While we are speaking of death and such, I wanted to remind all of us what happened with the Anthrax that instilled so much fear in our population after 9/11. Senator Patrick Leahey, Vt. leading senator in the senate and Tom Daschle Idaho, majority leader in the House were both democrats and led the agenda for the Bush administration. Bush and Cheney had to go through these two men in order to enact any legislation. A balance of power.
The two envelopes with the Anthrax,, the laboratory weaponized Anthrax was addressed to these two me. Killed Five and injured 17. If these two men had died Bush and Cheney could of done anything they wanted and would of gotten rid of the two men who stood in their way. I think the letters and deaths that ensued were enough of a reason for the two to acquiesce.
The Patriot Act was pushed through.
The Anthrax occurred one week after 9/11 starting 18 Sept, 2001. The Patriot Act was signed into legislation 26 Oct., 2001.
Do I believe our gov't is capable of doing this , or Hasting's death or Wellstone, or Anthrax,, you betcha,,,
Politics is a dirty dirty business, many lives are lost over men who fear loss of power, prestige and of course money,, big money. This is why Alexis de Tocqueveille stated in Democracy in America that we should have Separation of Church and State not because politics feared the church and her takeover of the political establishment, not at all, it is because the church does not condone murder or fraud or other heinous crimes and whenever church is affiliated with gov't , the one corrupts the other completely and the church loses all respectability and credibility and governance over it's moral values.
It is politics that does the corrupting, not the church. The Separation of Church and State is to save the church from the dirty dirty politics of gov't. The murderous intent of politics which is always beneath the surface of men who control great power.
We see this in the long history of the United Kingdom and what it's kings did with religion , we see this in the present day within the Muslim World. When the two are married, politics and religion it is a unholy marriage, and they are responsible for the crimes of each other and lose the value of what they represent to the world, especially the religious aspect of it.
The Taliban is well hated today and the fundamentalists of many religions are spurned by the majority of the people of those countries as controlling and murderous. They believe it is not the means but the end which is what counts, all done in the name of God.
One thing that surprises me and which Luther gave to the Protestant movement and I here , now refute this, that it does not matter what you do in your life as long as you repent before death all is forgiven.. I'm sorry I refute that ,, you do not get away with your crimes that easy. No, last minute repenting and the doors of heaven open for you when you have committed grievous actions against your fellow man, You go to hell anyway and that is for the believers. Luther was a depressant anyway and hated his father. No matter what movement he started, he cannot give you dispensation for your crimes , you will wear them forever. Your God will not forgive you for them, because Luther wanted a way out at the last moment and I am taking it away. No last moment for forgiveness. You live with your crimes.
You should of thought of that before you committed them and you deserve what you get,,in the words of your god,, you reap what you sow and I take away your easy way out.