Monday, June 17, 2013

The Network of zappers and testosterone

I just came home from the store and was speaking with my Muslim friend, usually he is amiable when we are the only two in the store, but if there is a male customer he has to insist he is the boss in his family. I always tell him just cuz he has a penis does not make him smarter than me. He may be stronger physically, but it is all about the testosterone, and control,, it seems to reek in the male body and mind.  I think there is a male attitude ooh rah problem with the men , they feel they are no longer in control and resent women who speak out. Who want equality, I do not want to control anyone, having a hard enough time controlling myself, but I want the respect that goes for a person who can think , and it has taken me a long time to feel that I can.  So I have to argue with idiots,, I give up, it is wasted effort on my part and I pity the women who are in their lives.

I also want to talk about this network, that is alive and well in the US,, it has been stated 70% of TI are women, that makes sense, the weaker sex. So to speak. These Zappers as they call themselves because they zap people with DEW (directed energy weapons) most seem male and young male at that, though I have seen couples , people with kids in the car, and families in the store, one women told her daughter she was giving me "therapy". As she zapped the hell out of me in the grocery store, I wrote about this in another post. 
This network is hidden, it is underground and some are local gov't employees, others are just employees, some industrial employees.  The public has no public knowledge of this network, the media knows all about it and uses for their own ends, This network operates outside of the law. It does what ever is needed, from rape, to murder to harassment to good things too. Whatever it takes. I do not know what the network is called, but I know all to well it exists. As I said with the women who stated "You cannot get away from them" you cannot, they operate on a cell phone system, calling ahead and handing you off to the next person. I have been watching them and studying them for a long time. I know them well and always can tell when one is a zapper. You just know, it's a creepy feeling and they always seem to have that stare as if they got to get it right,, to make sure you are who you are and they stare in a certain way. Creeps you out. Up until this all started I had no idea this program and network existed. But then the word is one does not talk about it, if you do not talk about it ,it does not exist and they are right, they do not. 

Not until you are part of this program. Then they exist all to well, all to much in your life and able to manipulate and control you through the use of the HSS, hypersonic silent sound, 23 March 03 , The sound of Things To Come" NYT magazine, pay close attention to the article, where the woman wants to put this device in her fiance's golf bag to subliminally suggest he marry her, what does this little paragraph tell you?  

What about the military application and the industrial complex spoken of in this article tell you?  A lot, you have to read between the lines and they tell a lot, they tell much more if you have been subjected to the triggers this device is capable of inflicting and the control of it all.  Drones and Data mining is shit compared to this device. The zombie machine.

 I pity us all. 

USAToday roundtable of whistleblowers

The article is to long to post here,  but all the whistleblowers are interviewed by USA today and it is very informative and interesting. I suggest you all read it , here is the link.

this is just an excerpt from William Binney, NSA whistleblower . I hope Snowden reads this and takes Mr. Binney's advice,, but please read the whole article

Binney: I would tell him to steer away from anything that isn't a public service — like talking about the ability of the U.S. government to hack into other countries or other people is not a public service. So that's kind of compromising capabilities and sources and methods, basically. That's getting away from the public service that he did initially. And those would be the acts that people would charge him with as clearly treason.

I too am a whistlblower

GAP Statement on Edward Snowden & NSA Domestic Surveillance

Recently, the American public learned that the National Security Agency (NSA) has conducted, and continues to conduct, wholesale surveillance of U.S. citizens through a secretive data-mining program. The program collects the phone records, email exchanges, and internet histories of tens of millions of Americans who would otherwise have no knowledge of the secret program were it not for the disclosures of recent whistleblowers. The latest of these whistleblowers to come forward is former Booz Allen Hamilton federal contractor employee, Edward Snowden.

As the nation’s leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) would like to be clear about its position on each of the following points that relate to these significant revelations:
Snowden disclosed information about a secret program that he reasonably believed to be illegal. Consequently, he meets the legal definition of a whistleblower, despite statements to the contrary made by numerous government officials and security pundits. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky), Sen. Mark Udall (D-Co), Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Ca), Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) have also expressed concern about the potential illegality of the secret program. Moreover, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wi) who is one of the original authors of the Patriot Act – the oft-cited justification for this pervasive surveillance – has expressed similar misgiving.

