The cells in our brain, the long part like spaghetti, has a bulb on the end are called neurons, the space between the bulb and the next cell is called a synapse,,,
along the long end, a charge of electricity is sent,,, this is a thought,,,
At the space between the synapse,and the next neuron, is where the electricity is changed to chemical and this is where memory is stored, in these chemicals for longevity because the electrical part of the thought is not long term,,
A Radio broadcast goes through walls,, right? You all can hear radios within the home, using a radio frequency,, the same type of frequency as in the brain, maybe faster or more powerful but its still a frequency and if you go to wikipedia and look it up it will explain more clear than I could ,if you are curious about any of these words use wikipedia and you tube.
The older analog TV, worked with antennas,,, the TV station sent out a wireless broadcast in 360 degrees around its antenna,in certain frequencies, , each home had an antenna which picked up the signals from the station, an antenna on the roof, ,a wire went from the antenna to a receiver that brought these signals into your TV, this antenna system is called Analog,,
digital which most of us have now is a wired system, your cable,,, digital is a more precise system,,,working on dots of energy rather than waves .
V2K is similar to the analog system it uses antennas, thats why its so portable,,,
your cell phone each one has an antenna,, it transmits and receives, and has been used as harassment devices,,,I was told years ago it is an App.
V2K instead of broadcasting in a complete circle around the antenna, 360 degrees it only broadcasts in one degree, that is called directed energy,,,
From what I understand V2K is two frequencies one inside the other,,, it has a carrier frequency and the video and audio just like old fashioned TV,,, that has audio and video as well…
the carrier goes through walls and brings in the second frequency ill say thats the audio and video aspect,. for instance if you take a piece of paper and try to throw it through a window it won’t go.. but if you wrap it around a rock it will go through the window, this kinda works like that..
This is pulsed at your head with whatever information they want, they can make you howl at the moon, commit suicide , murder, thievery , and they walk away unscathed,,, they steal from us all the time.
The subconscious picks this pulsed information up and it registers with the subconscious as a command , this is what is overridden,, these are called triggers,,, pulses. The brain has the subconscious,, that has the flight or fight mode,,,on the plains of africa in our ancient paste we need to survive and that is how our mind was programmed,, other animals have it also. To alert the body to danger and have the mind make one quick decision, do I fight this or run,, “flight or fight.” This program, this aspect of our brain,
controls and overrides all else..
this is the basic element of our brain,,, our body, our selves,, the brain body does not think about it but instantaneously reacts without doubt,,, for instance if we see a car hurtling toward us, do we flight or fight..That kind of decision.
If you tap into this subconscious mode you control the person because these ideas sent to your brain via V2K superimposes itself over everything else,,,, and they control you, deTocqueville a French philosopher once said “If you control a mans habits you control the man.”
Woody Norris’s company ATC, AmericanTechnology corp,, has a office in Maine,, I went up to see them and they demonstrated LRAD and their version of audio spotlight,,, they called it HSS hypersonicsilentsound.
The military aspect does go through walls,,,We know this , we as targets experience this. V2K is also portable and long distance,, the pulse itself is a weapon. When you get hit with it,,, big pulse or pinpoint you feel beat up. It has force..
V2K can also be a beam and can stay on you for a while,,, I know they used to play movies as I went to sleep , and I would watch on the back of my eyelid, as they played different movies,, mostly fractals I always wondered if it had a hypnotic effect. I’m sure it did.
Triggers ae short intense pulses,, with audio sometimes video, with anything they want,,, for a command,,, these triggers work too, , I was triggered, My neighbor has a drive way and I was walking home from the bus stop,,, I took a right hand turn into this neighbors driveway,, I have never been on his property before or since,,, he was standing with this man and a little girl with white blond hair,,, I walked up to them commented on the little girls hair and walked away,, as I did , the man turned to my neighbor and said, “See I told you what she would say.” I heard him as I walked away.
That is how pulses/triggers work and it cane very serious,, car wrecks,,, leave your house unlocked so they can enter and steal anthill you own…
I want to finish this talk off with naming this program,,,
threat assessment group
Posted on November 26, 2012
I’m copy pasting this from here (://www.theblackvault.com/phpBB3/topic4814.html – link resource removed). It is great insight into how you could be targeted in the first place if you really haven’t had any conflicts, no real or perceived crime or terrorism connections. Even though these guidance is for academic institutions and universities it’s possible that local communities and municipalities have similar teams in place. Again no safeguards for accused to clear their name.
Many Targeted Individuals wonder how they could be placed on a list in the first place? Who has the power or the authority to do such a thing? If you live in a country such as the U.K. your local councils have this ability as displayed in the Jane Clift case. If you live in the U.S. or Canada it might be the task of what’s called a threat assessment team.
This team can be comprised of just a few individuals, to a team of many individuals. It depends on the company, educational facility, or community they are representing and what the specific needs are.
Some examples include members of Human Resource, Police Officers, Psychiatrists, Mental Health Professionals, Senior members of the department or division. In some cases there might be just a small team, who then liaison with various other departments. The team members are pre selected, so the team is already in place. The team should generally be trained in assessing workplace violence, violence on campus, what to do, who to call, and they might also be trained in profiling an individual, to enable them to make an assessment of wither an individual is a threat vs a none threat to the environment around them.
The threat assessment teams and who they are comprised of seem to make no concessions or allowances for being evaluated by a team of peers. Eg. In court cases they try to encourage a variety of jurors, so that a person being judged can be evaluated by a peer of their jurors. This in theory allows for fairer trials and outcomes. With the threat assessment teams there are no such guidelines for who the team is comprised of, or what the make up of the team should be. This may or may not account for why the Targeted Individual community has seen an above average targeting of females and minorities. In addition dissenters such as whistle-blowers, extremist site members, and conspiracy site members are also starting to show up above average.
Once in place the team is ready to take tips from the community around them. Generally the team will liaison with Human Resources, The police, Employee Assistance Program, Mental health, and when a report comes in they use these other resources to assist with their assessment of the Target.
Reports can be filed via a form, the reports can be filed anonymously. This means that the person making the accusation need not have any accountability for making a false report. This might not be the case in every area, but in most of the threat assessment guidelines I came across, reports could be filed anonymously. Keep in mind that report are likely primarily initiated by human resources, campus resources, etc. However anonymous reporting of any kind leaves an organization open to abuses of the system that might be difficult to identify or remedy.
Posted on November 20, 2012
Another little discussed police doctrine is “third party policing” that has been around for quite some time and described as a major shift in contemporary crime control practices. The purpose of it is to shift policing to new state where ” regulation becomes a layered web, with strands contributed by public agencies, professional and community organisations and individuals, and increasingly international organisations as part of globalised regulatory networks (Braithwaite & Drahos 2000). In essence it’s a global network of police informants where person has no choice, but to comply or else. Maybe snitch is not a right word – if it’s a new norm of forced public duty.