Saturday, June 22, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about perps, and stalking and feel we as targeted individuals should change their name,,I call the perps ,,, zappers,,,, for zapper is what they call themselves.. They zap people with electricity long distance through the walls cattle prod.. pulses

That is what we are hit with and that is what it feels like.

But my health is failing, I cannot walk, they have hobbled me, pulsing my right knee so it does not work well, They stopped pulsing it every day , several times a day so it is not as painful as it was. 

Now they are hitting my left Achilles tendon, (and across the front of my shins, I too a picture and it shows the bruises,) and hitting  just above the tendon, so now I wobble and walk like a cripple. For that is what they are turning me into. I'm sure I give them much pleasure when I walk. 

I have decided not to call them perps anymore, I believe they should be called and they are  DEATH SQUADS for that is the final result for all this, if anyone can tell me if this is not the result then please let me know and you better have proof.  I cannot see any other direction this is taking me. 

This morning I was woken with severe pulses several times. We had our Peabody Mayor's clean up day and I went down at 10 am. instead of 9,, I would not have been of much use as I have great difficulty walking , but I signed in and left. Telling the person minding the book to tell the mayor and Chris Ryder his assistant I said "hello". I went with Chris last year and told him about Talkshoe and my call numbers, that was triggered. Seems like my DS wanted me to inform the local Gestapo that I was on Talkshoe.

My legs are very painful and no I do not have arthritis or bursitis, When you sit in your living room and you see this spark of light hitting your knee coming through the wall and the severe pain that goes with it, You realize this pain is from an outside source. I have had to convince those whom I thought were  Ti's that this is really happening to me, but maybe they weren't real Ti's after all. They did not seem to understand what I was saying. I know much of what is going on is hard for anyone to believe but you know this stuff is just so outside of anything I could imagine,,,I could not make this shit up.

Well, that is it for today, except I keep getting this continuous pulsing in my left ear. 

 I will also be saying more about Ti's DEATH SQUADS and those who are taking out insurance on TI's , unknown to the  Ti's and collecting on their deaths. 

More info on that later.

A movie,,, atheism, and life

One of the wonders of religions is the empty promise, of life everlasting, in other word religion conquers our fear of death, and the realization that we are just an animal is considered false,, that we are special,,so we are not subject to the same ills that happen to animals in reality,,,,, granted we are a clever animal but just an animal.. We live , we die, we eat, breed and do all the other things that animals do. Our one great talent was becoming adept at using tools. 

Like I said we seem to be more clever, but we do not live within our environment, we destroy it, we try to control it, so in reality who is the better off.

We who poison ourselves or those who live with nature?  Having a balance rather than destroying nature feeling nature shall always be there to sustain us.

That is why religion is so wonderful, it promises us what we cannot prove,  what we know we can never have, no matter how rich we are,,,everlasting life,,,, or 70 virgin women to a virgin boy who blows himself up willingly and gleefully with a suicide bomb , for he will have his hearts content. Religion gives him that as  a reward for his death.

This is one of the reasons I am an Atheist,, I do not believe we are promised anything, the promise is empty,,no one lives beyond what they have here, now on this planet,,never to appear again, for those genes that made you , those particular circumstances are gone with the death of your parents.

Reincarnation is another grasp onto the continuation of what you are...No one can give you life everlasting, not riches, not prayers, not any one of you who  claim to be god. That is why Jesus was a savior , he saved us from death with life everlasting.  We bought it.

We live , we die,, and the millions that come before us, well we give them what little life we can through our remembrance.

That is why it is so sad and horrific for those who destroy what we have, the land, the water , the air, the weather, each other. We live in a world of a demented slaughterhouse, death is all around us. Think of the wars we subject ourselves to, It has ,,now ,, through our dementia become big business. The killing of us by the thousands, birth control, big money.