ok PPD heres one for you ,,investigate my allegations, investigate the meeting, talk to Torigians staff and how I was threatened.
investigate how Torigian asked me where I lived and the weird reaction he gave me when I told him.
Investigate and question the two cops who saw the hole in my ceiling that the gas was pumped through!.
investigate the fire chief who told me if I called them again he'd have me arrested, because he couldn't smell the gas but Russell Lewis could because the air had pushed the gas up, Lewis was and is about 6 feet 3 inches, he could smell it he said so twice but the chief chose to ignore him.
Find out the name of Torigians bodyguard/gofer at our meeting, he along with Jeffrey Grayson followed me to N.H. all the way zapping me. Breaking into the neighbor's cottage, interview the cottage owner ask her as I did if her cottage was broken into earlier that month.
Ask Stuart Cumins his role as my landlord and buddies with Torigian.
Ask Scott Burns who worked for Eastman Gelatin his harassment role at my work in Lawrence in a EG truck, how he forced me from my job,ask him about his Grand Canyon trip in his black van and following me there?
Ask maintenance at Crowninshield how they evict people what do they use? Acoustic and directed energy weapons and ,theft, harassment, Audiospotlight technology.
Ask Danny McKenna about the empty apt over my bedroom that he worked from drilling a hole for the gas over my sleeping body. and the dents in my car he was responsible for. He also played a part in gassing me as did Wally Maintenance manager.
Ask Mary Kennedy who worked for Crowninshield her role in all this.
Ask the woman who rides in one of those little carts as resident at Crowninshield the warning she gave me, how Crowninshield attacks people.I chose to ignore, i didn't think possible.
Ask Rick and Laura Nelson how they pulsed my apt as the drove around the circle past my apt. on their way to work.
Ask kevin Sousa how he did the same and his father threatened me.
Ask David Diachision his role how he sat in Babe Johanson's yard throwing pulses across Paul Donavan's house into my bedroom, hot burning, Ask Paul how he had to go out and yell at Sean and Jason who work for "on target security"to stop pulsing through his house several times, to get to me. Paul 's son is on the PPD. now, since Feb? He flipped.
Ask Frank Anderson how he pulsed me down the stairs from his upstairs bedroom window cutting open a big gash in my arm I carry the scar to this day.
Ask Jeffrey Schietroff his role in all this and what he did, and Cherie Rathbun her role with Steve Majur.
Ask Chris Yaikus his role and his step sons, their roles. He knows about Acoustics he installs commercial and residential sound systems. He knows all about directed energy acoustic weapons. I reported him to the police , they didn't do anything they were more interested in the DEW he had created.
Ask Dick Jarvis of my complaint to him and what was done with that. I know but you don't .
Well PPD that should start you off in the right direction.
Investigate all that, I'd be curious to find out what you come up with? But you won't, will you? Because you already know what's going on, you know tactics that were used against me are still being used today and your the tool for it. You won't because you knew what was going on but chose to do nothing because Torigian was your boss and Laura's brother in law is second in command at the PPD today, , so don't threaten me. Don't threaten me, if ill will comes to you or yours, I believe you deserve it and I'm not the only one this was done too. Great little racket. Gestapo.
Others were targeted as well. So you investigate the above and let me know what you come uo with. Meanwhile leave me to fuck alone and threaten someone else,, you seem to be good at that and when your done you think about what this city owes me I'd be curious.
I did my own investigation I always knew I'd make a better detective than a street cop, I knew this from when I worked on the SDPD in Ca. lets see what you come up with.. LOL
So when this is all investigated you get back to me OK, lets see how good you are?
That should keep you fatheads busy for a while. I wonder if you'll do as well as I.
Barbara Guillette