Derogatory characterizations of Snowden‘s personal character by government officials do not negate his whistleblower status. On the contrary, such attacks are classic acts of predatory reprisal used against whistleblowers in the wake of their revelations.Snowden’s personal life, his motives and his whereabouts have all been called into question by government officials and pundits engaged in the reflexive response of institutional apologists. The guilty habitually seek to discredit the whistleblower by shifting the spotlight from the dissent to the dissenter. Historically, this pattern of abuse is clear from behavior towards whistleblowers Daniel Ellsberg, Mark Felt, Frank Serpico, Jeffrey Wigand, Jesselyn Radack, and recent NSA whistleblower Tom Drake.

As a matter of course, whistleblowers are discredited, but what truly matters is the disclosure itself. Snowden’s revelations have sparked a public debate about the balance between privacy and security – a debate that President Obama now claims to welcome. Until Snowden’s disclosures, however, the government had suppressed the facts that would make any serious debate possible.

Many have condemned Snowden for disclosing classified information, but documents are classified if they reveal sources or methods of intelligence-gathering used to protect the United States from its enemies. Domestic surveillance that is pervasive and secret is only a valid method of intelligence gathering if the country’s enemies include most of its own population. Moreover, under the governing Executive Order it is not legal to classify documents in order to cover up possible misconduct.
In a democracy, it is simply not acceptable to discover widespread government surveillance only after a whistleblower’s revelations. Because of Snowden’s disclosures we now know that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper deliberately misled the Senate Intelligence Committee when he stated on March 12, 2013 that the NSA did not purposefully collect any type of data from millions of Americans. Regardless of the justification for this policy, the public has a Constitutional right to know about these actions.

Unfortunately, the responsibility has fallen on whistleblowers to inform the public about critical policy issues – from warrantless wiretapping to torture. Whistleblowers remain the regulator of last resort.
By communicating with the press, Snowden used the safest channel available to him to inform the public of wrongdoing. Nonetheless, government officials have been critical of him for not using internal agency channels – the same channels that have repeatedly failed to protect whistleblowers from reprisal in the past. In many cases, the critics are the exact officials who acted to exclude national security employees and contractors from the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012.

Prior to Snowden’s disclosures, NSA whistleblowers Tom DrakeWilliam Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe, all clients of GAP, used internal mechanisms – including the NSA chain of command, Congressional committees, and the Department of Defense Inspector General – to report the massive waste and privacy violations of earlier incarnations of the NSA’s data collection program. Ultimately, the use of these internal channels served only to expose Binney, Drake and Wiebe to years-long criminal investigations and even FBI raids on their homes. As one example, consider that Tom Drake was subjected to a professionally and financially devastating prosecution under the Espionage Act. Despite a case against him that ultimately collapsed, Drake was labeled an “enemy of the state” and his career ruined.
During the last decade, the legal rights for whistleblowers have expanded for many federal workers and contractors, with the one exception of employees within the intelligence community. The rights of these employees have significantly contracted. The Obama administration has conducted an unprecedented campaign against national security whistleblowers, bringing more Espionage Act indictments than all previous administrations combined.

Moreover, at the behest of the House Intelligence Committee, strengthened whistleblower protections for national security workers were stripped from major pieces of legislation such as the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (for federal employees) and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 (for federal contractors). If those protections existed today, Snowden’s disclosures would have stood a greater chance of being addressed effectively from within the organization.

The actions already taken against Snowden are a punitive continuation of what has become a "War on Whistleblowers." Through a series of retaliatory measures, the federal government targets federal employees who speak out against gross waste, illegality, or fraud, rather than prosecuting individuals engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors. So far as we know, not one person from the NSA has yet to suffer any consequences for ordering, justifying or participating in the NSA’s domestic spying operation.

It is the opinion of GAP that recent events suggest the full might of the Department of Justice will be leveled at Snowden, including an indictment under the Espionage Act, while those who stretched their interpretation of the Patriot Act to encompass the private lives of millions of Americans will simply continue working.
If every action has an opposite and equal reaction, the whistleblower is that reaction within the surveillance state. Dragnet electronic surveillance is a high-tech revival of tactics used to attack the civil rights movement and political enemies of the Nixon administration. Whistleblowers famously alerted the public to past government overreach, while helping to defend both national security and civil liberties.

