I bought a money order from my bank for my rent,, on the receipt attached to the order was my account number and my balance,,, now when I paid my rent, the landlord stared real hard and for to long at my receipt... I do not know if he looked at my balance or my account number... I think the balance. but that is just my conjecture. the man next door , the big man has moved out,, I saw him come p the stairs with a basket full of laundry and walk down the hall with it,,, not into his pat. so and the man on the other side of me the stinky man is walking around with a pot of some kind, and I saw him with a bunch of stuff in his hand locking up his door. not a great deal of stuff, but just some loose articles and someone boobey trapped my lock up, wen I went there to check on it this box with a bunch of nothing fell out. so I want to go over to see if anything else has been taken, my mapplethorpe pictures or my directors chairs or it could be anything. so I put a second lock on the door. the first lock evidently did not work and I think the second lock may not work but Ive never made it easy for the perps to gain access. I also have a knitting needle that I keep in one specific spot for one specific purpose is missing. a blue one. so we shall see, I paid my rent for the month of oct. so everything seems to be quieted down. I wonder what my neighbors think,,, of the pulsing because I know they got hit as well. I wonder if it continues for them. I think not. but it does for me... I got hit really bad in the right groin area and the left hip as been casing me trouble they have been working on that for a long long time... I have been stretching and stretching to counteract that but doubt it will do much good, been very very constipated. and whenever I go out they hit and hit and hit and hit me,, till sometimes I feel faint.my hips both of them really hurt probably gone break them. gotta keep the economy going,, trump is selling weapons everywhere, where you sell weapons war breaks out and depopulation continues.
rick the dickhead nelson's storage place for his port shithead potties is right around the congener down the street a bit,,, Nelson't it's called. I alway s knew he was a shitheaad but not literally and it is literal. rick the shithead port potty, he also had these over to the Letlle league park by out house,,, he changed the name on it. but I noticed at first it said nelson and now he has a whole business of it, so that means he gets money from the LL or the city for his porter potty? or not.. ? anyway I bought a oven and I bought some winter boots, much to expensive but last year I didn't to find a pair of boots that fit at a resonable price so I had to go higher in price this year LL bean lets hope they fit. and my rotisserie over is being delivered today maybe ,,, I love rotisserie chicken, I wonder if you can cook the rmeats this way anyway we shall see.
this building has a lot of poor older people who look like they ad a thought time in life.. they appreciate what they now have and so do I... and so do I,,, I am grateful.......I saw a door mat that said that over to Ac more ,, I am grateful of what I have.
vagus just had a big shoot out some guy with 40 rifles, i know it's a false flag, worst shooting ever its bullshit its all about gun control..govt scared shitless of the public and so should they be.