The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) fosters research and development indirected energy (DE),
 including high energy laser (HEL) and high power microwave ... 
I sent this link to several Ti's one applied for a ticket, she felt she would not be taken serious so she just told them she was a targeted individual in the application form  , leaving her real name address etc. ..She said she was flagged, when her denial was sent it was sent to many others,,DoD etc. A Dana Stocks, a senior scientist,,google the name at Georgia University, 

That was interesting,, I emailed Derrick Robinson of FFCHS, a major TI, get together on Saturday night, no response and William Binney , NSA whistleblowerm told me this was not his field and he could do nothing for me.
I will leave a message for Robert Duncan on Facebook as I was told he could probably get in..