The first victims of electromagnetic weapons (microwave) were our diplomats in Moscow in the 1980’s. The second set of American victims are called “Targeted Individuals”. They were picked as expendable people the rogue government (FBI then FUSION CENTERS and some military) could experiment on secretly - even lethally. They did it “because they could” not because they had any right to. Contractors infiltrated government long ago addicted to blood money from WWII, etc. and government does their bidding under color of law, while contractors rip off the tax payers horrifically. And convince weak-willed bureaucrats in government that sacrificing a few (sarcasm) hundreds of thousands or millions of people to weapons secret experiments, transhumanist experiments, and even war-grade gases and poisons… is acceptable. “For the greater good” (Communist idealogy). Reminder, in our Constitutional Republic, if an individual has freedom then we all do, if any individual is denied freedom, we all are. The infiltrated government came for the TI’s as a Beta test and no one cared, not police, not local authorities, not state authorities, so now they are coming for you, all of you. Guess sticking your heads in the sand won’t work out too well for you, or your children, or your grandchildren…