I have been listening to a lot of the men on Talkshoe, and I feel pretty bad about a lot of what they are going through,,, shrunken testicles,,, one Ti has had some material put on his head and on his crotch , he is then hit with frequencies and basically he has been turned into a battery,,,
Other men have also complained of erectial dysfunction. Not being able to have an erection because of DEW, directed energy weapons..
At least I do not have to think of that. I feel pretty bad for them, one other male Ti said his testicles were shoved up into his scrotum. I hope that is the right word. You know up inside him and he feels they manipulated everything so they,, it , them, all shrunk,, and I believe that, they have malformed my skull as well and that is hard bone.. They even dug a channel in one of the seams of my skull, made a real groove in it...
One of these days I will take an x-ray for proof... my skull has soft spots, dents,holes, divots, channels, they ruined my teeth by shooting through from the back of my neck, and now my neck is in suck bad painful shape, and the whole back of it has been thinned, this is not fallacy, one of my perps made it a point one time, he was told about it and wanted to check it out and he did. The whole back of my skull is flat,, I think the reason for this is that it makes it easier for the pulses to reach my subconscious,,,bone would thin and obstruct the pulse, I could be wrong, but I think this is what happened, they have thinned my skull several times over the years. It is always done with that white hot, sparkler thing, that can easily burn, but, several of these devices burn. red , blue white,,they all burn.
But that white intense precise, small pulse of light,,,does some real bad damage..
I also believe the reason the scrotum is attacked on certain men,,maybe all TI males as far as I know.Is to castrate them and that is done for control, for castration makes them docile..
The sultans in the Mideast used to do it to their harem guards to ensure they would not partake of the harems goods.
In the NYT magazine,,, 23 march 03,, The Sound of Things to Come,,, it is mentioned in the article that these devices can mock ANY medical malady.. and that is true,,I have had cancer 3 times since this began and often wonder if it was real or not.. I hear lots of other woman state the same kind of cancers over and over again,,
ONE wonders.