In contrast, secrecy, retaliation and intimidation undermine our Constitutional rights and weaken our democratic processes more swiftly, more surely, and more corrosively than the acts of terror from which they purport to protect us.

Contact: Bea Edwards, Executive Director
Phone: 202.457.0034, ext. 155
Contact: Louis Clark, President
Phone: 202. 457.0034, ext. 129
Contact: Dylan Blaylock, Communications Director
Phone: 202.457.0034, ext. 137

Medical and police records

Medical records and police legal records,

My advice to anyone,,, get copies and lock them up, all of them, when you get copies of your medical records also ask for doctors notes. That is where the action really is. That is what the doc really thinks of you and of what is going on with you. The truth you might say.  Why do I say this, because the son of a bitches will lie through their teeth, not only to cover their asses when they fuck up , but also to write shit that fits their diagnosis... I have several true stories to tell and will try to be brief.

I was working 60 to 80 hours a week in this restaurant, it was run by the mafia and was in Lynn, I thought when I took this job it would be great,,next town over. No more driving into Boston. Well it was a fiasco and for 350 dollars a week they took their pound of flesh, I did not see my kids much. I had to do my grocery shopping at 3 am for that was the only time I had. The grocery store open all night was in West Peabody, so I went there. It had a huge parking lot well lit, and the cop knew it and had bagged many people coming out of there for not having turned their lights on, It was that well lit , so of course the cop got me, he said " 'no lights on is a sign of drug use' ,  so he arrested me and my groceries were ruined, I didn't get home, I was jailed, no drugs.  I was not a happy camper. 

Second incident, my 14 year old daughter went to a carnival and was to be home at 11, she no showed, so by 1 am I was out looking for her.  I went to this friend of hers that had the name she said she was to stay at and was going to drag her ass home. So I knocked on this person's door,   Finally after a few knocks the father  answered from his upstairs window and sent  the daughter to the door so speak with me she  told me my daughter was not there , the father told me to go away for he had called the police.

 I drove up the street and this cop Marin or Morin stopped me , recognized my license  from the grocery store incident and told me to drive back to the house . Which I did, I explained to him what I was doing, , he took out his handcuffs I asked what he was doing, he said arresting you for disturbing the peace. He tried to get the cuffs on me, He could not put my hands together, I was a weightlifter and pretty buff at that time. So I just stood there and kept my hands apart while I told him what I was doing, looking for my kid, didn't matter, , he grabbed my hair and bent me way over and pulled out a handful. The father finally came out and said " you better give up he called for back up" and I saw the truth of what he said so I gave up. Went to jail ,,again,  never knew where my daughter was.  
Court date, as I arrived and went upstairs to the lobby , this cop was walking around whispering in the father's ear, with his arm around this man's shoulder. I was stunned and couldn't believe what this fuck was doing.

The DA called me in and asked me how I felt about this that I was guilty because they had a witness ,  I told them NO, the father was my witness, the father was not in fear of his life, he as a matter of fact had sent his kid to the door to answer my questions, and the father will attest to this. Well no case on the cops side , so they let me go, I have no idea what is written by them and of course I did not go before the judge because the DA and the court system will not put forth a case they already lost for fear of public humiliation.

I wrote a letter to the chief of police that this cop was to stay away from me, for I feared he was after me, there was a third incident with this cop but it was so long ago it escapes me, that was when I wrote the letter to the chief of police and told him to tell this cop to stay away from me, he was out to get me and I would not be responsible for what happened next.  He was told, for when he saw me, I did not have a light on my bike and he was going to stop me and recognized me and continued on his way.  I was very happy for that, for I rode a bike to Salem Train station every day to catch the train for school in Boston.  Summer and Winter, must of been dark out early morning, we were on Lowell St.
He is now a detective.

Medical Records

Medical Records

When I read the record of my incarceration at MGH, I cried at the lies these assholes had told in my medical record to cover their asses. Pitiful. Really pitiful,, from that day forward I still do not have any trust with the medical establishment. Ever.  The mistrust really started earlier than the above incarceration,it was exacerbated and started when they forced me into  Salem Hospital in Salem Ma. You got to remember one thing,,scenerios are set up, triggers are imposed all to manipulate the TI. For whatever reason.

