The only problem is " they'll all be lies except one and that is about the weed plants . I told the staties I thought I had 4 plants they said I had nine . Oh well. I think the online campaign against Obama was successful , and the perps around me are GOP . I did not vote so the deme stayed away from voting to show displeasure of gov't picked Obama is a shill a scapegoat, my iPod froze, but that is a good strategy , this agenda of surveillance is all GOP motivated. This is bush and cheney a work the gOP with Koch brothers are buying the gov't and it's working too , the Koch brothers are the illuminati.
I want to mention about blair he has been out when I leave or enter, he hates me for outing his son as gay , to bad , I hate you to you mean malicious stinky old man , a real nazi as his name suggests , schietroff , sounds german to me. He has been responsible for much much harassment even before I outed his son , big mouth cherie and Laura nelson's malicious tongues were bust. Oh yeah saw dave McGeney at voting , he was watching me out of one eye as he walked by the building we were outside , I just stared letting him know ,, you know perp stuff. Dave McGeney what do I know about him , he's been on peabody politics for a long time. I've heard him speak but don't know his record , he never popped up as any one of note.
I wonder what is going to happen the GOP took the senate , Koch behind that and Facebook is not allowing me access.
I took the peabody elderly bus to market basket, I sat next to staccia , I can't stand her she's the modest person in ghe world and she's sharp I forgot how sharp. Big I did set her on her ass a couple of times and she's very Cagey can't stand her. I wish she would move in with her son(s) so I would not have to see her ever again. Tim drove the bus I suspect him of being part of the perp network and of course as I left the bus Diachision drove by in his yellow minivan.
I meant it sarcastically and did not have a good retort when I said I was called nosy, she said well you said it not me. Probing questions all the time she asked my dog I said no someone poisoned him , then she asked how old he was, I said ten she said well it's sometimes his age , I asked her if she'd like some names on who I suspected, she didn't know what to say and of course jake is dead , and buried, so the proof is gone but I know who did hurt him with DEW , she did not ask for the NAmes right there says a lot because she knows and did not want me to bring it out in the open. You want to get down and dirty with me staccia. I don't mind going public. She upsets me sometimes so much and she does not give up.
I just wanted to repeat this cherie who so admires her fucking view of the lake but this is how she really thinks which is not at all, she had a new front walk put in , steve major dug the old cement one up, he threw the cement into the pond at her cleared fishing spot I told her old cement has huge chemical amounts it leeches out so she had steve who threw it I
N the lake to take it our, and he took most of it out, he threw smaller pieces farther into the lake , sh buried it behind her garage on the lake side. That's one teadon why they hate me, I wouldn't let them pollute the lake.
Yesterday I took the Peabody elderly bus to market basket, I have shopped ther since I was married at 18, long time helped build that families enormous wealth. Anyway on that elderly bus unforetunatly I sat next to staccia my next door old perp neighbor, deaf do you had to yell at her , she's insulting and abnoxious she asks you these simple questions and then they get intrusive, she's real good at it. Tim another perp put my groceries in the spot next to her. So I sat, by the time I got home I was so angry I could of spit. For instance she asked , she thought I moved, or I haven't moved yet? Then she asked about my dog , Jake was radiated to death. Perps kill dogs because dogs alert to beams or pulses. Bark like mad. At that time my nerves had had enough I told her he died from poison , someone threw it over the fence and killed him, I asked her if she would like names as to who I suspected and she backed off, she didn't say anything then asked how old he was, I said ten , then she inferred he had a life span and that was responsible for his death , see what I mean ,, inferring I was a liar and didn't know what I was talking about , all kinds of intrusive questions and of course I cod not move the bus was going and my groceries were there, I should of moved,, stupid me by the home I got home I was so mad. !!!anyway james came over scrapped the house and I gave him twenty and I set up my new bookcase , love love it black big and bold , it's only particle board but weighs a ton. Looks good though.
I also read china is raping Africa for all her natural resources, leaving nothing for the people, nor does china care, rape pillage and burn. Chinese do not like black people at all,, not at all,,