Im being followed again,,,boy,,,,what a pain in the neck,,,you see they have destroyed my neck,,,holes in it...from pulsing,,,
so today everywhere I got gangstlaked,,, and this is how I think they do it,,,,,at least this is what I have seen,,,,
If you write,,go to court, or put your security cameras to spotlight on your main perp,,,who pulses you on purpose,,this is all planned,,,its a game,,,they play these scenarios,,,fuck you all of you for being the dumbasses that you are......when you are caught in this web,,when you are on my side,,,as you will be,,,you will regret a lot of your actions today,,,,you got a lot of years to be subjected to this and will regret your opposition to freedom...
I took a relative on an errand,,,cops were everywhere,,,,at first when i left home it was ok,,but they picked me up on the way home,,,I get getting my neck,,,twisted,,,,hurts like hell,,,I mentioned before,,,how they pulse your neck and the cells react ,,it is called tetanizing,,,just like the frogs hit with electricity,,,when the frogs are dead but the spark still makes the cells react and move the leg..same thing only I'm alive,,,so they hit me with this bright white translucent pulse from behind,,,my neck reacts on the side that has been pulsed before,,,
I hope I am clear,,,one side of my neck is pulsed,,,the cells and muscle is compromised,,,so when you are hit again your neck twist toward that side,,,today they did it from cars...I could not figure our why my neck kept incrementally hurting me,,,its part of the torture game,,,Diachision set me up,,,,set the spark gap device to hit that side of my neck,,,then it pulls automatically when your in a car or out walking,,,whenever they want... They also have done this to relatives,,,,How do you know,,,,well if you run your finger down your muscle and it falls into a hole that hurts like hellllll...and I mean really hurts,,,,then you know you got pulsed,,,,
I think this is can't see it,,,you can hear it,,,and feel it,,,but you can't see it,,,at least I could not,,,but then they did it when I was asleep mostly..
the cops were behind me all day,,,some doing extra duty,,,some not,,,some just following me,,,
I also watched the video on facebook about the cops punching a woman in the face...the cops can lose it too,,,,they want to shoot,,,that is the big thing in their lives...I think they have been given the go ahead to shoot someone and the other thing is ,,it could be scenarios,,,it could be fake,,,it could be real, it could be meant as a threat to someone,,,my magical perp colors are red white and black,,,anytime I see those colors they are meant for me,,,at least this is what the magical mystery tour has designated I pay attention too...Diachision has red white and black cars,,,,so you see this officer who punched the woman in the face,,,could be mind well...
No one is exempt,,,I said that years ago,,,no one will get out of this whole,,,or even alive,,,this is going to be like nothing else....NOTHNG else,,,nothing else,,,I do not like this key board to easy for someone to fuck with this wireless,,,,,,airless don't buy it,,,live with your wires they are your friend...fuck wifi,,,holy wifi,,,
anyway every once in a while my neck twisted,,,and I could not figure out why and I got foggy as I drove,,,I finally caught one of them,,, a white taxi,,,somewhere in lynn or swampscott....he pulled off when he noticed I was watching him,,,,,I was going take his picture,,,,he can get in on that is why my neck hurt so bad today..