have to pay from April, to come to the office and deliver payment,,,, I said no I would include it in my rent, she repeated it, to bring it to the office, I again repeated my statement. She said it was ok I shall get two money orders, one for rent the other for payment of this fine, I called back later asking her if she had something else to say? She said no, I sent her the link to Catherine Austin Fitts site about what is really going on I sent it to Shiela head of transport, Seth Moulton, and many others. I was pulsed many hours later ,a communication via audiospotlight, "a thank you, from Kate, so maybe something is working, or not.
I think the worst is yet to come and my death will be imminent . as usual I know they can shoot me in the head with a laser and gone… so I will never know…
We shall see what these people are willing to do. I am not old nor am I ill. Nor do I wish suicide.
This morning the electricity went out, Darleen said it was only this (23) building. They cut down the tree and took out the fence on the side, it was the town that did it,,,over by the maintenance garage, Maybe some branches broke wires,
I blamed Mike and that was set a up . But he did slam me in the chest this morning , he was home and I am sure he has a key to that apartment that Janet's son in law gave him. if not a master key.
Then when Mike came back, I got hit again. I hate the little fuck,,
I am getting hit in several areas, the lower inside arm, left.the hip, the other night they jabbed me in the vaginia. Rape comes in many forms.sick assholes come lets me nose to nose so I can kick you in the balls.
Davos is meeting and I think the intensity is occurring and banking will be big on the agenda, digital total financial control. Over 600 jets flew in to Davos creating huge pollution, planes are really dirty, So the meeting of what they think of supposedly great minds is here ,,occurring now.
So long ago I was sent a tape by a lawyer type and a senator, speaking to her,,and he stated in order for Agenda 2130 to be successful the economy globally has to be taken down to zero. I knew it was important but how,,, I had no idea how, they're doing it now.
Just blowing holes in the economy took down the beef in Texas by hacking the slaughter houses down to five. Beef, pork and chicken are unsustainable.