i went grocery shopping , first time I went out in a long time of course someone entered my apt, I believe it to be Devin, these words are hard for me to write, he's pulsed me many many times, I think he wants my apt . For him and elizabeth. He likes to inflict pain but does not want to feel pain.
I was angry with Jillian , I left my apt was entered , my stuff messed with, and she and devin and cody we're the only ones home, if a stranger had entered cody who is a good watchdog would of alerted them to someone's presence, I didn't hear anything from them so I would think no one entered the house. This morning I was woken with a terrifying loud bang only I could hear, HHSS, hypersonic silent sound. So I went upstairs and asked kelly if she heard s bang, she said no then she started yelling at me to get out and I was invading her privacy , so I asked if the pellet stove was ok , she did not ask me not seem concerned about the bang. I even called Bud about it he was at work. So that is when I went up stairs. They knew who did the bang it was devin. Jillian denies knowing about it, she said she would never do anything like that and norther would devin. Jill has led to me before and devin feels he can hurt anyone and get away with it, he zaps jill then she dcreams and he stops only when his parents speak up, many times I wonder what this electromagnetic field will do to their fertility . Cows don't produce milk under power lines.
I put my camera in my window over my head to see what is coming my way and want to put it out in the celler to see what is going on there . Bjg