The individuals who carry out this type of harassment, for whatever reason against ,whistleblowers, activist, dissident or mentally ill or your just a pain in the ass and won't go away, call themselves Zappers, we call them perps.
The individuals who are hired and are part of this perp network ,call themselves ZAPPERS. I repeat to make myself absolutely clear.
I found this out by accident, I was driving , on the road somewhere in the south, and one young man had zapped me, evidently the powers that be wanted to ensure that I went to the bathroom, had a bowel movement. So he zapped me with a frequency that gave me instant diarrhea. I know it sounds strange but in some scenarios it is stranger. So just hear me out. Don't ask me why, they just did, I did not ask why I was to busy going to the bathroom.
As I went to the bathroom in this little store, when I came out this kid who had been tailing me and hit me with these bathroom frequencies was telling the young girl behind the counter what he had done and why. I over heard much as I left, and as I left his car was parked in the front of the store near mine we were the only two there except for the clerk, so I recognized the car and on the back window it said zappers in this bright colored sticker he had on his back window, in the corner curved, and I have noticed many Zappers also have Z in the license plate or the word Zap on their car, or bumper sticker.
This is what the perps call themselves,,ZAPPERS. I know this to be true, I have called them this and gotten quite a reaction from some of them. I also put a sign on my van using the metallic paper you can run through your printer and print any message you want on it, so I printed Kill Zappers, a cop stopped me from Peabody, I was driving out of the Northshore Mall and I do not remember why he pulled me over, but he did and when he got back in his car he had taken the metallic sign off my car, he v2k'd me and told me the zappers would kill me for that sign. So I left it alone,but if you want to test this out yourself,,call a perp a Zapper, see if you get a reaction, or not. I know what they call themselves and no one can dissuade me from this belief, I saw to much , but test it yourself. See what you come up with. Let me know what you find.