this may or not work out, I know I do not follow Bill Binney or Kirk Wiebe thinking, , they are religious and seem to understand how these folks think, I know I do not. I don't think they are above manipulating them as well but Bill has a lot to bargain with he is the one who said the Russians had nothing to do with Trump... and can prove it,, using NSA.
I know a lot of people support trump.. they see him as an outsider, who can change the insider workings of Gov't, like the CIA and NSA and I seeBlackwater, I see Betsy Devos, another religious wacko as secretary of education who wants public funding for religious schools, of course that means christian evangelical schools. She is focused in on what she wants to do and to hell with the rest of us.
Betsy is Eric Prince's sister, of Blackwater mercenary now china affiliate fame. He just want s to sell his war stuff, no matter to who or for what. I saw an article where he has modified crop duster planes,,, mean looking little planes modified into surviellance and weaponized devices. he's selling them to whomever wants them. The planes were made in Georgia so he might be breaking our law. We shall see if congress is strong enough to go up against these guys.Also in the Snowden papers and what Suzie Dawson brought out is that NSA does not want congressional oversight and that is true,,, Bolton big warmonger is now head of NSA, appointed by the president, not vetted by congress.
so basically NSA is controlled and run by the president and congress is cut out of the loop. Pompao is now Secretary of State he's another warmonger, and Gina Helspel is now head of CIA, she built torture prisons in Thailand. True wants to be elected next term and if not he is going to elect all the far right wing wacko judges to the bench to make sure we follow the Koch brothers agenda.