Scott Burns had knocked me out cold with a frequency in a hotel room and had put two 2 to 4 mm fiber optics in my forehead, causing much distress for when you are hit with energy weapons,,DEW as they are known the light energy passed down the fiber optics into your body, it has to go somewhere and this will cause confusion, and severe pain. Broadband is fiber optic technology. Light Energy.

It took me a long time before I figured out what they were doing, what was causing the intense pain that caused confusion within your thought processes,  because the fiber optics was an inch up into the hairline  mid forehead.  The perps  aim a beam of intense light at you, it was usually done from behind you, and you thought the energy was coming from the front because that is where the fiber optics was,,also causing confusion as to direction, I finally got wise when I saw a couple of them hit me from behind through my rear view mirror,   the fiber optics picked up the energy and  the energy traveled down the fiber optic into your skull,  and you were a done deal. This happened at the beginning of my targeting, so I had no clue as to what I was dealing with, not yet anyway. I believe this came from Eastman Gelatin and Scott Burns,, their employee, he was hot on my trial at this time.

One night the pain inflicted from the fiber optics was to much and I had isolated the two fiber optics pieces, they were slightly thicker than my hair, slightly stiffer and never grew and the intense thought disrupting pain seemed to emanate from this one  particular spot.  So I was rubbing it all the time, after a while I noticed these two strange never growing hairs. So I took my trusty pen knife and dug them out causing a small amount of blood, this was all a set up , for the main purpose of all of this was to have me incarcerated in hospital for evaluation of violence, All part of the Operation Safe Home program by Hud.This was used to ensure people were put in hospital to be evaluated for violent tendencies, I believe Torigian used it as a dumping ground for anyone he wanted and I know HUD used it to incarcerate dissidents and activists,  so I was told they were both considered  vermin.
After I dug these two small fibers out, the pain stopped, all confusion stopped, though when I went home I could feel the pressure from a frequency as I walked up the walk and only one small spot was left, so I dug that out and no more pain, or pressure. I often wondered if this was an experiment on their part.

I called my daughter down stairs and showed her what I had done, this was programmed/triggered as she was , she insisted I go to hospital which I did. Not like me at all, I am not a complacent person . The female doc in the emergency room was bullshit with me, I could not figure out why this woman was so angry with me, but she took my daughters in the office and would not let me enter but discussed MY FUTURE WITH MY DAUGHTERS, I was pretty pissed myself,, I kept saying to the security people, "how dare she ignore me, how dare she do this".
When I was finally able to speak with this doc, I asked her if someone was shot in the head with a laser what would the clinical  appearance be , she said a stroke, then I asked if someone was shot in the heart with a laser what would the clinical appearance be and she said a heart attack. Are you surprised?  I was.

Any way they locked me up, and I want to relate two more incidents,,, as I was brought to my room at Salem hospital the nurse who escorted me told me the last women who was put into this room had within the space of 15 minutes dug out the ceiling tiles over the bed and had wedged herself up in the ceiling crying all the while" You can't get away from them , you can't get away from them" and she was right, you can't, No matter what you do you cannot get away from them or escape them. 

16 years of this shit , I can attest to that.

The second incident was when Abrams ( the local ambulance chaser psychiatrist labeled by his patients) I was  told to go down to this atrium , so I did,all glass walls,  tables, chairs, large space,, nice sun coming in, it felt good to sit in the sun for a while, while I waited. I sat kinda in the middle to one side and he entered with a nurse, they sat way on the edge of the room at least 18-20 feet away, I got up to join them and Abrams told me to stay where I was, and I thought this strange. As he questioned me I was being hit with frequencies, and he told me that I had some problems,,, I was not being able to keep a concise thought from the beginning to the end of the sentence. This showed blah blah blah diagnosis.  Let me tell you I was stunned, this son  of a bitch was hitting me with frequencies while he questioned me to fit his diagnosis. Never forgot that one. I would like to meet him today.

Welcome to the new age medical establishment, compromised by gov't and their twisted new age despotic way of thinking. Fun huh?