This is my first YouTube video, it is really two pulses,one at 3 and 1/2 to 4 seconds. The first pulse is pretty quick and sideways. The second pulse is head straight on into the camera.
This link is another TI's claim, kinda well done ,should be black background.
My question about this video is, in order to magnetize it has to be iron and sometimes that is not a bad thing for our bodies and brains, we operate on iron, iron attaches to the 02 and acts as carrier for the 02, the brain like all parts of the body needs 02 for energy.
We breath 02 in as H20, anemia is the lack of iron in our blood and it can kill you. Without iron the 02 cannot travel and nourish parts of our body and most of all our brain without (Fe),,iron we cannot function and it disturbs our cognitive ability,,, our ability to think.