acoustic |əˈkoōstik|adjective [ attrib. ]1 relating to sound or the sense of hearing : dogs have a much greater acoustic range than humans.• (of building materials) used for soundproofing or modifying sound : acoustic tiles.• (of an explosive mine or other weapon) able to be set off by sound waves.2 (of music or musical instruments) not having electrical amplification : acoustic guitar.• (of a person or group) playing such instruments.noun1 (usu. acoustics) the properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it : Symphony Hall has perfect acoustics.• ( acoustic) the acoustic properties or ambience of a sound recording or of a recording studio.2 ( acoustics) [treated as sing. ] the branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.3 a musical instrument without electrical amplification, typically a guitar.DERIVATIVESacoustical |əˈkustəkəl| adjectiveacoustically |-ik(ə)lē| |əˈkustək(ə)li| adverbORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Greek akoustikos, from akouein ‘hear.’wWell I think I am being hit with acoustics and I will tell you why. As the noisy pulse washes over me my body heats up.The pulse has a lot of force and no light,,almost impossible to capture on film. Almost impossible to see but you sure can feel it, and you can hear it as it hits you and as it goes through the house. I have hit a small pulse of this with my hand and it had substance, I did this by mistake,,I hit it with my hand and knocked it off course. I know a compressor would work,, a hose and configure the end nozzle, would make a fine acoustic weapon. My neighbor has this milk homogenizing tank in his garage, direct shot to my bedroom, ,able to withstand high intense heat and pressure. put a hose on it, and configure a nozzle and wala a harassment device. Acoustics in the sense I am talking about it, in finally packed, intensely packed air, shot out of a hose..I wonder if that would work. Anyway this milk homogenizer is a strange thing not to big really a few feet long and not terribly high,,4-5 feetish. shiny shiny chrome shaped like an oval with four continuous legs going down in a point. like I said a strange shape. I do not know if this is the weapon that has the ability to hit me in my bed across the street, but these pulses do come sometimes from this direction. Others from Yaikus's house, from the fenced in hidden shed on the side of his house. One only guesses, the only sure thing is direction and intensity of pulse and the fact that some of this is acoustics and that can easily kill you. These pulses can kill you. It makes a lot of noise as it goes through the house and sometimes when it hits sounds like a baseball hitting the house so everyone knows about it.Today I told Kate and Camille both members of the Ma. Ti group I was dropping out, I believe that to play both sides of the aisle is not for me.. I dislike FFCHS very much feeling through their neglect over the years that many Ti's have died. I also feel as with many other men they sponge off those who contribute to them and support them without giving credit to them,,
I will post my letters to them here at some future date and why I dropped out..